Games that will be bad, guaranteed

Games that will be bad, guaranteed

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Other urls found in this thread:

>prince of persia: the sands of time remake
>vampire: the masquerade: bloodlines 2

My guess is that it will be about the same as V but the crowd will turn for no reason other than they actually hated V without knowing at the time


Elder Scrolls VI

eternal reminder that the old leak about the two protagonists, the Mexican guy and the butch black female that looks like Leslie Jones, are 100% real

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flop written all over it

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It's a shame. This game looks very interesting too.

It will be hard for gta 6 to flop. GTA 5 still is massively successful

GTA VI will outsell GTA V and be the most profitable entertainment product of all time, topping GTA V as the bearer of that title
it will objectively be shit though, just like GTA V is

we are talking of games being actually good, doesn't matter if they sell well
GTA V was a success but it's was boring as fuck

Bad why? Because it will be woke and save all it's best content for online only?

Why does Yea Forums swear by GTA 5 being shit? I'm playing it for the first time and it's pretty good. More proof Yea Forums doesn't actually play video games and just hates what's popular

If they improve how police and crime behave to not be so basic then I'd buy it. Bring back gang turf and income instead of just vomiting boatloads of cash every mission.

Good for you, I don't enjoy slogs

GTA is the one series where Woman protag will never fucking ever work and even more so with how gelded rockstar is in modern times. Imagine an entire game where you play Sadie and the supporting cast treat you like out of character Arthur does. It would be brutally mocked.

You enjoy your mother though don't you?

This will be like Deathloop.

Journalists will plaster it with 10/10s because its woke while the reat of the gaming world ignores it or tries and drops it

How would it not work?

Marvel games with budget actors, then Balan Trannyland, then Babylon's absolute fall, and now this. How could they be so tone deaf about what do gamers want?

it's been heavily rumored that there are two protagonists, one male and one female
I know it's ancient at this point but the GTA series has had a playable female at one point too
it'll be stupid as fuck to fight people two to three times bigger than you and win, but that's games for ya

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak


the new saints row

The game is fun, but the story and characters are dogshit

oh no
wat do we do?!?!?!?!?!

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oh no no no
Would rockstar be that stupid?


post the leak

it was this one:
pretty sure it lined up with some map leaks which came out much later, and then there was rumors about the guy working with a Leslie Jones looking bitch who would also be playable

>game set back in modern Liberty City

stopped reading right there

am I the only one tired of le California lifestyle in gta games

Metroid Prime 4

Rockstar has gotten stupidly woke so it doesn't surprise me one bit.


Look at RDR2.

Accurate depiction of America, I hope they give Jews a more prominent role

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>We want to build an (((Empowered))) community
>Tranny Devs
>Owned by (((Riot Games)))
I was looking forwards to an actually good sandbox game for modding but I guess the trailer was too good to be true

Christ, they fell victim to the tranny plague too?

Fuck sakes, I wanted a good minecraft replacement.

ive personally argued for a black, ugly fermale gta protag, ever since i played gta 4.
elizabeta torres. perfect choice.
if rockstar had balls, they would make her the new, next, main character...

and have her being a complete, utter piece of shit. you want women, you want equality? guess what, its a franchise about fucking psychopaths who murder, lie, steal and rob. id play that black bitch if she was a fuckin piece of work, it could be fantastic.

(they wont, tho)

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Don't forget the inevitable Valorant-style rootkit and needing to make a Riot Games account just to play Cube World 2.0

Will we ever see a good Minecraft successor?

Yes. I will make it.

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Can I even say you tried?

Are you making it now? Please release it in the next few years if so.

Next game needs to be more like 4 than 5, if its going to have any chance at succeeding

could be based if you play as minorities in some dystopian shithole committing crimes

no. its for me, and me only.

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OH NO NO NO VIbros...

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>its a franchise about fucking psychopaths who murder, lie, steal and rob.
But at least they won't be racist or sexist...!

Deathloop wasn't even woke. The game is pretty alright shooter with different ways to kill your enemies, but it was far from woke and was pretty alright. 7/10 (C).

Nice angle: didnt think about that possible script; also another great candidate would be the haitian lady that fed tommy the spiked tea Nd had him doing missions
But you definitely knocked it out the park given the topic

Nothing we can do.

90% of the sales will come from zoomers, twitch thots, and trannies. I hope it fails but it's unlikely.

I just wish it had been made by another studio, I really liked the concept, but I sorta wish it had been more grounded. And maybe less of a normal shooter.

It'll be about the quality of 3 to be honest. Not good, but I think it's really being overblown.

>It's 2033
>in honor of GTAV's 23th re-release
>they finally release GTAVI
>it's an episodic game
>game episodes are released every 3 years
>theres only 2 episode for some reason
>theres a trans character that never gets any notice or made fun of and has no bearing to the story
>BLM mission where you have to be the good guy
>trump mission
>GTA Online has over 200 updates and DLC content
>Game gets further censored down the line after 2 people complained on twitter
>Rockstar shuts down soon after
>Bought by EA

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No lazlow. No buy.

All i wanted was manhunt 3 or bully 2. None of these are ever happening though

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umm bigot much???
lazlow is a dead name, it's lezlie now

play it completely straight and as unsympathetic as possible. she doesnt care if you think shes black, she doesnt care that shes black, but she will scream at you and pull the black race card. no fucks given, she has a goal and she will use anything shes got at her disposal to get what she wants. same with the haitian, she could drop the "im just a dum foriegner who do not know where i am", but its just her, strong arming her way into whatever situation they have to get to. it could be darkly funny.