Duke Nukem Forever 2001 build is out in the wild. Talk about it.
Duke Nukem Forever 2001 build is out in the wild. Talk about it
Randy won
So what I'm getting from these threads is Forever is Half-Life except good.
official Apogee statement about DNF:
Also I've made a win32 prefix, that might help.
>only two lobes
Now call up x0r_jmp and tell him to leak Prey 2
It's a marketing move to see if there's any interest for Duke still.
What beta do you want to leak next?
Diablo 3
You're a fucking idiot
>make a soulless remaster and if it does well then start making soulless sequels
because that worked so well for crash bandicoot
Then it better result in THQNordic forcing FAGdy to release the 2002 version
It is sad to see how a game alone can destroy a company.
But it's not as if they don't deserve it, either. Someone with common sense would simply license the best engine of the time and make a decent shooter with good level design and inspiration from the source material. I think someone was with a very megalomaniacal vision during development...
Earthbound 64
so we got DNF
what is next?
Whats the list of console commands so far?
>could have unironically been the best game ever made
>fat cunt wastes years doing cocaine and playing everquest to just release the fucking thing
I'm not even angry, just sad.
Half yes, half no, in all honesty, maybe it's just to gauge interest in the 2002-03 build which was at least, more finished then this build and could be cobbled together in a palatable fashion, because if they lead with the 02-03 build, expectations would be soured and interest would die out faster, I mean they gave tools already for this that would translate well to other builds
anyone ever figure out what causes this issue yet? happens both with and without the megapatch before someone suggests that
Prey 2
Gearbox is the worst place Duke could have gone, it was better off being a "what if" for all eternity.
I wanna play it but today i moved in with my gf(male).
holy shit, what a based retard
A little janky, but if that was done we'd have that tech fully working by now.
2001 technology
what's the best way to set the game up? sounds like there's more to do now than just dumping the megapatch and d3d8 wrapper into the system folder
that user gave you incomplete answer
in my experience, the error went away after installing DirectInput and DirectInput8 through winetricks
game started but input was fucked
after doing as says, the input was fine
Sure it was the game itself that killed 3DR, not Georgie Brussels creaming himself and axing DNF every time he saw another game doing something new.
will the modders finish the game?
unironically better facial animation than all the overdetailed wax figure shit we get today
Yes and one of the Ion Fury devs even said its doable. Dont listen to jackasses likeThey are bygone for a very good reason
Sly 2 Monaco build. As far as I'm aware that level only barely got started and is probably on a disc somewhere deep in storage.
Why? You can make a better Duke Nukem today using even things like GZDoom...
except that I did dll override through the Runner Options in Lutris rather than winecfg. But it should work the same regardless of which way you do it
Each time I try to toggle out of fullscreen it goes black and I can't re-open it back up
and if I add the d3d8Wrapper stuff it opens pic related when I run dukeforever.exe
there's something particularly soulful about that era of 3D graphics
got a question for everyone
what is supposed to be the main gameplay hook for Duke Nukem Forever? or at least, what do you guys think it should have been
everything I'm seeing in the leaks makes it look like the developers were just fucking about with realizing random pieces of TECHNOLOGY with no coherent vision for the end product (that's just how programmers are, they're like cats, if you don't keep them on rails or leave them to their own devices for too long, they'll retreat in their own pocket dimension to create something interesting but not exactly essential for the game) while relying on contemporary FPS trends set by Half-Life 1 for the base gameplay while putting no particularly interesting spin on it
I think if a game like this got actually polished and released in 2002, people nowadays would be more likely to remember it as more of a tech demo than an interesting shooter
I hope you fucking faggots are enjoying your shitty, unfinished bugfest of a game. The later builds with actual content in them are still lost to time, and are probably never going to see the light of day. But hey, if empty levels and glitched out game mechanics are the type of thing that appeal to you, then who am I to stop you?
Kill yourselves.
The screen shake effect that happens each time you get hit combined with these crabs that get on your face non stop is bad game design, the crabs are very small and they're hard to spot and kill, so you get a million crabs constantly getting on your face while the screen shakes again and again
There's a part where you get into a sewage area near the strip club, it's pitch black so you can't see shit, you need the night vision goggles and move quickly because its power runs out fast but then you get a shit ton of these crabs attacking you, very tedious
Stop using windows.
>How would you do duke?
in 2011 They tried too hard to make fun OF him and the "outdated attitude" rather than have fun WITH it. He was Zapp Brannigan with plot armor instead of basically any of the Arnold films he was an analog to. Then they tried to call attention to that like it was some kind of character development.
>Be Duke
>Be California's governer
>Be starting your presidential bid to make the world safe from alien bastard invasion
>Legit have a law called the Alien Bastard amendment in the works
>Everyone is questioning your legalizing of prostitution and owning of a casino but they can blow it out their ass
>Aliens invade on voting day
>congress blown the fuck out according to reports
>Start blasting shit and saving lives with your always on-hand golden Deagle
>Your secret service members all bite it, but not before delivering your custom shotgun, the Bitchbreaker
>Leave your Casino in the hands of the EDF as their new home base, considering your arsenal and anti-alien-bastard precautions
>Proceed to blast aliens and save babes, possibly in your suit with American-Flag print Business tie.
>first level set is on earth as aliens try to set up a drill to drop a super-nuke on the planet's core to blow it up after stealing as many babes as possible
>uncover hideous secondary plot where all the abducted babes were getting evil-cloned and cybernetically enhanced into supersoldiers
>kill all the cyberbitches, commandeer the planet nuke
>get notified that you have won the election because not only does exemplify Duke supreme qualification for the job of commanding every soldier in 'Murica, every one of his opponents died like cunts anyway
>kill final boss, set timer on super nuke and leave it in the middle of the alien fleet
>land at the white house, ending is acceptance speech, giant nuke vaporizing the alien fleet are the fireworks while he lights up a cigar.
Bombshell would be his knew secret service head.
should try and run it on windows xp because dx8 isn't properly supported anymore
theres a game here thats 70% complete, would be dumb to start over and make a doom mod
Mother 3 (EB64)
Mario 64
Super Mario Bros
TF2 2006
How do I change the render resolution in the October build?
>muh gzdoom
Shit up nigger.
100 times this. The holy grail as far as I'm concerned. Sonic Xtreme would be pretty cool too.
server when?
art design always outlives fidelity wank
This, they have plans for it, the franchise I mean. I wouldn't trust their plans though.
Why u mad?
Hey Randy! How’s the borderlands movie coming along?
It's why movies with miniatures and animatronics don't age like cgi shit fests do, it's because you can see the artists input directly translated upon their work because they have to try 40x hard to express the intention because of the limit toolset and technology, so they get clever and use tricks
It wouldn't be "right"
This would feel like a somewhat legitimate DN.
Long story short: Autism
Fuck off Randy
shelly and duke would be awesome desu
I tried it with compatibility mode and this pops up with a white windowed screen and my whole system slows down
first for ghoul duke
I keep spamming Phil Spencer and other Xbox people that they should reevaluate Prey 2 on Twitter. It seemed like it was about 90% done and I think it would do amazingly well since the work is basically done and all Microsoft would have to do is release it.
>haha you got half of what you wanted
Man, GenX devs were leagues ahead of the s o y addled devs that are making games, today.
compatibility mode is for office software, doesn't restore the multimedia features like DX
The game never got out of the concept phase, there is nothing to discuss about that.
In my opinion they basically needed to transfer to modern 3D engines the same feeling of the game made in Build, i.e., put the player in realistic environments like dirty LA streets, bars, strip clubs, etc., where there is a kind of basic interaction with the environment. All carried by a fast gameplay with some unconventional weapons.
you might be surprised but graphics and presentation was still a major sales drive even before the 7th gen era and beyond
Brilliant games like Blood were snobbed just because they weren't full 3D
>will be dissapointed
that damage control
dook when he forget nook
The September 2019 build of Half-Life: Alyx that Tyler and co. are hoarding
Team Fortress 2 2006
Whatever Pokemon builds are still being hoarded (like Gen 5 debug and XY)
Gamecube Kirby
Why does the founder of 3D realms speak of DNF like he was so alienated from it?
>but this idea was shot down internally. It turned out to be a fatal suicide shot.
Lmao, my father used to have a website around 2009 or so that looked out of 2002 and was still pulling around 10K unique visitors daily, he never put ads in it, he blamed the market (never put even google ads), created a paypal account for donations but it was basically invisible on the home page, when a web developer friend of mine offered to convert it all to Wordpress for free he refused because he thought that giving him the keys was giving too much power, same reason why he never hired anyone, meanwhile wasted tens of thousand of our money on a business that never went anywhere because he did not even try to hire a decent lawyer to have the signed contracts honored.
user, never be like this or work with people like these.
Maybe Blood just sucked
>a bloo bloo bloo, it was the games fault, not fucking morons restarting development over and over again for 15 years instead of just releasing the fucking game
How do retards like these live with themselves?
>Mfw I nuke forever
this attitude is why gamefeel is so stale now
Battlefront 3.
Why are you incapable of processing simple metaphors and abstractions?
Are you autistic?
>Duke Nukem Forever leak just in time for the 10th anniversary of this masterpiece
Streets of Rage 1-3. Any of them.
The one game based on SOR2, City Heroes I think it was called
More Sonic 1
DNF 2002
Whatever was done with DNF 1998
>what is supposed to be the main gameplay hook for Duke Nukem Forever?
I want the biggest interactivity ever, if you see it you can interact with it in some way and i don't mean just lazy physic props, I mean stuff like pool tables and stuff like that, shit to fuck around with in between shooting. This would please my ADHD brain and differenciate it from different FPS games.
>It seemed like it was about 90% done
Any dev who claims a cancelled game was 90% done is completely full of shit. They do this all the time and it's never true. Obsidian said the same shit about the Alien RPG and it was only when Avellone left that he revealed that was a lie and it wasn't even a third of the way done. Publishers don't cancel things that are 90% complete. If the game is really bad it gets cancelled well before then and if it's decent at 90% complete you may as well release. You're not going to write off millions of dollars of investment into a project that almost done and you're proud of.
What did they mean by this?
can't quicksave
Can you fly cheat down to the streets?
Star Wars Battlefront 3 was fully completed before they killed it
you can see the mandalay bay
he's probably black. non-whites have issues grasping concepts such as abstract thought.
Fuck you Scott Miller!
You got what you fucking deserved.
If anything, it would have been fine being a tech demo if it was an absurd story with funny writing and jokes. Basically, DN4 should have been a more advanced Postal 2.
half life reference
God it's fucking surreal to see this.
that's just a skybox you idiot
The best kind of graphics in the most general term for me is when the artist is aware of the limit of the tech and tries its best to convey the message/idea. A lot of games seems to have an idea of a model which started from something better until they are scaled to a level where the game runs and it end up looking like a parody of the original.
Graphics and presentation have been a thing since the atari 2600. Only soillenials and zoomers who grew up with 7th gen's complete and utter stagnation and got the rug pulled out from under them when gen 8 kickstarted progress again thing pushes for visuals and presentation are new.
For the last time how i can play with patches and no slowdown
>user, never be like this or work with people like these.
Very true. Some people are just too stubborn for their own good and will never leave that bubble for a little bit to do something potentially risky that ends up hurting them more than anything. I assume it's still the market's fault to this day according to your dad?
Better face tech/design than anything I've seen in the last twelve years
On which level is the pinball machine?
What DNF 01 seemed to ended up becoming based on this build, was Postal combined with Half Life.
System Shock 2 anyone?
not fully
If the builds with actual content don't exist then why the fuck do you not want people playing the only one that DOES exist? You're just a salty faggot that didn't get exactly what you wanted for Christmas
>Now, Tom Henderson has come forward with more bad news regarding a hypothetical Star Wars Battlefront III on his Twitter page. Yesterday, he revealed that DICE pitched an idea for this game to EA, but the publisher ultimately shot it down due to licensing costs.
Sounds like it was 0% complete if it didn't even get past the pitching stage.
Anyone know how to trigger the battle at the stripclub?
ok stupid
I thought it was coming out in June? Link?
Wrong Battlefront III.
Is anyone else having trouble loading saved games? Also some of the levels are so fucking dark i can barely see anything
I was thinking the same thing while I was reading it. He seems... very absent from his account of why the company ran into the ground, despite being in charge of it at the time?
>ew, my children
>postal 2
>deus ex
>system shock 2
It's like every game around that time came out with the sole purpose of killing DNF 01 in the crib.
Kek great stuff
>ywn get another boschitt video
>all because the SOK generated a shitstorm over nothing
Stay mad George.
Okay, since you a retard, verbally I'll explain it to you.
When Sctott said that "DNF killed 3D realms", he did not mean that a game literally did it.
What he did mean, something he himself had elaborated on in that post is "The DNF project or more specifically, lack of manpower, budget and planning on the part of team leader led to severe financial trouble and subsequent acquisition of 3d realms."
How are you unable to grasp a simple turn of phrase is beyond me.
>inb4 "I was merele pretending"
I found this thread. Tested some of this stuff and it works fine enough, though it still slows down every once in a while
>inb4 twitter
I know, it's the only option I found that kinda works
It looks scary
sonic '06.
So putting teen porn in the files was a marketing move?
Amazing that it still looks jawdropping, never felt that way looking at a landscape in any other game.
Every idiot says that every unreleased game was 99.99% complete before they pulled the plug. That was not the case. Battlefront 3 had some things done tech-wise, but everything else still needed finishing.
that's the thing, it is the era where there is enough polygons and texture res to actually be detailed, earlier games tended too much toward the "painted cardboard" look. and after that came the awful "brown and bloom" age.
but here there's still enough processing power for some effects and lighting done sparingly, still relying mainly on the art itself, but not restricting it too much with polycounts and blurry textures either.
it all comes together in a particular way
millennials and zoomers are all into muh throwback indie retro/low poly shit though
Sonic '06 is the beta though.
There's a pretty solid story laid out in the zones:
Starts in Vegas
Heads to Hoover Dam
Into Canyion
To Air Force Base
Into Area 51
Up to the mother ship to kill all the aliens.
There's a good twist about how EDF is trying to stop Duke, but they seem to be controlled by the Aliens.
Look at the archive threads dumbass, tons of posts about how to make it run since it got leaked
Saves only work sometimes, most of the time it just crashes, not that big of a deal since the levels are short anyway. Use the "allammo" cheat in the console to get all guns which also gives you the nightvision.
Toy Show Sonic 1
Honestly not bad for the time. Half-Life 2 was still what, 3 years away?
>i do hope gearbox can resurrect duke nukem at some point
holy fuck please don't. just let it be dead and forgotten randy
what a weird thing to get pissed off about lol
>Steve Ellis would also claim that the game was almost finished: "We had a 99% finished game that just needed bug fixing for release." This statement in particular is what pushed the ex-LucasArts employee to reach out to GameSpot in the first place, calling it "bullshit"
Just another example of a lying dev.
You have to understand, devs often claim they'll get done in weeks what in reality always winds up taking them months so their estimates are always very, very optimistic even when they aren't knowingly lying.
blow it out your ass
The what?
It wasn't a lie though, the finished levels and story cutscenes were used in the PSP version.
Wrong BF3 and you're referencing a fucking twitter account. End yourself.
>soul meme
It's just from a time when games were made with PC as the primary platform, instead of gimping things to work on consoles. It's why the original Rainbow Six was a hardcore tactical shooter, while the N64 version was a simplified but semi-faithful copy and the PS1 version was a completely different game. That was very common at the time. It was also before the 7th generation of consoles taught all the millenials and zoomers to hate progress and hardware upgrades, so developers tried pushing boundaries without worry of refunds or bad reviews from a funko pop collector seething because his midrange 3 generation old setup struggled with new features.
Yeah, and many games to this day fail at replicating HL2 in that regard
For 2001 it was pretty amazing
just set dwTemp to 0
For all the problems it had, even the DNF that we got in 2011 did this really well. It felt like they put more time into making sure you could poke power outlets and use the warm and cold water switches on the water coolers than they did basically anything else.
>2001 game looks better than 2011 one
How in the everloving fuck is it possible
level name?