Play big Nep's game

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Other urls found in this thread:

lol, nah.

Certified homosexual

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>redditdimension neptunia
no. go back.

Attached: redditdimensionneptunia.png (480x450, 364.92K)

>No u

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>reddit comeback
i think you're the one who needs to fuck off, troon.

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>MS Paint editing

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Big Nep is cute sure, but small Nep is where its at.

Prove it

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Are they making the actual main line games anymore?

looks like hot garbage
not video game

She's got the cute AND cool parts perfected between her two transformations.
Sis vs. Sis is mainline but it did like shit in Japan because it's a PS exclusive, so it's over.

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>Space Harrier clone
>not video games
Are you retarded?

idk, are you?

I love my wonderful wife Nepgear! She's so adorable!

Attached: nepgear knight.gif (163x300, 822.69K)

>About 10k sales on launch week
Jesus fuck
Nep does better on the international release than JP in general but that's just sad

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this but Noire

Where's her ass

Do you like, "waifu" Noire? Or do you just want to fuck her?

She sacrificed it for bigger tits

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why wouldn't I waifu her

Only the Nyamoted ones!

sorry, there's a lot of ironic weebs these days.
That and I've run into a waifufag for each of the CPUs, except for Noire, so far.

Attached: nepgear noire miku cosplay.jpg (1000x1500, 227.75K)

All Neps deserve love and shares

she's a snoy and a (Allah forgive me) ts*ndere.

What all do you love about Noire?

The OST has no right being this good

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I like meido Nowa

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I like tsunderes, the tsun just makes the dere cuter when it happens, and I liked Hyperdevotion the most of any spinoff.

to be fair that's just a chip tune version of the song from VIII

>I liked Hyperdevotion the most of any spinoff.
That's pretty surprising, everyone else I've talked to hated it, though I have yet to play it myself.

You will hear a buzzer, when you hear the buzzer, look at the Nep. You should now feel mentally reinvigorated.
If you suspect looking at Nep has not provided the required intellectual sustenance, reflect briefly on this classical music.

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>that user who proposed to Blanc
>Top Gear meme
how come Neptunia keeps acknowledging Yea Forums

Doesnt matter, I will suck off Will be Venus in any shape until the end of time

Why CH still refuses to day one Steam releases is a mystery.

I just like RPGs like that, it's very obviously a Vita game though and I played it on there back when I still had one.

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she says that but I never see spanking pictures in these threads

Easy enough to fix

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nepgen meme

what did she do wrong though, and why would it be nepgear of all people spanking her

So there's a couple of factors at play. One, there's the distinct possibility that the audience for these games on this site alone is larger than all of its audience in Japan. Two, the games make reference to Japanese image boards very frequently and if you're going to localize them you might as well base them off here rather than fucking reddit like NISA did when they had the license. Three, someone at IFI used to legitimately lurk /nepgen/ some years ago, though I haven't heard anything from them lately.

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4, I love Blanc and her cute big hat

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Why yes, I do love Blanc and her hat. You read my mind!

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the hat is one of her charm points and it almost feels lewd when it's taken off

Nepgear has her moments

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I'll have to try it sometime then, I'm open to kusoge in general. Just didn't bother at first since Nepgear wasn't in it.
BTW, do you like Noire's old or new VA better?

Attached: nepgear ED dance.gif (149x185, 333.5K)

>a ripoff of a minigame from yakuza with neptunia skin

why play dis?

>a minigame from yakuza

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I preferred when she was voiced by Chie desu

whatever faggot, too lazy to look up the name right now - space harrier or something.

>a minigame from yakuza
same, I liked her old voice better too. New noire doesn't sound BAD, but as black heart she doesn't give off nearly as much of a cocky vibe as she used to, and sounds more like a slightly different purple heart.

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it's just not the same when a character's is replaced after she's already been that way in a lot of games, it's like when Dynasty Warriors dropped their entire english cast and expected everyone to be okay with a cast full of literal nobodies because it's cheaper than keeping everyone you had before

Yeah, I swear if they drop Nepgear's VA for Sisters vs Sisters' localization I'm gonna be pissed.
I'll still buy it though.

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>Not a single Uni yet

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Noire is close enough

For me it's Nepugya

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puddi puddi

my beloved.

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