Yea Forums feels so reddit nowadays, so many fans handwave away the significance of DMC1 it's insane.
Every entry after 3 was casualized.
Dante's personality after 3 was tiring(very leddit) and honestly he became uncool. Style switching was a mistake, 3 played perfectly fine with 1 style.
i like DmC
I'm sorry, you gotta go back.
based, DMC4 ruined the series and Nero was a mistake.
no i belong here actually
I played DMC1 and DMC2 back to back and like them both. After taking a break and jumping back into DMC3 I realized I'm probably just too casual for later entries because the red and blue guys at the top of the tower filtered me hard. The first two games had a certain early 2000s capcom weight to the fighting (excuse me sucking at articulating that better) that I really git into.
style switching hurts my brain :(
Everything is Reddit now, deal with it.
you are weak get stronger
Alright how do you belong here? Prove it.
>Filtered by AGNI AND RUDRA
How? Just time your sword swings and you'll see victory.
bwuuuuuuuuuh D:
style switch sucks because in order to balance it each style is significantly weaker than in 3
I don't know man, are they considered much easier or harder than anything in the prior two games? I just died for a bit and called it a good point to take a break from the series. (Beat the first two in pretty much three sittings, with the latter half of DMC1 and first chunk of DMC2 in the middle there so I'm not exaggerating when I say I seriously played them back to back)
No way, I refuse to believe it.
Sadly, It would explain alot. Very few on this board knows what VJ even is(even fewer have played it), and the other half mindlessly hates on directors like Kamiya while propping up fags like Todd. This board now parades ASSCREED of all things as a worthwhile series to get into.
Dante's personality was always cringy tryhard over the top. Shut the fuck up nostalgia faggot
you literally just swing at the same time as they do to counter them, they take about 12 years to wind up their attack, and are in fact the single easiest bosses in the game
What version of 3 are you playing?
You didn't play 1.
He had nothing to prove and that's what I liked about him. "Flock off" is far much more impactful than anything he did in 4 or 5. The later DMC games(beside 3) have never caught on to that.
Besides what are you even doing here, go back to some other crappy thread we're talking about videogames here, not ERP thread #888
are they really more challenging than cerberus for you?
that's only the case in 4, they're plenty strong in V. the biggest issue is that we no longer see styles outside of the standards, no quicksilver/doppelganger.
devil may cry's rockin dont come in knocking baybeee yeah!
Pick swordmaster and spam the action button, or just use cerberus and revolver away (the spinny move) you'll parry them 100% guaranteed everytime and then you just hack away, the tip is to lower both of their healths respectively because once you kill one the other goes ultra instinct on your ass and you wanna have him as low as one bullet shot for an easy clean kill.
He only says that after beating DMD.
so? hope you don't imply that that means that it isn't canon
No, just that it's something a little extra silly after beating the hardest difficulty. Not something that happens all the time and a lot of people would probably never hear it if someone didn't tell them and they watched a video of it.
Dante doesn't even have a personality in 1 or 2. He's a doorknob. They finally gave him one in 3.
What's it like knowing you have the litteral bottom teir taste in the fanbase. DmC aged like a fine whine. This place is still embarrassed about it
not that guy but that doesn't somehow negate the characterization that brings you know
A tourist such as yourself haven't played 1. If you didn't finish 1 you don't have an opinion.
>1 Dante didn't have a personality
When will this retarded secondary meme die already?
A tourist such as yourself haven't played 1. If you didn't finish 1 you don't have an opinion on ANY DMC.
It's just minor compared to him constantly doing stuff like that in the later games.
DmC aged like shit dude.
Sorry to burst your bubble. Shit combat, shit everything. VJ mogs it to oblivion.
no argument, Now
hush and go play 1.
Sorry that PS3 and 4 moviegames and VNs have fried Yea Forums's perception of what personality is.
not him but DmC age good
combat is better then v and better story
Big bait.
Alright I'll bite, how is it better than V in combat(I haven't got to it yet)
i've played it and lines wise 1 and 3 are not drastically different. It's just dante having very few lines creating this illusion of him being more grounded
tone wise, plane conveniently appearing out of nowhere for dante and trish to escape is also equally as wacky as dante killing demons using a motorcycle in 3
you didnt give me a (you) so i wont explain why
>Every entry after 3 was casualized.
3 was already casual.
You poor dumb animal. Fantastic combat (tho still low for the series) after the ultimate edition fixed the score system. Best platforming in the series. Only story that isn't absolutly retarded. Some genuinely funny diologe went right over the autist head of this place (fuck you). Get to see Dante and Virgil actually interact like brothers. Best girl. Gave the finger to retards like you when the white wig scene.
God it feels so good to be right after all these years
all the styles are stronger in 5 than they've ever been before
DmC is better than DMC
State of Yea Forums. Less is more user, sorry to burst your bubble. There is no illusion, he is more grounded than 3 and is honestly just as enjoyable. Sorry dude, I'm just tired of this notion on Yea Forums that more dialogue is a good thing when it really isn't restraint in useful. I'm doubly tired of all these games who try to be cool and have all these quips every 8 minutes. No, you weren't cool the first time nor were your quips memorable.
Shut up both of you.
Explain yourself. how is it better than V combat wise?
you are filling in the blanks for dante's personality since he has almost none other than wanting to fuck his mother's look alike. sorry dude.
It's literally the least casual entry in dmc faggot, post your combo webms or get lost.
Being a DMC1 purist is a telltale sign of schizophrenia.
Just tired of people underselling 1 thats all.
buzzword, also no.
Spoiler: DMC is a niche product. It's single player combos with difficulty tuned into trial and error. Crazy amounts of inputs but only 2-3 rhythms that work on a respectable difficulty.
It's stupid funny in 1 and oldhat Japanese anime absurdism every other time.
Next game will probably gacha pull combos instead of red orbs. Weebs respond better to a gamble n waifus than dorky 90's attitude.
This. It's literally the same thing as Half Life 2 where the game was amazing when it came out and it had a huge impact on other games, but it's been 20 fucking years, both games have aged like absolute shit.
Games don't truly age, only the environment/industry does.
>"dude DMC1 Dante was a silent badass he wasn't cringe"
>Kamiya proceeds to make characters that are a hundred times more wacky and cringe than anything in DMC
DMC 1 shits all over 3
Absolutely retarded auto-lock on in combat, having to pause and sit through slow inputs when switching guns, barely any moves/combos, "I should've been the one to fill your dark soul WITH LIIIIIGHT", the completely out-of-place first phase of the Mundus fight, ugly animations. The only thing that holds up in 1 is the atmosphere and the fact that you can backtrack nearly the whole map but that's all thanks to Resident Evil in the first place.
I prefer the classic DMC3 experience where you had to pick and stick to a style
forgot to add you also can't play as Vergil, fuck you
I think that was my issue, I'd kill one and dude #2 would just be like not today nigga.
Apparently? I won't be that guy to make excuses that SHIT GAME is why I can't beat it, I only played a little DMC2 growing up when a buddy across the street rented it and grew up more of a fps/platformer/rpg guy so getting the HD collection on sale was my first real try dipping my toes into this style of action game. They're fun as fuck don't get me wrong but just not my go-to. I'll take what you anons have said and put it to use before too long when I get that itch to go at it again, thanks for not being total snooty "git gud faggot" types when it sounds like I'm well within getting laughed at by the general fanbase.
Filtered HARD.
Mundus1 is a great fight, the most unique in the series.
>barely any moves
Bloating the weapons with 5trillion moves is not nearly as fun as having a few moves which all see some usefulness in its runtime. There is a such thing as too many options.(1 and 3 are the only games that nailed it honestly) Logic tells us that an action game should be 100% action, but Intuition tells us we can only do something for so long before we get lazy and slip up. Games are allowed to have variety, you've got accustomed to the core combat already, so throwing you a different segment is another way to challenge the player. This "CORE GAMEPLAY ONLY" mentality has sucked the soul out of most releases and games as a whole. It gets repetitive fast, trust me.