This is what Japan thinks Americans are like

They don't have a much better opinion of Europeans either.

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Or Africans

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Because you're a lonely nerd who needs to bait on a Vietnamese rice farming forum

What's America really like, bros?

City Americans aren't like this. They're more haughty European. The remaining 90% of America is like this.

>This is what Japan thinks Republikkkans are like.

>A family of four owned this entire propriety.

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America is like 5 different countries, Northeast, South, Midwest, Southwest, and Northwest, with 5 different types of climates.
You have the North along the borders of Maine to Montana, which is bitter and cold with heavy snow and long winters and humid summers.
The mid Atlantic/pacific which has average winters but hotter and humid summers, and mountainous regions with fog and fluctuating temperatures.
You have the south, which is highly hot and humid with monsoons and little to no winter.
You have the southwest, which is hot, dry, and dusty, with varying levels of humidity depending on the proximity to the coasts.
You have the northwest, which is cool and wet with varying winters.

To get into culture is like trying to explain a 20 year old rpg series.

I live in the absolute middle of nowhere so, quiet?

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