Xenoblade Thread

Look at these dorks

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Genuinely better than Rex and Pyra/Mythra. Used them for the rest of the game once they became playable and only stopped when Rex became the Master Driver

>becomes the most damaging pair in NG+
you love to see it

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>trannies still SEETHE about Xeno 2
You will NEVER be a woman, kek

You have no idea what you're talking about

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Based. I like all the two characters except Rex, Pyra, Mythra and Tora.

My nigga, Wulfric!

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Best boy, he just wants to help!

>wins the bossfight after 10 minutes in Xenoblade 2
>”Ackchyually, you’re not suppose to win this fight so look at this cutscene, where you are beaten up by the boss”
Unironically, fuck Xenoblade 2. Massive downgrade from the first game and X

Tora is the worst since you can see he has moments when he's good but since the writing in 2 is just not great he can't compete with Riki. Hell even his kids in Future Connected shit all over Tora.

Rex and Pyra/Mythra are fine enough I guess. They still feel a bit half-baked and I vastly preferred Malos by the time the game ended but I didn't really mind.

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I agree with you about Tora. The other three are just irritating, and do come off as half baked, and kind of unrealistically written.

You could make him once per chain and still be balanced.


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I liked Rex. I fucking hated Pyra and Mythra.

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New-ish clip
The japanese "fleeing" footage was slightly different.

Nia looks ANGRY!

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>can't compete with Riki
not to say Tora is great but I just don't get the whole love for Riki other than he is just goofy and nice, Riki had:
a funny introduction, a nice moment with Dunban, and an optional but nice H2H with Shulk, that's it, I don't remember Riki much at all aside from these three moments
personally I think Riki is overrated, still a decent party member but still a whatever character outside from being comic relief, still a better character than Sharla though

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It's why I hope 3 at least tones down on what they did for 2, having a comedy relief character is fine (Reyn and Riki are my favorite characters in 1 after all) but when it's to the point where that's all they have it gets to be too much. Pyra/Mythra's problem is more them just being kind of "there" for most of the game and feeling more like background characters or plot devices.

Rex gets a LOT better as the game goes on which I'm sure was the point of his character.

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I just love Monolith worlds so much, bros

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No, no. Look at THESE dorks

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>Names his crew after the Titan he fucking eviscerates
Malos was the fucking best.

I've never been bothered by Tora, but perhaps I'm grading on a curve after playing X and dealing with how godawful Tatsu was. Compared to that any Nopon character that carries his own weight and doesn't instigate problems whenever he's on-screen was a massive relief.

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Riki is dogshit, literally the worst imaginable character.
Only trannies defend him

>Family man
>Works hard to support his wife and children
>Hunts wild animals
>Eats meat
Trannies HATE Riki

>If there ever was a sequel to X Tatsu would be in it
Yeah maybe it's best the series stays dead

>all that is mentioned once
>no depth at all, at most a joke
Why do people massively exagerate these traits in Riki?

They didn’t play/pay attention to the game.

I played XC2 first, and constantly got told Riki is so much better because muh family.
And then I played it and saw that was all a lie.

XC2>XC1, btw

Here's the thing, I'd be fine if Tatsu's thing was that he started as this selfish, arrogant, shit-talking, retarded, cowardly little shithead but had to grow into an actual heroic character through the events of the game, but that doesn't happen. X's characters as a whole are pretty static but Tatsu is the worst of the lot due to having zero redeeming features in the first place. He's everything people hate about video game sidekicks condensed into one despicable ball of loathing.

Smashniggers didnt play either game and just vastly bullshit nonsense they heard like a giant game of telephone.

My favorite is people claiming Shulk is a hot blooded manly protag

It's weird since Tatsu's behavior really doesn't justify the shit the other characters like that fucking down syndrome girl gives him. At best he's kind of annoying but ultimately harmless and this little shit jokes about murdering the guy and eating him.

After killing Hurricane Anise and maxing community, is there anything else to 100% Torna?

Is the maid fetish genetically coded into Nopon in Alrest or is that just Tora’s family? I know Tora’s taste in foods is considered strange for a Nopon since a Nopon in Garfont will call you stupid if you say a Tasty Sausage is a Nopon’s favorite food.

Pretty sure Toras entire family are supposed to be weirdos since they give zero fucks about money in general and just want to be pampered by cute girls.

It's just odd that people always do that to benefit 1, and shit on 2.
I blame youtube quite a bit.


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>X hasn't gotten ported but that fucking idolshit FE crossover game did
>SMTfags now have to cope with the fact that their new game is just Tokyo Mirage Session 2
I want to bust the knees of whoever let TMS happen instead of something better like a sequel to X that fixes what went wrong

here comes best girl

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Zeke is for Morag

Rex has the same problem as Shulk where if he's near his love interest he loses all personality and ceases to be a real character.

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I wish she was a main character.

QTpi being non-mandatory was seriously bullshit.

Honestly for me it's just that, Riki isn't anything too special compared to the other members of the case, but he's just a nice dude. He doesn't have some complex goals or anything, and I think it's just nice to have someone like that to round out the crew with characters like Melia and Shulk.

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So true.

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I knew this was the first reply before I even opened the thread


>Used as a joke punchbag
>Pretends to be a goofball most of the time when hes actually aware of the situation
>At the end of the day hes a caring father
Riki is based as it gets, how can they go from this to Tatsu is beyond me, they stripped away all the characteristics that made Riki good and only left the retardness +10

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I benched Rex as soon as Zeke joined and never looked back. I hate Rex and Pyra. Mythra is okay but not worth using Rex for

him being a caring father is literally one side conversation that isn't in any way defining his character for the rest of the game.

He is literally just a goofball, people exagerate these aspects of Riki so hard.

I'm at chapter 17 on XC1, this thing is throwing all kinds of shit and twists right in your face after you first go to prison island. How much I've got left? I've been trying to do as many sidequests as I can stomach but fuck me it seems endless.

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you're right at the end

Is Xenoblade 2 worth finishing? Loved XC1, got 10 hours into 2 and dropped it because I hated most of the characters and the sidequest system. Also found the anime titties and fanservice extremely offputting and out of place

Is this first or second visit. If first, you’re halfway, and if second, you’re at the final dungeon.

leave, resetranny.

You didn't check ANY of Riki's heart-to-hearts, did you?

>ropped it because I hated most of the characters Also found the anime titties and fanservice extremely offputting and out of place
Once again, the only ones who hate on Xeno 2 are trannies. Good riddance.

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99 percent of the are just "riki is a goofball".
No, a tiny amount of going muh family does not make Riki good.

What went wrong?

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if we are brining heart to hearts into the equation, tora has way more memorable ones that flesh out his character way more than riki

A huge downgrade from the XC1 villains, Malos is great but Jin s a failed attempt at repeating the whole Egil thing but he's too stupid and selfish to work, Mikhail is jus a background thing that barely exists and I legitimately cheered when Amalthus killed the cunty twins.

Dude right but listen, right but what if, listen to this, what if...we called him a potato again.

You are in denial if you think thebeginning of XC2 isn't terrible. I don't blame anyone who drops it.

Game play sucks till chapter 4
Chapter 4 is dumb super robot references
Game starts with boy touching chest of big booby girl who then teams up with a pervert with a robot he clearly masterbates to

The game gets good if you stick with it but I think the story is mostly shit.

>Chapter 4 is dumb super robot references
>Game starts with boy touching chest of big booby girl who then teams up with a pervert with a robot he clearly masterbates to
only trannies complain about this.
And those should kill themselves.

Another reddittor filtered, Xenoblade 2 starts very animu but it gets progressively better as it goes.

Super robot anime is shit. Kill yourself

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Do you think the EN dub will have anyone has kino as Malos' va?

>tranny SEETHING
based xc2 does it again.
Fuck ameritrannies.

Reminder Amalthus was the real tragic figure of Xenoblade 2 and Jin the 'splendid soul' was just a faggot having a tantrum.

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