>downloading old retro games that nobody cares nowadays as "piracy"
Downloading old retro games that nobody cares nowadays as "piracy"
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What a shitty haircut.
Only people who live in burgerland have a problem with piracy
Perfect for getting knotted
What happened to the user that spent hundreds of dollars on the full res stock images of this girl?
Why would someone do this? She looks incredibly stupid, and I'd bang an underage girl.
I was downloading NES ROMs in 1998. Nobody cared then, nobody cares now.
Pedophile thread. Jannies, do your thing.
>EU spent millions of dollars just to answer if piracy actually does affect sales
That's the entire point of girls though
Retarded dumb cunts make me diamonds
I got a DMCA for a GT4 ISO.
What was the outcome?
Discovering emulation as a 12 year old really blew my mind
"trusting random lies on the internet is for fags" is the outcome
discovering 12 year olds as a 30 year old blew my mind
I like ditzy girls who make a lot of mistakes, but being a genuine retard doesn't do it for me.
If I remember correctly it could have been summed up as "eh"
Discovering 30 year olds as pic related really blew my mind
who did that childs hair
It doesn't do shit. Here was the report.
can't touch me, faggot bureau of incels
I committed no crimes. seethe.
I am monitoring this thread.
is this a Pog impression by a little girl?
>TFW you can't post an innocent reaction pic if it happens to contain a child because people will freak out about it
Post games that justify emulation and piracy
>Ratchet and Clank HD Collection
They actually suppressed those results later kek
So sad I'm crying!
Makes sense, most of the games I've pirated (in Minecraft) were not games I was interested in buying in the first place, and some games I actually bought later because I got to demo them
>TFW you realize you committed piracy by downloading that old ass game you couldn't find on steam or gog
then why did he do it
San Andreas is a recent example.
the scales fell from your eyes
based and lolipilled
old hags just can't compete
mothers do this to make their daughters more unatractive than them
Realistically you aren't entitled to software regardless of age. If you're gonna do it then do it and shut the fuck up about it. People only care because most people recognize somewhere down the line that I their work was shit years ago and no one bought and it suddenly explodes into popularity and you got nothing for it then you'd feel like shit as well but by 2030 copyright laws will change again and emulation will probably become full stop illegal because of vocal retards that can't keep their fucking mouths shut
it's impossible to tell because some people pirate and buy. Some people only pirate but they tell others who do buy. some people pirate and then never even touch the game. so how can you possibly know?
Yup. Suddenly. Vamoose, MOEpedo.
are you retarded
if they wanted to do anything to you they could plant anything they want on you easy peasy
>i committed no crimes therefore i'm immune
this is the funniest thing i ever read if not sad in it's naivety
>but by 2030 copyright laws will change again and emulation will probably become full stop illegal because of vocal retards that can't keep their fucking mouths shut
I highly doubt it, since Sony's case it was already sealed.
Yo ho ho.
uuuuhm little girls??
People are so fed by the dogma of gaming industry to the point you are a fucking criminal if you played a Atari game for free, it's even more vibrant since Emuparadise shut down and the EPIC ANTI PIRACY VIDEOS!!! on youtube!
Current games is one thing, remasters/remakes is another.
But it's a whole new story if you been a martyr over downloading a old, outdated, game that nobody cares now but fanboys and retro gamers. Even these faggots are smarter than neckbeards like (you).
Behave yourself nonce
>since Sony's case it was already sealed.
That's not how it works retard
tranny, emulations became legal because of that case. But that doesn't stop Sony from making lifes a living hell.
No matter how loud these people can be, they just making fool of themselves.
cope glowie
It's really funny how Rebirth2 has piracy bad themes while being the most pirated game in the series.
You see?
>I'd bang an underage girl.
Who wouldnt
Kek I make thread like that.
>Emuparadise shut down
Just use the script bro.
Thread already has multiple glowies lurking and a mod babysitting it.
Don't fall for it pedobros.
That's a boy
What are you fucking gay?