Ready for Raizex's (and some other pointless monsters) game?

Ready for Raizex's (and some other pointless monsters) game?

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Classic MH chads....we're finally home.

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Any required shit in village quests or can I jump straight into the hub?

>implying Steve isn't looking for that wyvern pussy again

thanks for killing monster hunter, tendies.

Raths are basically the pidgeons of the MH verse. Makes me a bit sad, hunting my first Rathian in Tri felt so afuckign awesome.

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You can jump right in.

Are Swap Evades going to be exclusive to certain weapons? It's hard to imagine Lance/GL flipping around like that.

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that would be dumb user they can just hop


If they don't give armor sets to the apex monsters I'll be fucking pissed and send hate mail to Capcom calling them niggers.

>Rise uncucked Kushala
>Rise uncucked Basarios
>Rise uncucked Bazel

Seregios will finally not be a disappointment. In retrospect, Rise is probably the only MH without a signle shitmon.

Rathian the village bicycle

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>Rise is probably the only MH without a signle shitmon.
Khezu says hello

Somnacanth is pretty boring desu

I hate Almudron. That's it really.

You forgot about how it unfucked Tobi, Anja and Jyura.

I don't like the mud dragon. Mostly because its so big that my camera often gets stuck inside of it.

Seregios is conceptually cool; it bleeds you and then harasses you until yuo bleed out, just like some predators IRL.

Problem is Seregios can't bleed you because you can roll AFTER you get hit and avoid the bleed effect.

>finally got Seregios back
>gunner armor dead
Holy fuck I got monkey pawed.

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What will his subspecies be like?

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Orange with big jaws

Aurora looks awesome, we need more sliding monsters. They always throw me off with theri repositioning.

makes me wish they would bring Najarala back in

Why's it gotta be a low tier monster? These attacks are so cool.

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Is it worth it to double dip for 15 bucks?

>malzeno goes super mode if you get succ'd

Isn't that just devour attacks from god eater 3? Not that I'm complaining, that was a cool mechanic

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Depends, do you have irl friends that play it?

I like how seregios is always bullying rathian
khezu is still boring and inferior to gigginox. at least basarios got some of gravios' shit rolled into it.

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All you can hope for is a garuga like aknoswan.

It's more like Gore if you don't fight off the frenzy.

no, they aren't interested in MH

Khezu is sovlmon

Then go for it.

i'll look similar to that plushie the new quest girl has. inflated all the time and having similar rock abilities to Tetsucabra

>(Haven't seen Hanta-san in a while.)
>(He's not cheating on me with that feather bitch, is he?)

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is the community more active on PC or Switch? it would suck if Sunrise came out and either platform is dead

All the coomer shit aside. That attack looks really cool.

it's pretty active on PC. less active than world but still has a lot of players.

>is the community more active on PC or Switch?
Switch, I think. But it's not dead by any means and will get much more populated once Sunbreak drops, I reckon.

Switch is way more active. PC is pretty much dead.

I'd say it's more active on switch, not many people double dipped but that's not to say pc isn't active.


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Soulseer Mizutsune only enrages if you get bubble'd. Probably the easiest devaint if you keep on your toes.

PC has already dipped below World which is several years old at this point. Switch has sold over 7 million while PC barely passed half a million so if you care about community then Switch by far.

Jyura didn't get unfucked, it just got made differently fucked
>World Jyura is spends most of its time on the floor and is so easy it may as well not even exist
>Rise Jyura is basically just Plesioth-lite
Both are boring shitmons in their own ways.

Seregios looks really fucking fast
He was always fast, but I guess it's to keep up with the hunters now.

I don't give a shit what those numbers say. If you try to join a hunt that is not a popular farming hunt your join request will just timeout, and if you start the hunt yourself you will finish it alone because nobody will join you.

>the designated warudo shitter 3
I don’t care either way.

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This pleases me. Yes, improve upon my favorite flagship more.

>Rise Jyura is basically just Plesioth-lite
Plesioth is a good monster though. What's the problem?

Its a much shittier Plesioth

None of the piscine wyverns are good.

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Cephadrome>>>ur favorite shitmon

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cephadrome is hilariously weak

In relation to leviathans, they’re basically like what bird wyverns are to flying wyverns. Cheap, often weaker knock-offs.

The only one I don't like is Lavasioth.
Plessy, Jyuratodus, and Beotodus are all fine in my book.

3U plesioth is decent because of water mixing up the gameplay and being able to chase him properly

I just realized Bishaten is based on M. Bison. He has the scissor kicks (which he spams) and the torpedo.

You mean get hit by the sweeping beam because they borked the vertical underwater controls (which worked perfectly fine in Tri despite the Wiimote having a third as many buttons)

>agnaktor is cucked out of world and replaced with lavasioth
>agnaktor is cucked out of rise and replaced with magma almudron
it's not fair

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I feel like the series just went to shit its just not as fun anymore

Sounds like a personal problem.

Piscine Wyverns could really use their own Garuga equivalent. The whole classification in general is pretty underutilized and could stand to be made more distinct from Leviathans.

rise is fun even if it's no longer a hunting sim like the series started out as

They could’ve easily done an Agnaktor vs Lavasioth turf war. Just say some shit like “Lavasioth often prey of Uroktor & clash with Agnaktor” or something.


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>Uroktor in game
>Agnaktor not in game
Shit like this kinda bothers me. The same way Jagras is in game but not Great Jagras.