Bungie is angr at those who oppose pre-born infanticide

And they are openly mocking and blocking all of those who believes that unborn babies have a right to not be violently dismembered in the womb


>A tweet Sharing the studio’s unwavering stance on the abortion rights issue currently has over 70,000 likes and 4,000 replies. That’s even more than the studio’s January 31, 2022 tweet announcing it would be acquired by Sony. Many of the comments are as ugly as you would expect. But instead of letting the blog post and tweet speak for themselves, Bungie has respectfully but firmly fired back at individual commenters.

>“They are a video game company,” wrote one Twitter user. “You’re a toaster,” Bungie wrote, referring to the person’s avatar.

>“This is literally just sad,” wrote another user. “You as a gaming company are really going to start choosing sides if you’re not even involved in this pile of political nonsense. As a gaming company, your focus should be making people happy with your games. not your opinion Not. Seriously.”

>“We chose our side and it wasn’t difficult,” Bungie replied. “Our company values exist beyond our games.”

>Many of the comments Bungie responded to have since been deleted. Others were preserved in screenshots that have kept exploding even more so than Bungie’s original post, as supporters pass it around at an otherwise dark and painful moment for the country, particularly those whose bodies will be directly affected by a new set of draconian anti-abortion laws.

Why do you support them again? They don't even have anything to do with Halo at all, and Destiny is all but irrelevant at this point.

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Other urls found in this thread:



>american politics

considering how well bungie's games are nowadays I think they would know alot about stillbirth and abortion

maybe we can ask bioware for a real expert opinion

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>amerilard politics thread 4567764

Because giving your hard earned cash to those who despise your existence, and wants you dead simply for being opposed to a barbaric practice, is A-OK as long as you're entertained?

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Crazy fool! Why do you always nut?! One of these days you're gonna cum in someone more stubborn than you are!

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you better not check any random cali/seattle based studio, it's way worse

Just use condoms for fuck sake
>but rape
Just give a condom to your rapist it will confuse him and you might even be able to escape but if you don’t at least you won’t get pregnant

no one cares, yank

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just go to a state ehere its going to still be legal.
or dont be a whore.

Funny how pro-life people don't give a fuck about kids after they're born.

>my body my choice
>also get vaxxed or you won't be able to make a living.

kek'd audibly

They call "rape" when it's two adults having consensual sex, yet if the woman felt like she didn't like it the morning afterwards, she could have the guy she slept with arrested for "rape".

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i don't really care, sorry.

because i support babies being killed
its always all the wrong people who are the ones having children

We need people to throw into the war machine for Israel and these kids are the best way to do it.
t. Republican

>funny how people think logical fallacies are arguments
Go back to r3ddit faggot.

corporations having opinions on twitter is fucking garbage, just like this thread

American game developer as well.

Even though Trump was the ONLY President in decades to not put us in any new wars at all, while it's the Democrats and Leftists in the entertainment industry (including gaming), who all presents war as "entertainment" (and excluding the Bushes, practically EVERY war was started by Democrats).

Abortions prevent crime. Cope.

yes, gay people buy Chick-fil-A because it tastes good
and killing isn't barbaric you fucking retard, everyone smashes birds with rocks when they're a kid how is a baby any different

Okay, this is a certified LOL moment

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>rees for 4 years that Trump will torpedo the economy and start WW3

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Keximus maximus

Yes but the best way republicans can get new soldiers is making sure soldiers are being born all the time.
First we make sure the kid is born no matter what
if he has a shit home life with no assistance, no support, no future, there's always the military.

real talk why would you want to kill a babby

It is always the responsibility of the parent to care for their children, both before and after they are born. Society legally preventing parents from killing their kids is pretty standard practice.

I have lots of pictures and videos of abortions. I wonder if they would like to view them since they love it so much?

its black

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If this is your argument then stop paying taxes and see how that ends up

No he's right. pro-lifers are extremely short sighted.

>"Unwanted kids are being born unto unwilling parents. What should we do?"
>Pro-Lifer: "Well it's the parent's fault"
"...Um, yes, I suppose. However, regardless, the child still suffers from poor conditions."
>Pro-Lifer: "It's the parent's fault"
>"OK... So how do we help the parents?"
>Pro-Lifer: "They need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps"
>"But what if they don't? What do we do with them?"
>Pro-Lifer "Well it's their own damn fault they're in this predicament. They need to figure it out. Ask god"
>"And how do we help the child, if the parent doesn't sort their life out?"
>Pro-Lifer: "Are you deaf or just dumb? How many times are you going to ask me the same question? It's the parent's fault!"

>*deletes content you paid for*


Sterilization, problem solved. Nobody who gets an abortion is going to be a good parent.

vidya company cant take your shit away and lock you up fornotbuying their game.
shit analogy.

I agree, niggers should be sterilized on birth

muslim are right about everything



>Even though Trump was the ONLY President in decades to not put us in any new wars at all
What is your definition of war faggot. Neither Biden or Obama put us into new wars.

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enjoy the economic burden of all the unwanted children entering foster care amigo

>everyone smashes birds with rocks when they're a kid

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>private corporation mandates you have to be vaccinated
just work somewhere else if you don't like it. Isn't that what the free market is about? :)

video games?

Yet society often times shows that people don't put in the full work to take care of their children, hence why people are always looking to get things banned.

All pro-lifers are either internet virgins or religious nutjobs. You cannot refute this.

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Maybe women should practice basic personal responsibility.

Never understand why people care so much about others sex life
Vive la abortion!

I am pro abortion for non white babies
simple as.

>everyone smashes birds with rocks when they're a kid how is a baby any different
lol wut.

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>everyone smashes birds with rocks when they're a kid how is a baby any different

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and in the case of rape and incest?

1/100000 isn't a lot, do better americlaps

Sure, and while we're at it, let's make the covid vaccine mandatory. No more letting others choose for themselves. They keep making the wrong decisions. They should be forced to make the right decision.


In 15~20 years, the same people cheering abortion banning are going to be complaining about the massive rise of crime rates due to a disproportionately massive surge of teens and young adult population from low income or poverty families.
And they'll be too stupid to understand how it happened. The whole law circus around this only effects people below a certain in income, like many laws and just how it was before it was legalized originally.

Because Christians vilify sex and especially women that enjoy their sex life. And if they're not getting it, they are gonna punish anyone that is.

I support reproductive rights, but not as much as I support killing babies. More humans need to be exterminated.

wowee a chart with no source or no information
i could say "99% of abortions are from rape" and it would hold as much weight as an unsourced chart

Covid's contagious. Your body affects everyone else in that case.

>let's make the covid vaccine mandatory
That's what you've been screaming for so yeah go for it.

user I was talking about niggers, not people.

>everyone smashes birds with rocks when they're a kid
When I was 11 I killed a cat but I knew what I was doing was wrong

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by your logic more trannys is less babies

No I haven't. I think taking vaccines should be a choice.


Okay what's the percentage then?

I do agree that we should cull most women and replace them with femboys.

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99% buddy :)

Black people already abort the most babies per capita.

Is it true that left-wing people think even an abortion in the ninth month should be legal?

Abortion is practically legal for anyone with money. Just fly to the closest place where abortion is legal and kill the fetus.
That's why I am pro abortion. Criminalising abortion only creates more poor (read: nonwhites) people.

I love it when people complain about "economic burden".

If corporations waste billions on pride parades and governments invests billions on useless wars, then they should be forced to spend billions on children and families. Hungary has that. It is only a loss if you don't fully commit to it.

So why don't women choose to be responsible?

>American politics thread #55234
Bonus for not posting a twitter screenshot I guess.

>particularly those whose bodies will be directly affected by a new set of draconian anti-abortion laws.
lmao these people are so fucking clueless to what actually happened, it's both hilarious and incredibly sad.

Serious question. Why do people give a shit about what other people do with their bodies? Like how the fuck is me and my girlfriend deciding that we don't want a baby after weeks of unprotected sex going to affect your life?

All women should be leashed

I know, which is why sterilization will help even more

The abortion rates for non-whites remained the same before and after Roe v Wade

>then they should be forced to spend billions on children and families
lol who do you think blocks that economic funding? hint: it sure as hell isn't the liberals, and it sure as hell is the fiscal cuckservatives desperate to ban abortion to save all the aborted nigger kids

you guys are pathetic


Many do make that choice. They're typically the ones who don't get abortions. You don't hear about those girls, because they don't put up any numbers.

Ah, so the vast majority of abortions are not from rape.

>muh woman was raped only 0.85%
Insane how they think women ahould even have to litigate for the slightest control of our own bodies. What tf would that even look like? have a court case for each miscarriage? Wait months to prove rape? They know that is impossible and the goal is only forced birth. Even rape or incest cases would end in forced birth or murder charges. Y'all mfs better vote and fix this shit.

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They want post-birth abortions


I think I get it. Virtue signaling from a marketing perspective is an extremely effective megaphone to get eyes on your product. Any controversy is good controversy if you can control and manipulate it.

t. mohg

If conservative policymakers put more effort into protecting children and orphans alongside being anti abortion, I'd be more on board with them. But no one gives a fuck about the kids after they're born so when someone gets on a moral pedestal decrying abortion, I roll my fucking eyes.

Interesting claim. Do you have a source for that?

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Abort US and Israel with nukes.

It’s so funny they think the sex-strike stuff is like super mainstream popular leftist dogma. There are constant posts on /pol/ about it. It’s funniest knowing sex is gonna be withheld from them indefinitely regardless lol


It's not their bodies. It's someone else's.

>and killing isn't barbaric you fucking retard, everyone smashes birds with rocks when they're a kid how is a baby any different
this. can confirm.

>Nintendo expands itself to develop more games.
>Microsoft bought games studios to further increase their ips and development
>Sony bought an studio that make no games and also one that make more retarded takes on twitter than games.

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wtf I love Bungie now!

1. The Baby is not "your body".
2. You can give it up for adoption.
3. Corporations and governments are forced to subsidize abortions, so it affects everyone.

How does this help us sell more videogames?


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i prolife because i hate woman

you poltards only oppose abortion so that women have less of a say over their own bodies lmao

Of course of they genuinely believed abortions to be murder, they wouldn't be willing to accept it in any case. This just shows what we already know - it's about controlling women.



>expecting a company to share your values

How about admitting that Conservatives are all for government mandated pregnancy or in other words, slavery.

Abortion is killing something BEFORE it's born, that's not Bungie's style.

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I hope someone like Nightdive gets control of Marathon and remakes them. Marathon was the most interesting thing Bungie ever did.