>are you at work right now
>how's your life going
>what's your favorite game
>do you have any hope left?
30 and above thread
Yep, I'm at work right now. Been browsing Yea Forums since roughly 2005, back when Yea Forums was a new and exciting thing. Life is going great, didn't get memed into going to college and found my own way to a great career. I don't care much about modern games because they are so stagnated but I do enjoy a couple releases each year and retro vidya is always fun to go back to. I still enjoy coming to Yea Forums now and then, mostly just lurk a bit and have a few giggles.
Anyways, hope all you Yea Forumstards have a good day.
Working (playing videogames) from home. Life is good and the weather has been great for the past week. Finished my autismo Elden Ring playthrough and am playing Hell let Loose now. Hoping for Titanfall 3.
>>are you at work right now
>>how's your life going
It's going ok
>>what's your favorite game
not sure, maybe Morrowind
>>do you have any hope left?
I hope that with my enemies growing more ridiculous by the day they will surely end themselves by stupidity soon
>are you at work right now
i wfh
>how's your life going
>what's your favorite game
ff tactics
>do you have any hope left?
37, married, third child on the way next month. Work 6 days a week but only 4-6 hours a day. My 4 year old is into vidya but a really typical zoomer that only likes tablet games and is put off by analog sticks. He has played quite a few classic games with me and has completed a few races in Road Rash 3 and world 1-1 in bing bing wahoo. I'm currently playing through The Phantom Pain for the first time.
>are you at work right now
Nah I've finished for the day
>how's your life going
Pretty good, just got back from vacation
>what's your favorite game
I can't really say it changes a lot. I'm currently playing Pokemon White though
>do you have any hope left?
Yeah I have quite a lot, things are going well in my life for the first time in 25 years and it's been going well for about a year now
>start in a week
Pretty well, kid is about to turn 1.
Star Control 2, Duke 3d
Not a fan of how this housing market bullshit is, but hanging in there. Excited for Splatoon 3. Also, DUKE NUKEM FOREVER 2001 UNREAL BUILD GOT LEAKED, I CANT WAIT TO KEEP GOING THROUGH IT WHEN I GET HOME.
>are you at work right now
No, I have the day off today
>how's your life going
Pretty alright
>what's your favorite game
Inscryption at the moment. I really like co-op games, but my friends are not as available as before (and neither am I)
>do you have any hope left?
Not so much for vidya. Looking forward to Kerbal Space Program 2 and Starfield. Hope they don't suck.
What upcoming games this year are guys planning to play?
>are you at work right now
>how's your life going
>what's your favorite game
>do you have any hope left?
You have to be misinformed or mentally ill to have hope left
47 Year old here
>are you at work right now
Yes I work from home
>how's your life going
Can't complain too much
>what's your favorite game
>do you have any hope left?
Just wasting time until I get old enough to be put in a comfy nursing home by my family
>Nope, don't start until the weekend
>Super Metroid
>Yeah, lots of hope. Almost have enough for a down payment on a house, but no money for vidya anymore.
>are you at work right now
lol im a neet
>how's your life going
l o l
>what's your favorite game
tales of symphonia
>do you have any hope left?
I don't want to grow old bros. 4 more years till the big 30...
you got 3 things to worry about.
1. Your knees will start making noise when you get up.
2. You will never feel rested after sleeping.
3. Start exercising more, your metabolism will start to slow.
37, lost my job 3 months ago
not bad, I have 2 years of unemployment pay, so I'm working on my backlog
The yakuza series, stayed in kabukicho to personally make an autist comparison folder, also MGS
For humanity? No. For vidya? Very little. For myself? Yeah, I'll work something out
>browsing Yea Forums at work
No RF allowed and the network is heavily monitored, so no chance.
Pretty decent, working an interesting job, accumulating fat stacks and I'm probably in the best shape I've ever been.
>favorite vidya
Too many to pick from. I've been playing Monhun Rise recently which is fun, replayed dark souls 1 and 2 in the last several weeks, and played through hypnospace outlaw last weekend.
Yeah single life is actually p. good.
>are you at work right now
yes, lol. Working remote.
>how's your life going
trying to save money and figure out where the fuck I want to live
>what's your favorite game
God Hand
>do you have any hope left?
Yes, actually.
>working two jobs, they're chill though, doing editing and translating for major companies
>making decent money
>qualified for some gubbament funds for purchasing my first house
>seeing qt slim girl who's into degen shit sexually and in terms of her interests
>got really muscular in the past year, gonna get even more fit
a glimmer of light shines in the distance, Yea Forumsros
>no, its night.
>Ok. Still single, but gonna get my drivers license and happy enough at work. Its still semi entry but I will get there.
>Blood Bowl
>Yes. I still have the rare low days but my exercise keeps me sane as does my family.
What did you work as?
>You have to be misinformed or mentally ill to have hope left
Bummer dude lol.
Nope finished a seven day stint today
Grand thanks
Favourite game is still Pokemon gold. Most played is advance wars/ PS2 gta's
For my life? Yes. For a free and equal society to enjoy? Absofuckinglutely not a chance.
-Could be better, could be worse. Getting close to 39yo. Work has been very compromised because of COVID restrictions, it may or may not survive. Politics in my country are fucked so things are going to get worse and worse, everyone is feeling it. Other than that it's good for the moment, as long as my wife and my kids are fine, I don't care about the rest, even if money is not as easy as it used to be. My 7 and 4 yo kids love to play Minecraft, Mario, Sonic, MegaMan X, Kingdom Hearts and Smash Bros Ultimate. It's very interesting because they like to play just about every kind of games, old or new, it doesn't matter to them, they're just having fun.
-Currently Elden Ring and still playing Titan Fall 2 (NorthStar) from time to time. 20 years ago I was saying Half Life would be my favorite game but your taste changes as you grow older.
-like I said I only care for my family, not for myself. The problem is that I have the feeling everything is going downhill pretty fast. I'm worried for them, but yeah I still have some hope.
>neets lives are bad and have no hope
>people staying productive seem to be doing well and maintain hope for themselves
Intentional or not, cool little social experiment you have going on here OP.
I have a week off between assignments. A have 3 job interviews soon.
I'm still a 34 year old hugless virgin, so Objectively not great. I paid off my house though, as small as it is.
Favorite game is hard, but I've been playing a lot of Maximum Tune 5 at the arcade now that North America can connect with everything in the 5DX+ update.
No hope at all.
>Normies are too distracted with normieshit
Wow that's new
>could be worse, saved up enough from a crummy hospitality job to not have to work while im taking the net+
>probably arma, mainly because of the editor. making missions is fun even if you never play them
>it comes and goes but i'm still slogging forward
A lot of the NEET demograph are depressed but stall it through the dopamine drip of vidya. It doesn't rid them of their mental illness, just stalls it.
People with jobs are moving, out and about, around others and despite what some think, a bit of stress and routine is good for you.
>are you at work right now
No. My wife works and I stay home with my 3 kids.
>how's your life going
Couldn't ask for more. I just play/homeschool with kids and play vidya all day.
>what's your favorite game
I am playing through DA:I after playing DA:O and DA2.
>do you have any hope left?
Yes. I am hoping for the soon coming of our LORD Jesus Christ.
Working from home right now doing remote hospital database reports
Life going bad because i'm fat, alcoholic, with no friends. However i'm rich and have no wife or kids or pets.
Favorite game is Mario Sunshine split screen coop romhack
Some hope left, might visit my brother later this year
Wharehouse clerk (I was alone) for a small electrical company
>i'm unemployed
>not great
>the adventures of alundra
>a little
>No. When I'm at work, then I work until I can go home
>I can't say I have goals anyway, so eh
>My standards answer always was MGS3 but Kojima took such a massive shit on MGS as a whole that I have my doubts retroactively.
>Objectively the future isn't looking good for an absolute shitton of people. Universal income absolutely will happen, let's just see how that turns out. If I can have a remotely comfy life living in the pod eating bread made out of bugs while playing vidya then as someone who has no goals that sounds like the good life
Was that supposed to be an insult?
I get that. Been unemployed since January (have a physical/piss test for new job this week tho) and despite thinking having time to myself would be great, sitting around playing vidya day in and day out has gotten so fucking boring and I can almost feel myself mentally stagnating. I play music with friends but that's a once a week thing and all I've had going on for almost six months.
>are you at work right now
Yes, IT job has quite a bit of downtime between tasks
>how's your life going
Not in a bad place, but not where I want to be.
>what's your favorite game
Rimworld, maybe Factorio and Terraria giving it competition. All modded.
>do you have any hope left?
West ain't looking good bros, I'm thinking hard times are ahead. I'll keep living though.
>>are you at work right now
Just got off
>>how's your life going
breddy gud, other than that typical life bullshit like electric company raping our wallets by roiding up their rates out of nowhere. complained to the point of putting them on a payment plan on 10 bucks a month until we change.
>>what's your favorite game
>>do you have any hope left?
Sure do, seeing a lot of good things on the horizon
>are you at work right now
Just got off.
>how's your life going
I don't really have any long term goals but I make good wages for where I live. Just making money to put it into my hobbies and interests. Tried dating again after a pretty traumatic heartbreak but I don't let women get close anymore and I become bored of them.
>what's your favorite game
>do you have any hope left?
There is always hope. You can be flat broke, homeless, alcoholic, whatever. As long as you're still sucking air then there is hope.
>are you at work right now
Yes, remotely
>how's your life going
Pretty good actually. I like my job and even when I'm a massive introvert I don't care that much.
>what's your favorite game
Mother 3
>do you have any hope left?
Not much, but I have been learning stuff and crafts for when shit hits the fan.
Fair nuff user. Good luck in your next escapade man, we will all make it.
>There is always hope. You can be flat broke, homeless, alcoholic, whatever. As long as you're still sucking air then there is hope.
That's the most facebook-mom shit I have read all year
>I'm currently playing through The Phantom Pain for the first time.
my condolences
I hope you're enjoying it user its a classic game
Quitting my job next month. Not interested in getting another one. Let's see if I don't starve to death.
What were you working as and how long?
>despite our best effort user manages to remain positive
cynicbros... I wasn't supposed to be like this.
I'm looking after my 6 y/o niece for a week and she keeps trying to molest me. Is there anything I can do about this because it's super uncomfortable and if I scold her she just laughs at me?
I'm 27 and there's nothing you can do to stop me from posting in your thread
It isn't so bad, just very repetative and the sentry AI/visibility is really poor. I'm enjoying it a fair bit, but if I didn't get it for $3.99 I might judge it much harsher.
>are you at work right now
No, I drove home
>how's your life going
Okay, could always use more money
>what's your favorite game
Overall Dark Souls 1, right now I'm having a ton of fun playing Noita
>do you have any hope left?
fuck no baby
wow what a rebel
Web developer for like 2 years. I get a decent pay and good savings but I just can't take the boredom anymore.
>this makes me u happy user, you need to stop or I will tell your mom
that's right old man you wish you still had a youthful rebellious spirit
Ah you will bounce back. Nothing worse than an unstimulating job.
She literally doesn't give a fuck. I've had to start locking my bedroom door at night
>are you at work right now
got home from it.
>how's your life going
>what's your favorite game
favorites are dumb and change a lot. currently its slay the spire and bloodborne.
>do you have any hope left?
Dude she is a SIX YEAR OLD KID! Talk to the mom or put your foot down. It is not hard.