Yesterday Yea Forums discussed Houkago Play, the best gaming manga ever created

Yesterday Yea Forums discussed Houkago Play, the best gaming manga ever created.

Today I will story time it, assuming the mods don't spank me. Y'know, delete the video game related manga on the IMAGEboard Yea Forums.

Attached: 1.png (1080x1600, 384.58K)

Attached: 2.png (1080x1600, 457.78K)

Attached: 3.png (1080x1600, 444.82K)

I'm here for this classic gem OP.

Attached: 4.png (1080x1600, 447.54K)

Attached: 5.png (1080x1600, 431.38K)

My favorite part is the part where she kicks him

Attached: 6.png (1080x1600, 434.62K)

Attached: 7.png (1080x1600, 410.09K)

It took me a while to realize this was left to right, what a pain

Attached: 8.png (1080x1600, 456.03K)

Foot mousepad

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Attached: 16.png (1080x1600, 461.88K)

This is pretty terrible.

Attached: 17.png (1080x1600, 398.84K)

Attached: 18.png (1080x1600, 440.57K)

Attached: 19.png (1080x1600, 395.82K)

Attached: 20.png (1080x1600, 406.52K)

Why is it in english? Do you also play dubbed anime, faggot!? POST THAT SHIT RAW LIKE A REAL MAN

Attached: 21.png (1080x1600, 425.17K)

Attached: 22.png (1080x1600, 415.31K)

>Yesterday Yea Forums discussed Houkago Play, the best gaming manga ever created.
Ah yes. Females like this do not want to fuck you if they existed irl.

Attached: 23.png (1080x1600, 424.13K)

i want her to kick me

Attached: truebro.jpg (209x213, 12.22K)

Attached: 24.png (1080x1600, 422.37K)

Attached: 25.png (1080x1600, 408.62K)

Attached: 27.png (1080x1600, 450.52K)

Attached: 28.png (1080x1600, 418.72K)

Is this a sequel manga and is it translated?

Attached: 81Bw+h-IOXL.jpg (1766x2560, 431.62K)

Attached: 29.png (1080x1600, 444.51K)

Attached: 30.png (1080x1600, 412.03K)

Attached: 31.png (1080x1600, 402.21K)

theres always one

Attached: 32.png (1080x1600, 403.1K)

Attached: 33.png (1080x1600, 395.28K)

Attached: 34.png (1080x1600, 404.11K)

Attached: 35.png (1080x1600, 401.96K)

>left to right

Attached: 1313983221290.jpg (550x550, 126.51K)

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Attached: 37.png (1080x1600, 396.95K)

Attached: 38.png (1080x1600, 411.64K)

Attached: 39.png (1080x1600, 416.63K)

this is making me finally realize the appeal of footfags

Attached: HUH in there will ya.png (237x212, 21.38K)

Attached: 40.png (1080x1600, 380.7K)

literal perfection

Attached: 2.jpg (853x857, 104.14K)

Attached: 41.png (1080x1600, 342.83K)

>Y'know, delete the video game related manga on the IMAGEboard Yea Forums.
I got banned for a month for that exact thing.
They do it for free.

I remember really liking this 15 years ago or whenever the translations first came out but now I just find both of these characters obnoxious as fuck.

Attached: 42.png (1080x1600, 410.58K)

Attached: 43.png (1080x1600, 362.58K)

Attached: 44.png (1080x1600, 353.79K)

Why is this left to right? Thanks for storytiming though, love you.

Attached: 45.png (1080x1600, 391.27K)

Attached: 46.png (1080x1600, 419.12K)

OP please tell me that R got fully scanned, PLEASE tell me where I can find it.

Attached: Came_for_sex_instead_got_flashbacks.png (627x435, 389.05K)