>Japanese game
>immortality is bad
Japanese game
Why do they hate it so?
so you want to roam the void forever then
Yes, immortality is bad.
>we need a black female actress
why is it always this chick? lmao
she's like the new whoopee goldberg
Yes, i want to live through the earths lifespan then I want to watch this star system burn out. I want to drift through the glaxy facing the void for so long that my time there makes my life before seem like a distant dream and then even longer so that I doubt it ever happened. I hope to be able to see the light of distant stars as i eventually stop thinking.
Screaming ugly black woman is the new United States flag.
You say that but being physically undying wouldn't stop you from getting fucked in other ways. Imagine suffering some some kind of big earthquake and getting trapped in a cavern forever.
Because they hate their lives
why does everyone forget that biological immortality is a thing and completely different from total undeath?
i mean if they say so
i am sure nobody would want them around forever if they insist themselves.
because no one talks about biological immortality in these threads, it's always the fantasy version of just never being able to die.
What is that disgusting beast?
The earth will be destroyed eventually. By the end I would just be a vessel witnessing time with or without my sanity. Im willing to assume also that the force of the suns death would keep me from eventually being inside of it
Sorry bud, we don't actually make our flag designs on what retarded brownies think in their broken minds
What a shit argument, lmao.
Unless you are Christian
>american anything
>ugly black women screaming
>witnessing time with or without my sanity
more than likely without and at that point you might as well be death
This isnt an argument, i want to live forever and you do not. You say "what about X " and I think that after a million years you wont really care
El Chupacabra
I just want a longer lifespan, I'd say an "immortal" life in a virtual world with all the fixes until heat death would be perfect, but all it takes is one sadistic hacker to get in and turn paradise into hell.
Except you will never cure death or aging because God has made the perfect system. Death is scary to redditors like you for some reason. I wonder if that reason has anything to do with you knowing you will burn in hell forever. Haha guess not right :^)
Of course you won't care, you'll be a mindless husk floating through space until the universe implodes. You said it yourself.
God isn't real. I don't know why you thought this was relevant.
>Except you will never cure death or aging
There are already biological organisms that have .
Because entropy means that anything good dies, but anything evil eventually dies too. Death allows tragedy, despair, renaissance and hope.
Entropy and senescence prevents true eternal life anyway. There's always a point where a system degenerates, for one reason or another. The brain especially will cease to function well before the other organs stop.
The less death in a game, the worse the game
There is nothing more ironic than someone using the npc meme like this.
God is real and you will burn in hell forever.
the Greek gods were immortal and assholes as a result
So whats the issue. I want to be a vessel that witnesses the end of the universe even if there's nothing left inside to understand what its seeing. In the off chance there's anything left inside I wonder what that mind would be like. Its silly and edgy I guess but this is all based on a rediculous idea of something being able to survive literally anything so its no dumber than the idea in the first place
Uh huh.
God is real but hell isn't. Morality is a human invention.
the new face of niggerica
>le fedora tip
I remember being retarded too. God is real.
>He thinks the lake of fire is literal
Nice. Another "christian" who doesn't understand his own faith.
The problem isn't immortality. The problem is always some cuck ruins it for everyone else by being a bitchass motherfucker.
Hell is real and unless you repent and believe in Jesus Christ you will spend the rest of eternity there by your own free will.
god imagine if boomers lived even longer
fuck that shit
Inmortality is bad OP, you really want to keep just existing even everything else dissapears
your mom's boyfriend
It's a kintsugi thing. You wouldn't understand.
What MADtv sketch is this?
Why are NPCs so scared of being alone?
name animals with full biological immortality and not stupid shit like animals that continually grow and then get too big to eat properly, which obviously can't ever be sustained naturally and thus aren't immortal
And you know this is the absolute truth because some ancient kikes wrote it down in a scroll and then spread it everywhere they could, huh?
Science will never get to this point so you might as well give up on this pipe dream
Christcuck larpers really did become the new internet atheists huh. Would not be surprised if they're the exact same people even
>i want to witness something
>i won't able to tho
what a retard
Hell isn't real except as a state of mind
I will pray for you.
good on her for getting so much work but jesus christ, the industry needs some fresh faces
>t. deathist
Cope. Your great of Christian theology is brainlet tier. I bet you haven't even read the full canon.
Add it to the compilation
You pray to a God who laughs behind your back
boy i sure love discussing video games
aging and the death that follows are a literally universal source of human trauma so it's not really surprising that people bend over backwards to convince themselves it's a good thing. it would mean a fundamental change in human society and culture of people just stopped aging but people act like it'd be some kind of catastrophe and not just different problems to tackle as opposed to a constant 60+year physical and mental decline that ends in the person being either a hollow shell or gone forever
People said the same thing about flying machines, i wouldn't be so quick to write off accumulating knowledge and enough time.
Again, I will pray for your troubled soul.
Sure thing.
Hell is complete bullshit made up by a 13th century poet who thought Australia was Purgatory and that Heaven was literally space.
>Would not be surprised if they're the exact same people even
They quite literally are, the pipeline from athiest to sjw cringe compilation to alt right cringelord to christcuck larper is well documented.
Go for it
>comparing metal and electronics and what have you to super advanced genetic coding that nobody in a thousand million years will ever actually achieve.
>knowing you will burn in hell forever
So you haven't read the Bible.
John 3:15
It depends what else comes with the immortality. If all you are is immortal with nothing else then yeah it'll blow because one day you could just get stuck in a collapsed cave and you'd probably just be forgotten until the heat death of the universe. But if you could do other stuff like teleport then it'd be way better.
fucking kek, go all out bro
Is that where Stone Cold just kicked your ass?
I agree 100%
Just fucking let me die. I don't want to kill myself manually
>the Bible
>3/4ths the Torah
>1/4th Jesus
I’m not taking knowledge from a book that’s majority jew shit. Muh cloven hoof shrimp niggers. The only things to take from the Bible are the words of Jesus and you can boil that down to
>all of you need to stop being total faggots
>thousand million years
the scientific method has been around for about less than 500 years yet has already brought us to space, let us see galaxies millions of light years away, cured diseases that would normally kill us by the millions, put wizard rectangles in our pockets that let us talk from opposite sides of the planet, and more. we have limited genome editing today even with shit like CRISPR. do you unironically, actually believe this is a problem no one in a thousand million years will be able to solve?
What if I enjoy pain and agony? What then huh?
Theoretically no btu that entirely depends on whether or not humanity even lives that long.
>japanese game
>immortality is bad
>God is bad
>angels are evil
>imperialism is good
>some murderous demonic shinobi is the protagonist