Waterfags need not apply.
What's Yea Forums's gamer fuel of choice?
Tea, warm milk if it's evening
Code Red. It's the only cherry drink that doesn't taste like medicine imo.
Water, idiot
drinking monsters gave me neurological damage and autonomic dysfunction
whatever the fuck they put in that shit isn't good for you
Currently sipping on two scoops of preworkout poured in a glass of whisky
bubble gum flavored, of course
Water, OP need not apply
fatfags ITT drinking their lives away with sugar garbage designed for children
/ss/ is the gigachad's fetish
fruit juice, usually pineapple
Water/milk/redbull(no sugar)/kvas
It's the ultimate boy's fantasy.
>Giving children energy drinks
Should be grounds for having your children taken away. Energy drink really fucks up kids even more than it fucks up teenagers and adults. It's literally worse than having your kid drink espresso.
Good choice
Reminder that the pain of kidney stones is from kidney to bladder, not bladder to toilet
t. knower
The ultimate proof that if god exists he's anything but benevolent.
Cola or ice tea.
How so? Yeah it has a lot of sugar and caffeine but caffeine seems to be relatively harmless. Is there anything in these drinks particularly bad?
Haven't drank an Energy Drink in 5 years or so.
>More sugar
>Even more sugar
>"wow this shit isn't good for you!"
Really? You're only just figuring this out? They should actually just call it retard drink instead of energy drink because you need to be pretty fucking retarded to drink that garbage.
Water, in my thermos. Haven't had any sugary drinks in over a year, but I do drink tea regularly with artificial sweetener. Lost over 50lbs alone because of those sodas.
been drinking iced tea daily my whole life
man when I get old it's gonna be fun
It's just a fat dose of caffeine and sugar/sweeteners, so not healthy in the long term or in high amounts. People are also retarded and combine it with binging alcohol.
I only drink sugar-free Monster when I really need to get something done.
oh yeah agree, didnt mean energy drinks but more so the nasty sodas and ultra sugary "fruit" juice
>Yeah it has a lot of sugar
This should be reason enough.
>and caffeine but caffeine seems to be relatively harmless
Are you fucking retarded? Caffeine is addictive as fuck and messes with your body's ability to regulate sleep.
Sparkling water. Wine on the weekends.
>literal "is coffee good for you" thread
Hot water with a slice of lemon
caffeine 150 mg
succinic acid 100 mg
ginseng tincture 5 ml
vitamin C 25 mg
omega 3 500 mg
root beer
What game hahaha
what's the easiest yet most satisfying meal that i could make
i hate cooking but i'm poor so i don't really have other options
Tap water, 4 ice cubes with the only intent to quench thirst.
It's a fucking travesty that 90% of "fruit juice" is actually just sugary mix of water and fruit-flavored concentrate.
i like this image, thank you sir
>waterfags need not apply
what about vitamin water
Goya "fruit nectar" is generally all natural but its loaded with fructose. Their passionfruit stuff specifically, is delicious but I feel like a sugar plum fairy drinking it
>warm milk
I don't understand people who do this. I tried it once and I don't know what I expected but it tasted exactly like milk that's been sitting out too long and got warm. Why the fuck do people decide to intentionally drink their milk like this?
after Friday it will be these things at least till i can wing myself off caffeine but im sick and tired of having nights where i just dont sleep
based dad
Water and tea
Occasionally soda
I always drink water alongside another drink to ensure optimum hydration alongside filtration
Energy drinks like monster and red bull are fucking shit. They give you energy and keep you awake, but your body quickly becomes accustomed to them.
This means the help they give not only has less impact over time, but also not drinking them makes you feel far worse than you were before you started drinking them.
You become reliant on them to feel normal after months of drinking them, it no longer even gives you any buzz.
How healthy is tea with artificial sweetners? Been drinking about a cup(8 ounces) a day for a while now and I'm wondering if it's healthy to keep doing so. I still drink water on the daily, milk or orange juice for breakfest whenever I get up early enough.
I've been drinking these every morning to start my day for like 3 years now. Are they awful for you? I imagine they're not that healthy but I just find them delicious.
Also apparently I am the only person under 60 who likes this stuff whenever I see them brought up it's either by old people or people calling those who drink them old people.
yup just like the vaccine, take that shit and the boosters and suddenly your immune system cannot fight on its own anymore
Chad dad
Sure, but sugar is only a problem if you take too much of it. Of course it's not healthy in the long run but I don't see how drinking an energy drink once will do much damage. Is it really worse than eating sweets? Back when I was a kid there were no energy drinks but plenty of sugar from sweets, donuts and juice. I guess you could drink monster zero?
>Caffeine is addictive and messes with the ability to regulate sleep
Well it really depends doesn't it? If I remember correctly caffeine has a half time of a few hours so drinking caffeine in the morning shouldn't have much of an effect on your sleep. Of course you don't want to become caffeine adapted, but it's not inherently bad for you.
I'd be more worried about Taurin.
Literally any answer other than water is retarded.
better aroma and easier on the stomach
forgot pic fuck my face
Pasta is the true lazy man's choice. Takes almost no prep and you can just kind of toss in whatever you like and it'll taste just fine. Also really easy to cook, it's something you can teach preteen children to make in an afternoon.
Tomatoes are generally cheap as fuck no matter where you live and you don't really need much else except maybe some onion, garlic, celery and cheese.
Lots of people get kidney stones in their late 20s or early 30s.
Drinking anything is not healthy, unless you have a microbiology lab at home and skills to test everything you drink
>>Be fit fag
>>avoid shit food, sugar and energy drinks
>>Love and crave the taste of regular redbull
caffeinated tea or any juice in the fridge
sometimes cold water
>easier on the stomach
Is this something I'm too white to understand?
I didn't know my grandma posted on Yea Forums
I like the other pic where she gets mating press impregnated by the shotas
pls don't make fun
>nut shake
>9 Gram of protein
>230 ml
Isn't that less than regular milk? In any case it's probably fine. I guess it's overpriced but it won't kill you
>every morning to start my day for like 3 years now
How are you even still alive? I... I'm sorry, user...
I just drink beer and mixed drinks constantly like the alcoholic I am
Usually water, sometimes green tea, coffee and if I want to unlock turbo autism I'll make some white vein kratom tea.
It's slightly nutritious but not as much as you think.
Plus liquid diet and protein powders generally cause bloating. Once I stopped ingesting them I noticed a huge difference.
Blue mountain dew on the weekends, water every other day.
I drink 4 sugar free monsters a day. I drink vodka every night. I eat twice a day. And I bench 200 lbs 5x5. Simple as
>Love and crave the taste of regular redbull
Just add some citric acid to your preworkout mix
Water and tea
>artifacts of the zone
>dad leaves girl with kids so they can do lewd thing with her
>he comes back to them playing board game and having a nice christmas
Bro you can’t say that and not post the sauce
Don't forget to "display all content" in the site settings
A lot of it also varies on genetic factors and possible kidney related anomalies and other factors outside just diet and choice of drinks. You could live like the healthiest motherfucker on the planet, but if you lose a lottery you might as well start getting ready to piss rocks.
you aren't healthy if you get a kidney stone
drink water motherfucker
These are made for people who have near no appetite due to age or illness, they are massive calorie bombs.
Why the fuck are you drinking those? eat normal food.
user you are already wet
(ywabawater 60%)
>If I remember correctly caffeine has a half time of a few hours
In adults. Kids are also far more susceptible to the addictive side effects
>Sure, but sugar is only a problem if you take too much of it.
The problem is that it's so utterly pervasive in our food stock that "getting too much of it" is really fucking easy even just eating "regular" food. Even basic shit like bread has a ton of sugar additives. Go to the nuts section in a grocery store and look at the ingredient listings, it's all full of added sugars, to fucking salted nuts.
>Is it really worse than eating sweets?
Yes. Much. Sweets are often an issue but its easier to moderate and portion out intake. Drinking a can of energy drink is worse than eating a whole bag of candy, doubly so because it's liquid rather than solid. It also doesn't really contain ANY of the nutrients our body needs so you keep feeling hungry unlike with (regular) candy. Now depending on where you live candy and chips have additives that suppress the chemicals that make you feel sated so you easily over-eat on them but shit like energy drink doesn't even need that garbage.
If it's any consolation I got kidney stones two or three times when I was 16-18.
Now I'm a boomer and haven't had any problems in over a decade.
Just quit all sugary drinks. Get accustomed to water + lemon juice or whatever suits your taste. Even coffee and energy drinks in MODERATION is ok. Just drink enough water.
>doesn’t understand something
>blames it on race
Nigger alert.
>Drinking 3 Monsters a day
>outliving all the retards that died at the age of 30 before Monster was invented
Checkmate waterfags