Which Objection! theme is your favorite?
I can't decide between Apollo's and Ryutaro's theme
Which Objection! theme is your favorite?
I can't decide between Apollo's and Ryutaro's theme
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2004, but not its later versions. I don't like how DD and SoJ recycled Phoenix and Apollo's Objection themes and made them worse.
hey dude, you give me that non giulty verdict right?
I like this one the most, it's so smug.
>I don't like how DD and SoJ recycled Phoenix and Apollo's Objection themes and made them worse
I agree, their original themes had more of a hopeful feel to them, like lights at the end of tunnels here to help and show that all hope is not lost
DD and SoJ just feel like now "This is the Phoenix/Apollo theme" and sort of loses their identities
Objection! 2011. The Saxophone mogs every other Objection! theme before and after it.
How did they get away with this?
Does Great Ace Attorney Chronicles have a good localization? The stupid EOP threads have given me a complex about playing translated modern games.
>taking EOP/localization threads seriously
just play the games and have fun
It's in-line with the other Ace Attorney games. It just goes a bit heavy on the Briticisms.
Apollo Justice's one is the hypest shit
It's only a shame it dosen't get used much
Same way they got away with
Yeah it's fine. Nothing felt off from when I played it.
>gets an upgrade in the same game
Hey PW!
Not enough people appreciate how great the first Investigations game's soundtrack is.
>Not enough people appreciate how great the first Investigations game is
Mystic Maya’s husband is so handsome
>>Not enough people appreciate how great the first Investigations game is
Finally, someone else says it. I think it's a better game than all of the modern trilogy games and I've got it ranked at #5 for the entire series.
I noticed that the games with the greatest soundtracks tend tk be the "shittiest" of the AA series. GAA1, AAI1, AJ
I could listen to the investigation themes for hours while studying, they're perfect for that
Don't forget the Layton crossover, though I feel a little bad being harsh on it outside of its obvious flaws.
Indeed. A non-guilty verdict would be a most...agreeable outcome.
>not enough people appreciate how great the first Investigations game's soundtrack is
Agreed, youtube.com
>not enough people appreciate how great the first Investigations game is
Also this. While not the most enticing game in the series, it still has it's fantastic moments and it's weaker moments aren't nearly as weak as the some of the others. It's probably at 6th in the series for me.
>gets the best orchestrated pursuit
Apollo's and the objection theme from Trials and Tribulations
I loved Datz. Wished we got to see him more.
It's fine, if you hate censorship though know that the text in the remaster was censored in all versions to tone down some of the racism, the Japanese characters are no longer called "Japs" or "yellow monkeys" like they were in the 3DS version.
it's fantastic
>Investigations 1 has different game over scenes depending on when in the case you get the game over
I hate that no other game in the series ever did this.
there was never an official 3ds translation in the first place
What's the best way to play Ace Attorney 4-6? Android?
Yeah, mobile seems to be the best.
Kind of disappointed I2 didn't do this, but I still love that game to death. At least 5 and 6 had some different game over screens in their final cases.
>text in the remaster was censored in all versions
>retarded jurors get one of the best themes in the game
they are so dumb and in the way but I forgive it all just for the music alone
This. The only time they were actually entertaining was in GAA2-3
>best of the GAA ost never actually plays in game
That entire scene is one of my favorite moments in the series.
Using the tap dancing noises in the song is absolutely brilliant.
It's funny how very Layton-esque the beta themes were for GAA
Funny enough, Iris' beta theme sounds the most out of place.
GAA as a whole feels like "we wanted to make Layton VS 2 but as a full AA game"
favorite objection theme I think is Athena's in AA6.
which is a shame that she isn't quite a character yet.
I love this theme. Shame it's only in one case
this is so fucking Layton
Why do so many people think this is shit? It's leagues better than T&T's.
It gets mogged hard by
I'd say it's my 3rd favorite Pursuit, after AA4 and AA1
1. Trials and Tribulations
2. Naruhodo
3. Ryutaro
4. SoJ Apollo
Pursuit themes are definitely more hype than Objecetion themes overall. I think that's on purpose.
Investigations 2 objection mogs all others, but shoutouts to JFA objection for being different
Trials and Tribulations and it's not even close.
>finally get around to playing this
>takes them until case 5 to bring up perjury
>everyone thus far has been lying out their teeth aside from Gumshoe and the fucking bird
Why do we continue to accept testimony from people that have been caught lying 3+ times in a row? Why is the judge accepting testimony from a man who can't remember his own name or occupation? Why was Marshall able to bring a knife into the courtroom? Why are we not ever checking alibis?
It's been a wild ride.
1. Investigations 2
2. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
3. Investigations
4. SoJ Apollo
5. SoJ Athena
6. Trials and Tribulations
7. Ryunosuke
8. SoJ Phoenix
9. Dual Destinies Athena
10. Ryutaro
11. Dual Destinies Apollo
12. Dual Destinies Phoenix
13. Apollo Justice
14. Justice for All
The judge isn't exactly the smartest guy.
yeah, this is one of my favorite themes in the series even if it belongs to the worst character in the series
Dark Age of the Law™
She's pretty far down the list but I can't bring myself to call her the worst character in the series when he exists.
step aside, the best track has arrived
>There are only 3 lewds of Wocky Kitaki
Why must these games be all but immune to rule34 outside of the main cast? I need my delinquent fix dammit!