Are you ready to admit that Sonic Adventure 1 is still quite a solid game and much better gameplay and level design...

Are you ready to admit that Sonic Adventure 1 is still quite a solid game and much better gameplay and level design wise than Adventure 2?

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yea thats what ive always thought, especially in regards to level design
2 has the better controls and physics generally, but is worse in almost every other way

SA is a solid game but it does not do anything better than SA2.

After playing SA2 throughly and having got most of the A ranks, 2 is a fun time but there's too much jank to be as great as everyone says it is and the chao gardens are too slow.
Gammas levels are better solely for the fact they don't ask you to collect 100 rings as tails

Spamdashing is way too fun and most, if not all levels in Adventure do great in having tons of shortcuts you can do when you play it well. Compared to Adventure 2 where basically every level aside from Final Rush is very very linear

>Are you ready to admit that Sonic Adventure 1 is still quite a solid game and much better gameplay and level design wise than Adventure 2?
Yeah, I grew up with Adventure 2 Battle and used to always think Adventure 1 was weird/bad in comparison, but I've played through both recently and Adventure 1 really delivers on the ADVENTURE in the title and is actually a much better game overall.

I'm more or less convinced that Adventure 1 was retroactively so tarnished by Sonic's dark age and Sonic 06 that people forgot they were good.

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spamdashing is very fun but if we're being impartial, sa2 limiting it is a good thing

part of it is also the ports of ports making the game increasingly buggy with each new re-release

>part of it is also the ports of ports making the game increasingly buggy with each new re-release
Yeah, that definitely didn't help Sonic Adventures legacy either.

Nope. I'm happy being an anti SA1/2 fag now. It makes me the most happiest.

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I played through Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 recently for the first time and I much, much prefer Sonic Adventure 1 to 2.

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The more I play it the more I feel like SA2 actively tries to gimp the player's experience after SA1
>mech stages aren't nearly as fun as Gamma's stages
>somersault added to discourage spindash use
>emerald radar now encourages backtracking through stages
The light dash being instant was a lovely fix however

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>quite a solid game
uh sure
>much better gameplay and level design wise than Adventure 2
no way

>mech stages aren't nearly as fun as Gamma's stages
that's a load of shit and you know it
it's one thing to say Gamma controls better than mechs, but the stage design for Gamma in SA1 is trash you don't even need to engage with.

This, Gamma stages just feel like unmemorable blurs. I can still remember the layouts for a solid chunk of Tails and Eggman stages.

Sonic's mechanics from SA1 are basically the perfect way to do 3D Sonic. It's a bit rough and could use refinement, but it's what Sonic Team should have been basing every game from then on on, a la Mario 64 and Mario.
Sadly, they quickly removed and/or gimped what made it fun (spindash and semi-open levels with skips and multiple paths) starting with the changes to Windy Valley from the beta. SA2 was the first major step, making everything far more linear, and the disgusting boost gameplay is its logical conclusion.
I can only hope and dream that Frontiers takes at least SOMETHING from SA1's mechanics with its open world, but we all know it'll just be boosting in a big map.

yeah, I dont like how SA2's stages were just hallways

Fuck the classics
Fuck "Boost" gameplay
Fuck Sonic Mania Ian Flynn and Tyson Hess

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Yeah, the issue with gimping the spindash is that was kind of the only "deep" or skill interaction involved in controlling sonic in the adventure games. All of the physics interactions in the classics have been removed so there's really nothing left to exploit at that point.

>tiny corridors with camera problems
>all jumps are no more than 2 feet high and often make platforming irritating
>little to no options for exploration
If SA2 had more levels like Cosmic Wall I'd agree but I just see things differently.

I'll go even further
this game SHITS on mario 64

I've never played a sonic game outside of the first one which I didn't finish (played it at a friends as a kid). Is Sonic Adventures DX worth trying?

Sonic Adventure sucks and is janky as shit

No, I'm ready to admit both are fantastic games and that choosing one over the other is retarded and low IQ.

Eggman's final level > Gamma >>> rest of Eggman's levels >>> Shit >>> Tails levels.

Fact. Final level of Eggman has the best conrols for mechshit, most passable level design for mechshit (Mostly open and less precised) and finally, has sections better designed for mindless casualized spam laser shit.

The collision detection alone makes these shit mechshit levels bad, but Tails is objectively more broken for some god forsaken reason.

There's things to enjoy about it, but it's aged. People who are new to the series are better off starting with Sonic Generations, which is ironic considering it's a celebration game. It's just the most solid Sonic game, though.

i think windy valley change was because the dreamcast couldn't run it
its sad because that level shows that they very clearly understood how to translate the gameplay to 3d, it was just rough because of hardware limitations.
i dont know what the fuck happened between sa1 and 2 but its like they completely forgot what the gameplay is supposed to be like

Is it me or does he control better in 1 than 2 as well?

why did the sonic plot escalate to fighting demigods so fast?

>t. Sonic Advance series fan.

not as a first sonic game unless you're adamant about it
play the 2d ones. mania, 2, or 3&K are the best places to start. theyre genuinely great games and the only games that the fanbase unanimously agree are good. highly replayable, perfect movement and physics with very high skill ceiling, non-linear level design with many different routes and skips.
by a lot of fans the quality of the 3d games is measured by how well they translate the appeal of the 2d games. adventure 1 is the closest but even thats only like halfway there.
generations is great but its a different thing that stands on its own. the boost games don't even attempt to have the same gameplay

Because Eggman literally blew his load by the end of S3&K by making a Death Star.
There wasn't much else to do.

the 2d sonic games have no story, though

I thought finding character upgrades in secret portions of past levels was super innovative and I'm surprised no other game has done it like this since.

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Sonic 2/CD and onwards 100% do, just no VA.

Autismo the hedgehog

It's fucking Metroid what are you on about?
Also it's not very "secret" when litearlly all of them are needed to progress in the game in the first place. I honestly hate how overrated this feature is in SA1/2, since they only work if you don't need them to beat the game. If they aid in extra actual secret content instead of mandatory travel then I'd agree they should have stated a mainstay.

This is true. Sonic Adventure 2 levels seem like they were all designed in a mod engine.

>you are now aware that Wild Canyon and Dry Lagoon are the same level

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Rouge and Tails were late additions to the game to make each story have the same amount of each gameplay style, if I'm not mistaken, so it makes sense.
It's also why Tails' levels all suck.

to me the perfect 3D Sonic game would basically be Adventure 1's level design philosophy with Adventure 2's control and moveset

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sonic if he real

You just realized this? Almost every stage has basically another version of itself for a different character to reuse assets. I think only Aquatic Mine wasn't rehashed.

SA2 had better gameplay levels but SA1 connected the world better.

I've always said SA1 is better than SA2

Improved Chao garden makes 2 better

Only Wild Canyon and Dry Lagoon are completely isomorphic, with the only different being how you get from one section to the other: updraft/holes in ground vs. turtle.

In the next Sonic, Eggman makes the Egg Dyson Sphere and ascends into a Stage III civilization

Attached: Dsyon Sphere.png (1920x1080, 1.36M)

SA2 states felt not only more linear by comparison but a lot more interchangeable and blocky. A ton of SA2 stages felt like a bunch of squares put together rather than something more organically designed like SA1 levels

That actually sounds great.

Yeah but SA2 chao garden >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SA1 chao garden

yeah sa2 has a lot of repeating setpieces and segments of level
plus almost all of them are hanging over a bottomless pit
you can tell sa2 used modular assets a lot more whereas in sa1 they handcrafted each part of the level for the most part

Based chao enjoyer

SA2 had a wierdly deep story for a kid's game that people are nostalgic for, better presentation, ost, voice acting, and all of the playable characters had purpose unlike, say, Big, and it had animations even if some of them are cringe and out of no where like Eggman scratching his fucking ass, SA1 had better level design at times I guess?

SA2 to me felt like the levels were designed around thr 4 cardinal directions aka the levels mainly have right turns or straight corridors. The pyramid level is the only notable exception I could think of in those tunnel srgments

It was always the better game. The only ones that day 2 is good are zoomer faggots.

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>Sonic is black after all

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Didn't SA2 plot rip off some obscure OVA?

>The collision detection alone makes these shit mechshit levels bad, but Tails is objectively more broken for some god forsaken reason.
Hitboxes maybe? Were they copy pasted from Eggman despite the different model. Eggman was originally the only mech character.

SA1 is better but more people like SA2

I have never once heard about this. I tried looking this up with no results. The closest thing I can think of like this is Kill la Kill having many similarities to Sonic Adventure 2. If anybody has sources I need to see this.

I'm almost certain that's exactly the problem I just didn't meantion it in my post. I think that's exactly the issue, that they didn't reconfigure the shape of the hitbox so when you think you're not touching the wall you are and then you plummet like a fucking tank into the bottomless pit or get stuck on a platform.

Sonic's physics and controls are better in 1. The only real improvement SA2 had was the bounce, everything else feels worse. Especially the shitty spindash jump delay.

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The Shadow and Maria thing was stated by Maekawa to be inspired by some romance ova.
Install that. SA1 kept getting shitty ports of the previous shitty port so the Steam release is fucked. Sonic autists fixed it though.

SA2 did the whole Ultimate Life Form bit and if Sonic's the Ultimate Life Form, gotta make him fight gods so he has a challenge.

Some Sonic Retro autists imply SA2 mirrors a lot of plot points from Nadia: Secret of Blue Water.

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