Play Warhammer III!

Play Warhammer III!

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In 4-5 months

>Reviews: Overwhelmingly Negative
>trying to peddle another $90 copy-paste TW game
lol no
>make game centered about the literallywho factions
>its not as hyped
who would had thunk it

Is mortal empires out yet?

I'd rather play atilla or medieval 2

No immortal empires till 2023.
What the FUCK were they THINKING

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immortal empires is august or september.

>Believing CA lies

Immortal Empires beta* whatever the fuck that means and I doubt they won't push that back. In for a penny in for a pound.

if it's any consolation I'll play warhammer II if you buy it for me

link your steam account

more people are playing 2 now

Is the crack out yet?

Not until Thanquol's in


Not until Immortal Empires is released. That is the real game. Nobody cares about this Vortex or Bear God stuff, they want to take over the whole world.

>Game is going to get Immortal empires beta (Alpha), blood DLC, 1 DLC pack and is gonna get 3 chinkdom'd afterward.

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I always get a chuckle thinking about how they were probably so high on themselves sure everyone would love their RTS bullshit or their snoozefest story only to be shat on from every direction with "where IE" while the game tanks. Could only hope they'd eat this humble pie instead of running and crying but that probably won't happen.

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Volound-sama..... i kneel

Good, sooner we can get to total warhammer: age of sigmar

It's impossible for this game to go the way of 3K. The only reason WH3 exists is to pump out DLC for the next 5-10 years. This start is just ridiculous.


If this garbage on fire that was supposed to be full game turned out to be "beta" at best then IE "beta" is going to be some sort of early development bullshit, not even alpha. Enjoy being unpaid tester. In middle of 2023 if they dont three kingdom it, the game might have a chance to be really, really good tho

Unironically 2 is better currently

I pre-ordered at full price

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It means it will be a bug ridden mess. Realistically this game isn't going to be playable for another 9 to 12 months.

>I pre-ordered at full price
lmao even

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The thing is that the tutorial is actually great despite being story focused since it calls back to classic RTS campaigns with its linearity and story focus. So CA are capable of making story driven campaigns, they just completely bungled this one.

Imagine paying for western trash then, lmao.

Me too... But shouldnt it be 32%? I filled my negative review few moments ago and it used to be 32% at that time.

>handhold tutorial
kill yourself immediately.

That prologue was just front loading the game with polished content so that Professional Video Game Reviewers would start the game on a high note. I didn't even touch that shit and just started with a regular campaign.

It's not even completely bungled user. People just give 0 fucks just like they gave 0 fucks about any Vortex campaign post Mortal Empires release, only a month after WH2 I might add. That they thought so highly of themselves is the hilarious part. I never gave one iota of a fuck about their stories because that's not what ME, which became the main draw instantly, fosters. And these nigs unironically thought the praise was for their craft. Hilarious.

In a perfect world, IE would have been the main campaign and then future DLC would have had little campaigns like the tutorial that were narratively rich. The fact that Realms of Chaos is the main campaign (like Vortex in 2) does not bode well for the future. It cannot be fixed, but every DLC will have to incorporate it in some form. Even if future DLC lords ignore the Realms mechanic, it's still a boring map to play on. WH2's vortex map is gorgeous.

No, thanks.

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Maybe when Immortal Empires gets added.

W3 wont be in a playable (unmodded) state until 2024, that is if CA do not abandon it by then.

It's mindblowing to think of how much damage the person that came up with the Realm of Souls campaign caused. All they had to do was create a nice map with fun objectives for each race and then release the full immortal empires map a month or two later. That was all anyone was expecting from CA and every single player metric and polling result from WHII players told them this for 5 years. And for some reason, some dickhead marketing cunt came up with this idea, sucked the right cock to make it happen, and the whole franchise went out the window.

What's particularly frustrating is that many of the major YouTubers (particularly Legend) have openly said that they told CA multiple times during their early access that RoC is seriously flawed and none of their concerns were acknowledged. Hell, months before release we saw that domination battle shit and nobody liked it and they did nothing to fix it. The main dev team is run by smoothbrains.

>The cataclysmic conclusion TW
As the Great Plan foretold, TW3 is a cataclysm!

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All they had to do was take WH 2 with all the improvements they already made to that base. And work on that fucking game. And not decide to go fucking decades back in the engine and reintroduce garbage bugs and sluggish combat from TW 1.
Why is it so hard to understand that they were supposed to iterate and improve on what they already had. And not tear it down just beacause the new game had to be different otherwise people would compare it to WH 2 too much.

I just didn’t want to buy the ogres later down the line……


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The only way their concerns were acknowledged was that CA went and added a line to their NDA saying "you cannot give your personal impressions of the quality of the game, good or bad". Go back to one of Legend's prerelease streams and look at how many times someone in chat asks him "is the game good?" and he has to dodge the question despite knowing he hates it.

legit why?
did you all only start playing video games yesterday?

you forgot

When they fucking add the mod tools

Just ogres desu, which is funny since it would be cheaper to get them both now. Also didn't expect 6+ month wait for IE. ME was only a month so there was no real warning for this. I'm fine replaying some Miyazaki kino right now tho and this game has no chance of dying so whatever. DLC gets the cream this time though since they wanna be faggots.

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>They didn't try it out with Jewpass

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>there was no real warning for this
How about this:
Don't pre-order.

>He was right all along

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You have to be 18 to post here fag. I bought it literally hours before it released and put 155 hours into it. There will be more so its whatever. I only really lost like $15 and some pride here.

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>You have to be 18 to post here fag
Yeah which is why I'm surprised that you're buying a total war game at launch after 2013. Dumb fuck.

Again, over 100 hours in its shoddy state. I can play other things and wait for the real game.

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Lol no

No it'll be finished sometime early 2023

WH3's prerelease info made me diamond hard, with every bit of new info that dropped, it was constantly exceeding my expectations. I dreamed of four player co op so all my bros could play together, they announced eight players AND simultaneous turns. I expected the 9th LL to be Chaos Undivided, but I never could've imagined a fully customisable donut steel daemon prince. The roster and campaign mechanic blog posts were great, the trailers were great, the PvP tournament streams were great. And most of all, it was coming off of the back of WH2 which is one of my favourite games of all time. Yeah I feel retarded in hindsight, but at the time it felt like a slam dunk. Now it's a grim reminder that nothing is safe from being ruined at the last second.

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>the """""""""""good""""""""""""" guys are fantasy Russia and fantasy China
What did they mean by this?

those e-thots that got to play it early were right, it fucking sucked XD ^^

I will play it!*

*in 6 months when IE is out

I needed something to believe in. Something to keep me going. I needed hope.

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Preordered Three Kingdoms and had a blast, didn't care about this garbage because i already own Warhammer 1+2... no need for same game 3 times.