GPU thread

>RTX 3050 8GB

Attached: Rolf.png (510x382, 155.53K)


>GTX 750 1gb

Attached: 1645540431318.jpg (640x627, 22.1K)

>Sapphire Pulse 6800XT

Attached: azure.jpg (1276x1600, 1.36M)

>6800XT underclocked and undervolted
I need to stay at 200W max draw for my poor ITX case

Attached: anime burger.jpg (700x989, 156.63K)

>EVGA 1080 FTW

Attached: akuma2.png (492x514, 268.47K)

Damn user, coudn't you at least get a GDDR5 1030?

GTX 1050 ti

Attached: kanye sus.gif (520x640, 3.91M)


Attached: 1646427630733.jpg (1024x855, 63.95K)

>Rolf is now the protagonist of the last vidya you played. What changes?

>GTX 1080

Attached: 1540925247635.jpg (598x554, 19.65K)

>RTX a2000 12gb

Attached: 03FA8D38-F3A8-477F-BDCC-79A39458A4B0.jpg (1095x795, 69.18K)

>"Guys just wait!"

Everyone above is what happens when you just wait.

GTX 970

>RTX 3060 12GB

Attached: 1641227036063.jpg (174x250, 7.26K)


Attached: 111.jpg (388x365, 37.6K)

Most of those cards are still decent for 1080p.

Main PC
>GTX 1080 Ti 12gb
>RTX 3050 Ti 4gb

Attached: dfd.jpg (680x621, 61.15K)

Found the COOMSOOMER guys. Fucking glownigger,my 1080 plays Elden Ring just fine. Still laughing at all the fucks that got forced into buying scalped prices.

Talk about coping lol

>got my 3090 at msrp using bots
>can resell it and buy the next 4000 series GPU basically for free
>keep doing this till the end of time and all I had to pay was 1.5k

Attached: Gigachad Dance 1.gif (484x718, 533.81K)

>3060 Ti

Attached: c1681c72323bc97853a94c3a03c0d6c991972712dc9c9aa8fc84da6e3ca78487.png (500x500, 142.13K)

>RTX 2060

Attached: 1632782855114.png (640x480, 515.21K)

rtx 2080, but since im on 1080p, it will last for a long time to come

Attached: 456541.png (512x505, 602.96K)

Sapphire RX 590

Attached: 63.png (629x581, 27K)

>RTX 3060 12GB

Attached: Screenshot_20220510-222443.png (781x773, 304.78K)

>RX 5700 XT

Attached: b083fe955ec01775d2a60c.jpg (1024x685, 142.41K)

>Couldn't you get an even bigger piece of shit

My retarded ass thought the two were pretty much equal in performance, my mistake

They aren't too far off, but at least the 750 wasn't crap from day one.

>RX 580 4GB

Attached: 1652215764608.jpg (1280x720, 152.51K)

>rtx 3060
>play nothing but bloons, doom wads and indieshit

Attached: GvaD39W.png (427x520, 247.37K)

>Intel HD Graphics 520

>got a 3080
>literally only playing pic related last 2 months

Attached: bsd4kh35m5971.jpg (800x600, 159.17K)

>3070 ti
>only worthwhile games are indieshit that can probably be played on an APU

Attached: 1627365845961.jpg (300x300, 32.22K)

RX 480 chads where you at? 8gb vs 4gb edition

Attached: 1652140502608.jpg (1070x1258, 373.53K)

This is where I am. New 3070 ti and no vidya worthy of it. Actually bought Cyberpunk on sale just to stress it but holy shit does that game suck ass

>gtx 1050 ti low profile 4gb

Attached: unknown.png (1920x1023, 1.8M)

>tfw 3080ti but have no patience for gaming anymore

Cyberpunk is not a bad game but I would not play 60+ bucks for it.

>Gigabyte 6600

Attached: Nicholas-fuentes-800-01.png (1200x628, 251.72K)

>144hz monitor

Attached: F13D6C87-1A9D-477C-9989-E50AFF4A18E0.gif (320x220, 150.72K)

>RX 5500 XT 8GB

Attached: 1631420200552.png (512x519, 346.5K)

>RTX 3070

Attached: 1623711960236.jpg (673x768, 46.51K)

>8gb 1070

Attached: 1652162806725.png (558x558, 356.14K)

>Niggabyte 3090 Xtreme

Attached: justice.jpg (878x878, 102.07K)

>you will never feel this good

Attached: 1625925960164.jpg (653x653, 79.17K)

these posters have large penises

Attached: 31772469-2b3a-48ac-a51a-f5b660c3474c-large3x4_mullet.png (960x1281, 2.49M)

Attached: 1560591227018.png (720x720, 519.34K)

>RTX 3060 ti

Attached: 1645731151325.jpg (584x622, 117.96K)

RTX 3050 Laptop GPU


Attached: 17mh2s70nc561.jpg (994x768, 126K)

RTX 3050 Laptop GPU.

Attached: 16466726034960.png (730x730, 248.74K)

>HD7970 Lightning 3GB

Attached: 1574880940226.png (400x400, 122.81K)

>3080ti that I won in the newegg shuffle

Attached: 1644523051971.jpg (1079x1682, 99.15K)

eat only raw foods and you will feel and look that good in 6 months


I opened my "gaming" laptop up once again and was suprised how loud it was.

Attached: 1620576687787.png (331x299, 227.19K)

you won the chance to buy it at 2x MSRP, and now they're cheaper than ever
good job

I got it at msrp, and sold my 1060 and 2060 on ebay for $900 total

>rtx 3090
thank you based discord seller.
Now I can play Honey Select 2: Libido at 144fps with SSS ON!!!

Attached: 1642539834906.gif (645x377, 284.13K)


I can't afford anything else.

Attached: momoneydansense.png (1933x640, 398.86K)

>tfw the most graphically demanding titles I play are just a few modern fighting games
Works for me

Attached: 1646731831212.gif (346x320, 2.76M)

>GTX 1060 3Gb

Attached: 1525022842198.gif (500x350, 1.94M)


Attached: 1591723457780.jpg (640x640, 42.12K)