What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: Path_of_Exile_logo.png (460x300, 165.53K)

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Chris thinks people like nerfs and that all his players enjoy sucking streamer cock that don’t even play the same game 95% of the rest of the player base plays.

Same thing that always goes wrong with online games.
>Min maxers find fun and smother it to death.

Shit optimization
Why can I not play this on a toaster reeeee

The game became more and more about playing the economy instead of playing the game

watching streamers that play 18 hours a day breeze through end game content made people feel entitled to that content despite putting in 1/12th the time and effort the streamers do. so Chris completely fucked up the progression to cater to these retards

idk, i never played it

>tfw playing Sweep Slayer for the fourth time in a row

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the ever seeing neon the nerfmaster

I refuse to play the next league.
Its garbage for the past 2 years but the fact that the "huge" update was just 2 pointless bosses which do nothing and drop nothing made me quit.
The only way i'm coming back is 50% hp nerf on every single monster, fuck that slog of a game.
When D2 is faster than modern PoE you know you fucked up

Itemization/loot is probably the worst I've ever seen in any game. Doubly bad because it's a fucking ARPG. They then continued to move power away from gems and tree onto items, so you're more and more reliable on gear to achieve anything. Uniques and reliable items are almost all shit, and the only worthwhile rare items can't drop. Despite being basically a single player game, you either play the economy or grind a billion years to find shit for yourself.

went to shit when Tencent invested in GGG

everything but thanks to poe it finally killed all my interest in looters, so it's a big win in the end for me.


>then any game
Oh boy do I love stacking primary ability, crit chance, and crit damage in Diablo 3 on every character for every build

Or broken runewords in Diablo 2

does poe have something similar to Frozen Orb yet?

Eye of Winter

In the mood for a diablo-like. What are some games that do it better than PoE? Ni-Oh?

they copied d2 when they should have copied d3

Honestly nothing, the genre is pretty fucking barren. Maybe Last Epoch in a few years, but right now there's really nothing going on.


>last epoch devs got bought by tencent

damn i had hopes for that game i kinda liked it.

Torchlight 2 is okay if you just want to jump in and not think too much about your build. Grim Dawn is more fun though if you want to put effort and time into figuring out a decent build.

Really? They weren't looking that good, but now it's ogre for them.
It feels like entire genre is cursed. Grim dawn was the only major ARPG in recent memory not plagued by various meta issues such as regarded management, GaaS model or being developed by blizzard, and even it is gone because its devs switched to different genre instead of making sequel.

All games seem to go to shit after a decade of updates.

All the effort is going towards PoE2 so PoE1 balance and leagues are left to a skeleton crew at the whims of Chris Wilson

"PoE2" is just a new campaign for which nobody asked, plus technical improvements of the engine. It will be much less in volume than all the content which came out from its anncounce to its deployment, moreover it will reuse much of that content. So "Poe2" is a meme they use to justify poor quality of their work, which they get away with because of paypigs' loyalty.

bloated to death gameplay

dude i have a fucking 2000 dollar pc and it overhearts when i play the damn thing and stutters
it has nothing to do with you being on a toaster

How do I not make this game lag? I have never had a problem like this with any other game.

Nothing, game is good. Better than it's been in years.

turn the cooler boost on for your laptop and place the laptop directly by an AC vent.

>atlas passive tree
>eldritch shrines in maps
Methinks ur a noob

not enough tiddies

>skill tree is 90% meaningless bullshit
>90% of power is gear
>still can't zoom out past two feet
>loot drops are fucking terrible, 99% of things are worthless garbage and your inventory is too tiny to meaningfully mule it back to sell
>devs nerf/remove anything that lets you grind out good gear that doesn't involve trading
>devs refuse to streamline the trading experience despite also giving terrible drop rates + you have to pay for a special tab to sell shit
>Every good build gets nerfed
>Every good build is just juicing a single button to blow up the screen + a mobility skill
>warframe levels of content bloat
>still have to buy a currency tab

A lot.

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Last Epoch might have been good eventually, but it got taken by Tencent. Grim Dawn is still the king of nu-arpgs.

disable sound
no I'm not kidding

Every game except the king, baby.

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no idea how much they invested and how much they own.
"we have accepted a low-equity investment from Tencent Games."
so probably less than like 30% or so. i dont think this actually means anything. if they were like "we have accepted a high-equity investment from Tencent Games." then yeh i would be worried, or a "we have been bought by tencent", but yeh i dont think its smart to say "tencent has invested even 1 cent into this company so this company is dead to me"

Unironically, they should have stolen some ideas from Nioh 2, which is a far superior looter grinder hack-n-slash.

The developers actively have stakes on RMT sites and they nerf the game in incentivize their use

To everyone saying the game is 90% gear, play an Impale Cyclone Champion, you can have capped physical damage reduction, evade, and resists doing 250k DPS while wearing absolutely nothing and using only a magic merciless weapon. If you can't clear red maps while you're basically invulnerable, then I don't know what to say.

Streamer loot seeds ruined this game.

After 8 years of expansions every 3-4 months, things got bloated, what did people expect? Lots of power creep and things to micromanage. It's still the best ARPG though, nothing really comes close. I tried them all. Nothing has the level of depth when it comes to content, crafting, itemization.

I don't even look forward to new leagues anymore because we have so much to engage with. I just want some actual balance changes, which, unfortunately they aren't doing this time around. Wew lad.

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>250k DPS
2019 called

no AH

fucking this
PoE is the perfect example of people complaining a game isn't perfect after playing it for 13842hrs
"waaaah i tried for ten years to break the game and now the game is broken fuck the dev" fuck you

is the bloat actually even a problem anymore? the new league adds a system that allows you to choose which content you want to interact with and block the rest

Not for me, but it's what turns off a lot of people. They get overwhelmed. They get overwhelmed by the passive tree alone. All the random encounters can b off-putting for newbies. I personally don't mind it. I love the game and am approaching 1Ok hours. And yes, it's a god send that they are finally giving us ways to block out certain content with the benefit of finding more shit you wanna be doing. Bye bye Abyss, Breach, Bestiary.

People are just chilling until poe 2 comes out

Its a service game through and through
>abysmal starting storage space
>lots of fomo, from builds being viable to league rewards to races, everything in this game is enjoyed in finite amounts or limited
>devs remove lots of sources of easily acquired power in lieu of the gambling crafting system
>balanced around trading (while trading is very low effort), likely rmt too
>no offline client
>the league cycle makes it such that they cannot properly give any league the attention it needs post launch
>cosmetics are priced accordingly to whales
>multiple third party apps greatly improve it, no attempt has been made to integrate any of those systems
>devs are fine with lots of skills or ascendancies being forgotten
>way too many filler drops, uniques especially are just shit

this game is complete shit
but why hasnt anyone made anything better?

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i think i tried that but with Slayer instead and i was dying a lot but idk what im doing and the guide i used might have sucked.

Unironically nothing

>I just want some actual balance changes
I think I saw another post recently saying that theyre buffing self-cast spells this league. Is that not true?

Played quite a bit during early stages when desync was a huge problem. Loved it. Played more a few years later after the fixed the desync issues. Loved it even more. Past that, every time I pick it up it just feels like there's way too much shit going on and it's exhausting. Every new zone has some new random encounter with some new mechanic I have to learn, but it all just circles back to "do thing, get loot". It's Content™ for the sake of content, but doesn't seem to meaningfully add to or change the game. Not to mention I unironically feel like the game gives way too much choice in gems early on. If you can get all of the skills and the exact support gems you need by the end of Act 1, it doesn't really feel like there's much progression past that point.

i thought they already did that
>bow league
>melee league
kek, 0 faith in ggg to make anything but the most cancer shit good

This is how I feel. I'm dying to play a new arpg but all of them are bad, but poe is so fucking meh. I'd be happy with an ssf mode with boosted drop rates and full harvest back in the game.

Last epoch looks good. It's just like 10 years behind in development so it won't have the depth. I play it like once a year

Bloat and streamer pandering.

His vision

>If you can get all of the skills and the exact support gems you need by the end of Act 1.
nigga what