Salt and sacrifice

it's up
torrent when?

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I am genuinely impressed after the first couple of hours of playing it on PS5.
They somehow managed to make it even uglier and clunkier than the first game.

is the balance still shit? 1st game is unplayable after the 1st playthrough because there is only one viable build.

Read the world is no longer interconnected, and that you basically have to fight the boss a number of times before they go to their proper arena as if it's some Monster Hunter shit.

Hopefully that's all false, because otherwise what little interest I had in the game is gone.

Can't comment on that as I just started playing it. Most of what I recall from the first game was UGS and magic being OP as shit so hopefully they did more balancing this time around.
The bland intro is not a good sign.
Remember the cool ship intro from Sanctuary during a thunderstorm where you fight Cthulhu?
Nothing that cool has happened so far.

>1st game is unplayable after the 1st playthrough because there is only one viable build.

That is just not true faggot, S&S has plenty of viable builds.

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needing 3 times longer to kill everything isn't a viable build

is there any DRM? its going to suck to not have access to online because they locked it in fucking EGS but its not my fault the devs are retarded

based timmy keeps shit out of steam

t. carried by scissors

Didn't know it was even coming out and stopped caring when I saw it was on the Fortnite launcher.

no one knows because no one buys games from fortnite launcher

Looks a bit shit.

I think everybody did.

seriously what is taking so long to upload clean files? i want my free game reeeeeeeee

should I buy the first one? I like pretty much every action platformer I have tried.
does the Switch port have issues?

Oh no no no no no no...

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>should I buy the first one?
sure, just be aware that dex builds and magic suck. preferably get a balance mod.

I played through with magic and didn't have too many problems. Just need to swap between fire and lightning so you don't overload or whatever it was called.

oh right a ring gives you 50% extra magic damage that makes magic viable. but magic is also boring in S&S.

sure, just be aware that dex builds and magic are OP and str sucks


Aren't epic game store games normally cracked within minutes?

For shit that people actually want to play, yes.
Nobody's chomping at the bit to play this game so unless it's a super easy crack, I wouldn't expect a miracle.

The first games was one of the very few games I refused to play based on its ugly-ass shit aesthetic alone. Will skip this one too.

If the devs are by chance lurking these threads, fix your garbage fisher-price-looking aesthetic and learn how to animate.

stop shilling your shit game
nobody wants it and you already got tim's money

God this game looks repulsive, wooden characters in narrow corridors doing an awful parody of souls combat in two dimensions, where you endlessly roll behind enemies, hit them a couple of times, and then roll behind them again. Here's another enemy thoughtlessly placed at an appropriate time along the hallway, roll behind him and hit him. He will never pose any challenge to anyone, so why is he there? Everything from the bosses to the timbre of the instruments in the soundtrack are such a plain and artless copy of souls games that it makes me kek

wrong file, whoops

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gun spam and magic can melt boss (expect the last one)

First game had good exploration, overall nice monsters and biome visual design, and good ambiance. And very little of it is linear corridors, which you would knew if you had played it.
Of course the second one may be shit, particularly if they took out the seamless world.

>no chef

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Each zone is heavily vertical with many shortcuts opening up paths to just go back to where you left off

Fuck you and fuck everyone else who plays this pile of shit lol the developers bite Gabe's hand and knelt over to the chinks for their xingyen money it's only a matter of time until your shill masks fall as this game receives a

>salt and sanctuary
>salt and sacrifice
are they better than hollow knight?

wonder if they fixed the controller controls, had to remap them to be more like dark souls.
i would say it's better than hollow knight

S&S is closer to Death's Gambit than it is to hollow knight, but yes it's just way better than hollow cringe there's no comparison

Yes, but that's not a very high bar to pass.

salt and sanctuary is basically 2d dark souls. different from hollow knight.

Hell no

fairly distinct, wouldn't really say they're in competition. if I had to pick though I'd go with HK.

Seems to be up.

I see, thanks

Art style is ugly as sin, but I get why the animations look how they do. The entire puppet rig system is constructed with exchangable armor and weapons in mind, which is why they can't redraw many limbs and weapon angles for more lively movement. It's incredibly restrictive for animation, compared to 3D characters.

Not sure about it so far. I've only beaten two mages, and neither of those encounters really felt like boss fights, or were interesting. Hydromancer was better designed and more fun, but I'm not too big a fan of the gameplay loop so far. Chasing the bosses down feels anticlimactic as you're not finding them organically, you just accept a quest randomly in the level and then follow a trail until you see the boss, and then follow it and hit it a few times through a level you've already gone through until it ends up in the obvious boss arena - but then it has only 50% health and dies pretty quickly. Out of the 4 bosses so far, none of them besides maybe Hydromancer were even somewhat interesting or unique. It's already getting tiring and I've only chased a mage down twice. There was even a generic knight boss who I swear is using the moveset of one of Salt and Sanctuary's bosses, which was disappointing.
I'm missing the interconnected world, and also missing the parry, because either they've removed it or made it only usable on certain weapons. They also seem to have removed miracles and replaced them with a gimmicky weapon art system, or perhaps I just haven't found any yet. Multiplayer is fine I guess, but I don't think you can get invaded while solo and I'm not going to summon so it doesn't affect me that much.

I hope the bosses get better later on. Salt and Sanctuary didn't have many standout bosses besides the final boss and the Tree of Men, but most of them were at least okay. If the rest of Salt and Sacrifice is just going to be fighting ten feet tall wonky hitbox mages with three attacks and chasing them through levels that were clearly not intended to fight a projectile-using boss in, I'm not looking forward to it. Especially not if the world design's been stripped down to Nioh missions.

I think Hollow Knight is very good and I would say no. If you're a contrarian thinking Hollow Knight is bad I genuinely wouldn't know what you would like or not.
S&S is still good for a 2D souls-like, as is Ender Lillies. Vigil: the longest night and rates slightly lower in my book.

hollow knight is a bad metroidvania at least

Man I'm beginning to think this was just a low-effort project, made for the sole purpose of grabbing timmy's money.

Crack is out
Reminder: do NOT give these scumbag con artists money for forcing you to install the chinese spyware if you want to play it 'legally'

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This sounds fucking terrible

This. Gonna play a little then probably go back to playing Rimworld.

>Those fucking ugly pointy ears
>same hair for male/female
>most of them look fucking awful
>just pick shaggy to go for a scruffy look and hide the ears

I'm just gonna pirate it to spit on the EGS game oligarchy conglomerate i'm not even planning to play it.

yeah, seems Salt & Sacrifice is a Nioh 2D

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I don't know which secret club forum this is

None of those things are from Nioh
They literally stuck Monster Hunter into a metroid formula and it sounds terrible

literally everything was viable in S&S

I don't think I've seen a more negative Yea Forums thread.

viable as not being a miserable experience
having to hit an enemy that doesnt stagger and might have an instakill grab or throw attack is different when you have to hit it 3 times vs 1 time

EGS exclusive at launch. The Yea Forums steam defense force is pretty mad.
Also the game looks and feels like shit, similar to the first game, so literally nobody is happy right now.

I think it's just the few same dudes dissing the first game.

If real, it will be everywhere soon enough.

why call it that? i literally couldn't care less about which platform you use unless the owner is a fucking cuckold that's actively trying to bring console exclusivity faggotry to PC

>steam defense force
you are a retard

>console exclusive faggotry
you can use both Steam and EGS, literally nothing changes
Not wanting one company to hold a monopoly isn't a bad thing
Here comes the steamie

It's a sequel that shits all over what people liked the first game for. What would you expect? This isn't a game journalism site where people praise that sort of thing.

it's the retarded egs shill just report him


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steam isn't a monopoly you retarded shill
unlike egs that is trying to become a monopoly you retarded shill