>Game is too hard for some players.
Game is too hard for some players
>"Game should have an easy mode"
>based strength vs bluepilled and trooned sneak
>you didn't beat the game
Sengoku Rance took me 4 months to beat. I was on turn 300.
Based dog shitting on stealth faggots.
>Game mechanics too good to put down
Why does that cat have a receding hairline?
both of them cleared the level
One time my cat knead on my nuts
I still haven't beaten it to this day. I always get stuck at the demon blitz or takeda blitz
>Game is too easy for some players.
dogs are retards, they were bred to be retards with no self preservation instincts so they would be mindless security systems for farms, livestock, and occasionally buildings.
putting dogs inside of homes and having people worship them as pets was a massive mistake
nobody should be allowed to have them, they are massive noise pollutants and the majority of dog owners dont know how to own a dog, nor do they know how to actually care for it. it's just a living stuffed animal/toy to them and they live in delusions that they have a "connection" with their dog
cats are vastly more intelligent, can go out on their own for hours (even days) are quiet, and maintain their own hygiene
One of my cats would do as that cat, the other two, the dog.
did you rike it?
Holy shit, cool move
>Game has an environmental interactive that doesn't really do anything, but is kinda neat.
I wish I was that cat, but instead of boobs I would be groping a mans sweaty, musky, veiny balls as he forces me to suck his dick
>when your skill money is cute
>low chaos vs high chaos
>game is just sick nasty xtreme
>t. cat
Had to watch it twice to understand
>game has jumpscares
go back to grindr
>game has a mirror level
That is by far the hardest part of the game. It is so easy to get bogged down in prolonged wars. This was my 2nd playthrough too so I had some advantages. Still, this game is practically impossible to beat without the help of a walkthrough.
>when you unlock a new weapon
>the two elephants fucking in the background
>game has friendly fire
>party members keep getting in the way
Caption this.
>dogs are retards, they were bred to be retards with no self preservation instincts so they would be mindless security systems for farms, livestock, and occasionally buildings.
>putting dogs inside of homes and having people worship them as pets was a massive mistake
>nobody should be allowed to have them, they are massive noise pollutants and the majority of dog owners dont know how to own a dog, nor do they know how to actually care for it. it's just a living stuffed animal/toy to them and they live in delusions that they have a "connection" with their dog
>cats are vastly more intelligent, can go out on their own for hours (even days) are quiet, and maintain their own hygiene
I love dogs so much
>>Game is too hard for some players.
uh i'd rather not
Cats rule. Dogs drool
the thing that makes it difficult too is the first 20-30 turns basically dictate your success for the rest of the game (I can't remember the guide to getting action fans ASAP, but something along those lines). If the RNG doesn't go in your favor, you spend time and time again reloading to get the desired outcome, which ends up being frustrating for me. Especially when I get to turn 50 and all of a sudden something doesn't happen that is supposed to. Yea Forums always says "just do the first run blind!" but I've found that to be incredibly bad with getting into the later part of the campaign. What guides do you think are best?
cool cool. Call me when Mr. Whiskers saves Timmy who fell down a well or sniffs out a bomb
>the virgin sneak vs the chad bowling ball
>Game allows you in advanced areas from the beginning
Based. Fuck lycra /n/iggers
>beaver barf furniture
>addidas pants
>multiple czech firearms
i like how this is probably in eastern europe yet she's wearing a NASA sweatshirt
This would probably make more sense if the women were ugly.
>Getting Over It
>something something magic staff
>Game is easier with creative thinking.
>b-but dogs are cool because they can be used as utility!
yeah i never said they couldnt be, read the very first part of my post. that's all they're good for though. many animals are cool as fuck but they should not be in houses or considered pets
>player uses taunts in dangerous locations
At first I thought the other police officer changed sides once his partner was down.
How? The game will give you free wins and territory after you wait long enough.
Man, what weird and interesting creatures.
And the elephants are neat too.
it reached the water though
kinda success
>being useful is all they're good for
Wow as opposed to cats who are good for... being literal fucking vermin?
>I respect the heckin cats because they rightfully don't respect me
Get checked for toxoplasmosis.
>the only good part of Death Stranding
I wonder how far up my bussy that thing can go…
I understand being annoyed by catcalling. My mom always tries to squeeze my muscles and I have to ask her to stop.
It's flattering when it happens a couple times, but goddamn does it get annoying.
Mine did that all the time. Pretty based
Hair between the eyes and ears on cats is shorter and stands on end more so than the rest of the body, it's common to see the color of the skin like that on dark haired cats because of the contrast. That area is also the most susceptible to hair thinning (or perhaps just the most noticeable due to the reasons above) as cats age.
>game is a one-way sidescroller
>npcs look at you even when you're in conversation
That one cat saved that kid from a pitbull
>for England, James?
This is my life and its pretty good.
Holy shit what an absolute chad
Is he ok
>h-help, dumbass I-
I see it is elephants that will inherit the earth
>Animals are retards
there bro. ftfy. didn't even have to read the other 5 paragraphs.
chuds can't draw ugly women
what the fuck is that thing?
I ate a massive steak today.
Holy shit, I hope that only grazed him.
Long live the king
flat "women" are worthless
yeah cats are good for nothing just like birds, lions, and fish are good for nothing. except theyre not and youre a retard that should take a biology course
dogs are always given dangerous jobs because people understand that's what they were bred to do. they are utilities, first and foremost, not friends
>another room temp iq subhuman dog owner speaks
A young bear with a duck's dick. Or a giant equidna, idk
Pets are for literal children. If you can't hold it together without your furry sidekick, you need to get your shit together and unfuck your brain. Nobody needs a man who "loves his heckin doggo/catto"
>Game has questionable physics
You jews hate dogs because they can smell lies.
yes it's czechia. nasa has basically become a fashion statement in europe, i live in western europe and they sell nasa branded clothes at h&m and top web stores here. probably been that for a while, i don't really pay attention. and it doesn't seem to be popular among the space/tech crowd exactly.
Jesus, if you can't dodge a dog at a slow trot while riding 5mph, maybe you shouldn't be on a bike.