>shooting dogs in games "What a monster!“, >maiming human beings in games "No problem, is just a Nazi“
Shooting dogs in games "What a monster!“, >maiming human beings in games "No problem, is just a Nazi“
/pol/ bait thread, do not reply
Should be Putin.
Yes fuck nazis.
>Yea Forums trying to take the moral highground
nazis arent human
Why are anglos so vulgar, Yea Forums?
nazis arent human
That cool black dude knocked that ugly fat nazi out in one punch
If that were true, then why do libs invent several excuses to downplay Azov Battilion while linking their enemies to Nazism in the most schizophrenic manner possible?
I feel like if this was made 10-15 years ago everyone would find it funny. Weird how its more controversial now
That was in elite 4 too, wasn't it?
He had a special animation and everything, I remember. Or maybe it was 3. The one that made hitler a DLC, kek.
fuck putin
fuck hitler
Correct OP, fascists don’t have human rights.
based, Ukraine deserves to be razed to the ground. Russia will win
Yes, the life of a nazist is worth way way less than that of any dog.
Forgetting that is the biggest problem with the west nowdays.
>all nationalists are nazis!
you are on a few too many levels of irony, user
Not my problem. I shoot both dogs and humans and whatever else. It's all pixels after all.
My grandfather served under Hitler and survived to tell the tale.
He was an awe inspiring human.
More than any of you mutts could ever hope to be.
>"No problem, is just a Nazi“
There's a reason Nazis are among the default enemies in video games.
>runs over npcs in gta
Nobody bats an eye
>brutalizes genocidal war criminals
There are no real nazis today they're all larpers.
let's be fair, anyone playing Sniper Elite was going to shoot Hitler in the nuts eventually, given the opportunity
Unlike most liberal boogeymen, those nazis actually wear nazi symbols and revere actual nazi figures like Stephen Bandera.
>hitler's balls
uh oh!
Your granddad was used as a pawn get over it
Wait till you find out the holocaust was greatly exaggerated because the allies firebombed a civilian target, Dresden, burning families alive over and over again
He took the poljack personally
>zoomer detected
He got to be 93 years old before passing away.
he only had one ball
Yeah the lowest Chihuahua is worth more than any Nazi. Just a fact of life. Don't like it? Don't choose to be a fat loser lol
>day one dlc to shoot hitler
Slaughter all Nazies till the last
The orthodox and catholic church support Russia fuck protestant heretics -Z-
Nah, they exist in Ukraine. Not only do they wear nazi symbols and worship nazi figures, they act on genocide towards Russians overseas and in Ukraine.
fuck off zigger
I don't get it. Why hasn't there been a Hitler game yet? Are video games that artistically bankrupt?
Well yeah, Nazi's are monsters. They did much worse.
Yeah because Nazis deserve it.
Nah he probably didn't and if he did it's cause he was a coward. A pussy inspired your pussy grandmother to inspire you to be a pussy on the internet now. Get fucked nigger.
My dude we have shot adolf in the testicle 4 TIMES NOW
can we please leave this dead man’s singular ball alone?
Sounds based, snow niggers should be exterminated.
I look forward to the russian genocide that's coming
>sniper elite 5
Wait, there was sniper elite 4 ?
don't care still died. plus he was probably a pedophile
That seems petty to the point of obsession.
The guy's been dead for 77 years, isn't it time to get over it?
I agree that Nazis should lose. :^)
Some dogs deserve life
Some dogs deserve death
Some humans deserve life
Some humans deserve death
I'd shoot pittbulls for free if i could get away with it
in every sniper elite game there is a bonus mission where you kill hitler
op is just one salty /pol/ snowflake, lmao
>mein waifu is der fuhrer
sorry sweatie, one step ahead of you
Austrophobic propaganda, this game should be banned
this is why all male zoomers and niggers should be killed
>completes another dick-punch only run in fallout 2
You deserve to be gassed rabbi
Hitler was a massive homo. The only thing he was good at was telling right wing loser fucks what they wanted to hear. Still i do like that he killed a lot of wealthy jews and businessmen.
happened in 2014
Why arent we making games about maiming Vikings who raped and murderd entire villages?
>No problem, is just a Nazi
Sniper Elite started adding NPC biographies so that every time you mark a target, you get a bit of information about them. Even though you're shooting nazis, the game attempts to create an impression that they're individuals with their own lives that you're ending.
>day one DLC package
I'm more upset by that.
>Nah he probably didn't
If he didn't then he would've not been able to marry and fuck my grandmother after the war now, would he?
>if he did it's cause he was a coward
He was a General but got captured by the Americans before the end of the war.
So you're saying we should support Ukraine, right?
adolf himself was a HUGE dog lover faggot. he 100% would shoot one of his own men before his dogs
Nazi hatred simply does not spur feelings of victory and glory anymore. They're nothing more than an old scapegoat for a dying order, we have new enemies now and they're in our very fractured communities right now. Anyone longing for the good old days of nazi killin is in denial or a retard, since they were right in the end.
>feigning outrage over killing literal Hitler
did the nazis win? How did we as a society regress so much
hitler lost, russia is losing, and china is the dominant world super power
World War 2 unironically has brand recognition.
Wake me up when there's a game about sniping Stalin to stop the millions of innocent deaths from starvation, execution and forced work camps.
Viking's were poor immigrants. It's not their fault they were rapists and murderers. It's 9th century society that's at fault.
cope, stormfaggot.
why is Yea Forums so fucking retarded?
killing hitler in sniper elite is a tradition at this point
arrest yourself ,slanderfeder.
First of all
Never call my ancestors immigrants
Second of all
The christians should have liked guarded thier gold better
it's gonna happen
dont have sex
Everything you do and say is projection.
Nicely done, OP.
NPCs came flooding in to screech and cry at the obvious bait. They really can't help themselves.
ill shoot you in the balls for making such a shit thread OP
Hasn't this been an achievement in several of the Sniper Elite games?
>implying Yea Forums plays the videogames they shitpost about