DMC thread

Red orb

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DMC1 outfit > DMC2 outfit > DMC5 outfit > DMC4 outfit >>> DMC3 outfit


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I finished 1 last week and I'm halfway through with 2. Why is the camera, and the lock-on so fucking shit? a lot of times I can't even see the enemy I'm fighting, or the game decides locks onto something else

1 would be the best but the red pants are too goofy.

why does the orb look like George Floyd

>why is the [thing] so shit in DMC2?
Everything is shit in DMC2. Use your guns and get out ASAP


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It's not a good game series and none of the Platinum spinoffs that use the same engine are any good either.
Ninja Gaiden 2, Sekiro, and Nioh 2 are better action games.

>tranny gaiden

>Sekiro, and Nioh 2
You don't understand what makes DMC good

will 3, 4 and 5 allow me to rotate the camera? not hating btw, I'm enjoying the games but this bit really annoys me

Spin put this on a

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Long-winded combos are appreciated by transgenders and blacks alike.

>It's not a good game series
1 and 3 are great. 5 is at least decent. NG2 is better than all of them but I still like DMC3 more.

>Platinum spinoffs that use the same engine

3 and 4 have some rooms with a fixed camera and others where you can rotate it left or right (but not up or down), but you generally see everything even with the fixed camera. 5 has a completely controllable camera always outside of bossfights.

look at dis dood

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Finished DMC1 on DMD yesterday. One of the best hard modes in a game. I plan on doing 3 and 5 on DMD as well. How are those? I know everyone hates 3's but I never hear anyone talk about 5 on DMD.

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5's DMD is great thanks to the great enemy roster. HaH is also really good despite being brutal.

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It depends on how willing you are to change your strats on DMD for 3. In 1 enemies do more damage, but you'll still use the same strats that also work on the other difficulties (except for bosses). In 3 DMD if you kill enemies one by one you're going to have a bad time since they enter DT after some of them die. You are encouraged to group enemies up, using AoE moves and managing their health to kill them all at once or at least weaken them before they enter DT. Some of them have too much health even when not in DT, but otherwise it's a great mode. If you are a shitter and unable to adapt then stick to Very Hard.
DMD in 5 is nothing special. At low health/after some time enemies will enter DT but they don't gain that much health or super armor. They deal good damage at least.

Cool good to know DMD isn't trash in 5. I was probably gonna do HaH too since I love 5 even though I'm fully expecting it to kick my ass. Meme difficulties can be fun sometimes though.
Gotcha, I'll keep that in mind when I get to 3 on DMD. I plan on doing 3 on DMD before 5. I'm not doing 4 on DMD because fuck The Savior.

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Just remember that style points in 5 are determined by what rank you kill enemies in, so for missions 10 and 12 where the ranking is more strict you shouldn't rush to kill enemies. Quad S is great in DMD because it practically guarantees you're killing things in SSS, but other good tools are things like Dance Macabre, E&I or Heat Up which will raise your style without damaging the enemies too much.

I miss orb posting

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How do i into dmc 3 combat. I feel like im getting filtered like a toddler. Is the start just really limited on moves or am i just shit.

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Where are you at currently? The first third is limiting but once you hit mission 8 is when things start to open up more, and by mission 10 you'll be decked out.

what sound does it make when you pick it up

Just started mission 6. Was stuck on Cerberus for a bit, but im getting the hang of the combat. At least thats what i think since i managed to beat agni and rudra first try.

Wait for the other moves and weapons you'll unlock later. In general try to focus on what effect certain attacks have against the enemies and yourself. Sure, Stinger lets you move fast from point A to B, but it also knocks back the enemy that gets hit, isolating it from the other enemies and allowing you to kill it more safely. E&I stun enemies and makes you gain air time, Crazy Combos are good for stunlocking groups of enemies and deal decent damage etc.

It seems that im not having that much trouble fighting normal enemies, except the flying red shits. Most likely the bosses are going to be the bane of my existence. Thanks for the tip.

The bosses are the really hard part of the game imo. There's some easy ones like Gigapede and Doppelganger, but half of them will rip you a new one. Not counting Vergil, I'd say the hardest ones are Cerberus, Agni and Rudra, Nevan, and Beowulf.

>It seems that im not having that much trouble fighting normal enemies
Normal in DMC3 is a pretty easy difficulty, as most action games. You can unlock every difficulty if you press a certain sequence of buttons in the menu (if you feel up to the task or if Normal gets too boring).

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I will most likely just go through the difficulties normally as I do not want my asshole to turn into a sunflower just yet.
Tell me about it, normal enemies feel like punching bags compared to bosses.

5's DMD is really the only meaningful way to play the game outside your first playthrough - the first 2 difficulties are way too easy.

>Tell me about it, normal enemies feel like punching bags compared to bosses.
Yeah 3's enemies are either too passive or irritating as fuck. There's still a lot of really good combat encounters but it is overall a disappointing enemy roster compared to 1 and 5. Mission 15 also introduces one of the worst enemies in the series with the fallen. Seriously I think only the blitz from 4 are on their level.

I played through all the games (minus 2) at the start of 2021. I didn't realize it had already been over a year
Still go back to 5 on occasion for a BP attempt or doing a quick Vergil stage, and got 3 on my Switch for style switching.

Normal enemies get really buffed on DMD and Very Hard, and there are some brutal encounters in that mode (even though I feel they could have pushed a bit harder in certain places). Remixed enemy placement is also nice on higher difficulties. Overall enemy design is the weakest aspect of DMC3, but they do a good enough job of supporting the combat system.
Bosses are decently challenging even on Normal and you need to figure out a working strat soon if you don't want them to destroy you later.

look mommy it's the funny fruit from berzerk!

How come we never did it with the DMC5 orbs?

I'd rather fight the Fallen than the fucking Enigmas or Soul Eaters. Those are next level SHITE.

Nice orb

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Think there was a few anons trying but it got drowned out by the huge influx of people

Where were you when the greatest DMC threads happened?
>Vergil deniers BTFO'd
>Final Trailer reveal
>a bunch of shit got leaked
>DMC 5SE Stream Dante boss fight reveal

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DMC5 feels kinda different compared to the other games. It's so high budget

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Was playing some BP in 3 and...

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>lean XD
Go back. How did you get that bug?

Jesus I forgot about the soul eaters. What the fuck were they smoking when they made those? dullahans are also pretty awful but at least easy to fight. Still I'd rather take those two than the blitz or chimeras from 4. Those were so terrible I seriously have to wonder how they got put in the game.

how do I install style switcher for DMC 3 on the HD collection? I'm a brainlet

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Arkham 2 underrated track

I have no fucking idea. It was so goddamn bright, too.
>Go back
I know, I couldn't think of a better filename.

Has anyone done an S rank run of DMC2?

when is a good idea to use doppelganger instead of building sdt?

Probably but you'd need to be a special kind of masochist to do something like that

Yeah, I think I remember seeing a forum where a guy posted his findings. Apparently, some missions are straight up impossible to S rank without the help of a super costume.

True, just playing each difficulty once is masochism. I never even got one A rank casually playing through.

>Apparently, some missions are straight up impossible to S rank without the help of a super costume.
Well that just sucks. Might go see if someone on youtube has done it.

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>pick vergil
>ultra violet selected in the jukebox
yep, it's gaming time

What's it like on Hard and DMD? I only ever played it once on Normal years ago, so I'd imagine it's similar just more tedious and time consuming. I know you can play as Trish and supposedly she's fun but it's still DMC2 at the end of the day.

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Got some ray-traced screenshots. Post some if you want, too.

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