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Fake. Most likely it's some jealous fromdrone trying to spread FUD about Starfield
Hey, I'm an ex-bethesda dev and Hevy008 is full of shit.
It's pretty believable considering Bethesda's track record
I'm literally Todd Howard and this user is correct
Jason Schreier independently confirmed they were an actual dev.
he was a 3D modeler, he knows fuck all about the engine and Josh Sawyer has said the engine is great to work with
I am Bethesda shadow director Togg Hobbard. Feel free to ask me anything. Also is my son.
What, no way?!
>self-proclaimed ex-bethesda
>a resetera user named hevy008
yeah, sure
>Starfield engine
same engine used since oblivion(?) again?
I imagine its common tho. How 'same engine' is Unreal 5 compared to past Unreal engines?
Still gon be shit tho.
>Jason Schreier
The guy who hates Bethesda and was personally banned by Todd himself from ever being contacted by Bethesda.
That said, it wouldn't surprise me the engine was garbage, it is a company staple after all.
>Josh Sawyer has said the engine is great to work with
Fuck does VN developer know about games?
Well if no one else will...
good morning sirs
>since oblivion(?)
Try Morrowind. It's an ancient piece of shit, with all of the pros and cons that brings.
>shazam trannies
Yep, slide thread
Everyone says this but no one has bothered to build an alternative that has lots of interior cells that can hold 1000's of clutter objects. I also don't think anyone has attempted to simulate real life schedules for all their npc's and assigning them a class and skill sets. The reason people put up with Bethesda is because of all these dumb systems working together. Like when you attack someone in a big city and a couple of their friends start peeling out to grab weapons out of a shop to attack you with.
Have you seen the gay porn collection of mine, sir? F-For she...
I work at Bethesda, and we've signed a contract to buy Square Enix. You'll hear the announcement later this week.
Bethesda is well known for creating shit engines and also simply being bad at using said engines. They still can't make ladders for God's sake.
i am a good friend of the director and i can confirm that this game is great and this ex-employee is just mad
people actually have any faith left in bethesda to deliver a good product after what happened with FO76? are they fucking retarded, or do they just really have nothing else to look forward too?
they released skyrim 15 times on 10 different consoles in the last decade, and almost nothing else. how the fuck is that a good sign?
>Everyone says this but no one has bothered to build an alternative
A handful of autists reverse engineered and created an open source version of the engine from the Morrowind era in their spare time. Full compatibility with official assets, and with most of the original engine's issues fixed. A competent game dev could do that and so much more, it's just that it's a lot cheaper to license the whatever the latest version of Unreal is out there and use that instead. Proprietary engines cost time and money, so they're mostly skipped for those reasons. Also, Beth themselves bought the engine from a different company when they were making Morrowing, they just kept tinkering with it ever since.
What's so bad about the engine?
>A competent game dev could do that and so much more
and yet, many have tried to copy the success of bethesda. none have succeeded. not even new vegas got it right. hmm sounds like it's not as easy as you make it out to be.
Oh no no fellow contraritroons on Yea Forums not another Bethesda game that is using an engine that literally is the only reason why modding is able to be as great and customizable as it is, on an already GOTY game vanilla.
But I must regurgitate "engine bad" because literally everyone including reddit said so, even tho I have no idea how engines work.
i guarantee you its the morrowind engine with some new bits, again.
nobody even bothers to consider any of that, they just say 'lol engine buggy'
I'd challenge any gamebryo hater to find another game that remembers every single object and all the properties of those objects (stolen, enchanted, durability, quantity etc) in every container in every room everywhere for all time
you can drop a potion in the middle of a dungeon, play for 10,000 hours and then go back and get it
you can kill someone and take everything they're carrying, and then put stuff on their corpse
where are the other devs doing anything like this?
all engines are like that
Wow you're telling me Gamebryo *NEW* is a bad engine????
Is this a surprise to anyone? It's been over 15 years since Bethesda has released a good game
you see this webm? this is far too much for todd and his team to program into the game, despite having gorillions of dollars from skyrim and SO MUCH FUCKING TIME to do it.
they literally said "ladders aren't necessary" and just skipped them entirely. there are no ladders in space, and never will be, apparently
i've been saying this for years now.
bethesda haters are fucking braindead, doubly so the tards crying about game engines when they clearly know nothing about the topic
there's working elevators in fallout 4.
nobody cares about ladders when we have elevators
>Fired Employee is bitter, more breaking news at 11.
If someone can't put their actual name next to their statement, their statement holds zero weight. We aren't in the 80s anymore.
we all know ladders are what makes a true 10/10 game
Who cares, this means nothing. What is concerning is the fact Bethesda hasn't made a good game since Skyrim, which was really only carried by mods.
>not even new vegas got it right
Obsidian were retarded enough to agree on a deadline that forced them to cut a bunch of shit, and they took a contract that made them use the engine and assets as hand-me-downs from Beth. And yet even with nothing more than sloppy seconds to work with they managed to make a game that BTFOs all of Beth's games so hard it's not even funny.
YWNBAW and Fallout 76 was made by another team in Texas, keep crying and stay mad at the GOTY contraritroons.
Bethesda defense force is out on the prowl right now. Be careful guys, they might make you buy Skyrim again
If true, I don't know why this would surprise anybody.
>OPINION Bethesda hasn't made a good game since Skyrim
Fixed. Also that is an opinion you're largely alone on. Around here, at least. Bethesda hasn't made a good game in 20 years.
>you can only criticize a company/game if you hate it
Brand loyality is for sad losers.
>but no one has bothered to build an alternative that has lots of interior cells that can hold 1000's of clutter objects.
UE5 does that.
It's an inherently buggy and unstable mess that cannot fully utilize modern hardware. It's also full of various "quirks" such as having fucked item collisions, framerate based physics that fall apart if you go above 60 fps, and being unable to have functional ladders just to name a few.
>they managed to make a game that BTFOs all of Beth's games so hard it's not even funny.
if they were not handed BGS's tech and gameplay, nobody at all would remember new vegas in 2022.
DAMN the bethesda defense force for not following in line with my contrarian hot takes about game engines i know nothing about!
Go back on your meds.
Nobody in their right mind would actually shill for Bethesda.
The ladders thing is a Bethesda issue, not an engine issue. Bully was made with Gamebyro for example and it has fully functional ladders. I guess they could have made their fork of Gamebyro anti-ladder to accommodate then.
>you can drop a potion in the middle of a dungeon, play for 10,000 hours and then go back and get it
The time to cell reset is a maximum of 30 in-game days, or 36 hours real time. Dungeons in Skyrim are not set to be persistent like locations are in New Vegas.
so you're saying the brand new unreal engine has finally caught up to the janky old "morrowind engine". is that right?
oh my bad. is there a limit on how long something will stay in a container unchaged?
I cant wait for this shit to come out and be an absolute fucking mess for the first month until they patch it together into an actual working game. its not gonna be as bad as Cyberpunk, but no Bethesda game ships in anything less than shit shape
are u tarded? by the same logic ue5 is the same 1896 unreal engine
fucking dumbass
>I'd challenge any gamebryo hater to find another game that remembers every single object and all the properties of those objects (stolen, enchanted, durability, quantity etc) in every container in every room everywhere for all time
user, serialization of a game's state is a thing, it's just that not that many games deem that level of persistence necessary. How do you think save games work?
and it will still sell 20 mil copies. you will be on here waiting for your tortannic / shazam buds to make their threads, but you'll be drowned out by real people discussing a fun new exciting game.
eh as long as its moddable
you could if that point of detail is worth it though. It's cause of things like that makes savefile bloat and take you 5mins to load you game
>I'd challenge any gamebryo hater to find another game that remembers every single object and all the properties of those objects (stolen, enchanted, durability, quantity etc) in every container in every room everywhere for all time
Fallout 1 and 2 do that, user. Just as an example.
>company known for garbage engines is likely to have yet another garbage engine
Stop the fucking presses.
You want to know why the Bethesda engine was so janky before?
Everyone who knew how the engine left by the time Oblivion rolled around, and all the new interns that keep getting hired have no real idea how it works and keep patching it. They don't have any real software engineers that can rework or update the engine.
Modders know their engine inside and out out of sheer autism, but Bethesda never hires them.
he meant a game from this century in 3d and with a total file size larger than 700mb
>just lemme move these goalposts a bit further
im sorry but, your example sucked. fallout 1 and 2 have like maybe 35 locations between the two of them. how many cells are there in skyrim?
>Self proclaimed
And I'm the king of Atlantis.
My dad works at Nintendo
modders cannot know much, nobody ever have seen the source code besides the devs
>a bethesda-made engine is hot garbage
imagine my surprise
Same cell reset. That's why people will tell you to use ones in player housing, because those cells are set to never reset. Loading a cell will also reset its reset timer, but different cells use different schedules (with no consistent rules) which goes as low as I believe five in-game days.
>yep, I'm just gonna keep moving them goalposts even further
Everything is a Bethesda issue, Todd was not lying about having no remaining legacy code inherited from third-party proprietary engines. Everything that can be traced back to Morrowind at this point was Bethesda in-house.
There is literally no Bethesda engine that isn't a complete piece of shit.
>sales = good game
i bet you use twitch viewer counts as a source of reliable info, too, you little corporate cock sucking scum bucket
You don't need the source code to fully understand the behavior of a program. The fact that they're injecting things and interacting with the game's systems as much as they are demonstrates modders have a level of understanding of the engine that rivals that of the developers
>pirate morrowind
>don't like it, but look forward to oblivion since it looks fucking awesome
>buy that shit on release day
>it's....ok, I guess
>skyrim announcement hits
>Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin!
>hyped as fuck, but pirate it just to safe me the disappointment
>it turns out to be fucking great
It's wild to think that I pirated the only good game Todd has ever made 10 years ago while some people have bought it multiple times.
Dude every engine sucks. Talk to any specialist who works with any boutique tool and they'll tell you how much it sucks ass.
you stupid fucking zoomers, I swear.
It was a guy who worked on the art department, not even a dev.
Journalists are literally grasping at straws here.
fun game = good game. BGS always makes fun games. high sales mean the majority of gamers agree BGS makes fun games. you're a fringe loser sitting out on the sidelines all by himself hahahaha
>Modders know their engine inside and out out of sheer autism, but Bethesda never hires them.
they do though, they've talked about doing exactly that so you're full of shit
the guy behind Fallout: London was recently hired as a quest designer too
source: youtu.be
Haven't people being saying their engine sucks since Fallout 3?
>understanding of the engine that rivals that of the developers
I'd bet it even surpasses them in some cases. I mean, some of these die-hard autists have been making Beth mods since Morrowind, fucking around with the engine's insides for 20+ years now. People are porting complete game assets from one generation of the engine into the next one with their full conversion mods, not to mention creating their own bugfixes and sometimes even straight-up engine improvements. Hell, if I was Todd I'd just hire a bunch of these autists and let them polish the game so that it comes out in a state that we normally see after a year or two of modding.
I'd like to say they learned from their mistakes because 76 righted most of the problems it had on launch and is perfectly fine now.
Pretty sure nothing despawned in Elex II when I played it recently. Felt like the game was gonna explode my Xbox One by the time I finished; was running at 10-20 fps later on
Elden Ring has some really long ladders and they are fucking amazing. Also ladder combat btw just saying ringring my niggaz…