Why don't we really talk about Nintendo games anymore...

Why don't we really talk about Nintendo games anymore? I remember during the 3DS/Wii-U days this board was basically Nintendo central. Now the only Nintendo threads I see are sales/financial threads.

Didn't Kirby and Metroid just come out? Aren't you excited for Splatoon 3 and Mario Strikers?

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Because of snoys, for example, you can’t talk about XC3 because shitposting snoys will come and talk about fake censorship and blacked and will talk about how the game will fail

Nintendo financials released roday, the newest Kirby game is the fastest selling entry in the franchise in history, while Dread is the best selling Metroid game in human history.

Then why don't we talk about them?

I'm just mad it's not XBCX2.

>don’t believe your lying eyes about the censored blacked shit goy

Kirby's had frequent threads for 2 months now. Metroid just had one yesterday, and has them almost every couple days. There was a long as Mario Strikers thread with the trailer.
>buh there are financial threads the singular day the financial results are made public
Meds, now

Have been around 7 threads about it so far

It's just weird as an oldfag. This board mostly talks about games you can't even play on switch.

why are snoys so desperately transparent?

I just miss the 3DS days.

Because the ps4 sold best, we know

We talk about them plenty, what the fuck are you on about?

Where? I see a dead monster hunter rise thread but even that's on Steam Deck now.

Why are snoys so desperately transparent?

because nintendo has resorted to making mediocre games at a snails pace

Why are you so obsessed with sales? I just like good games dude. You're just proving OP right, all you know is quarterly reports and hardware sales

Steam deck is a PC dude.

Why are snoys so desperately COPING?

Short and shallow. Really only loved by Kirby fans.
>Metroid Dread
Mogged by Hollow Knight
>Splatoon 3
$60 DLC. I genuinely would've preferred a shitty Battle Royale mode like people were predicting.
>Mario Strikers
Soulless shit like Mario Ultra Tennis.

The answer is simple. Nintendo stopped making games worth discussing. BotW is the only game you see regular threads for and it's because it was genuinely a classic Nintendo-tier masterpiece.


I have moved 300 hours in Splatoon 2 and BotW. How am I a snoy? I'm just disappointed by the current state of Nintendo.


Beyond mindbroken.


>Kirby's had frequent threads for 2 months now. Metroid just had one yesterday, and has them almost every couple days
Those threads are just porn dumps.

Terraria is a cinematic experience, not a game

The franchises getting releases are all smaller ones like metroid, kirby, monhun. Just wait until splatoon3 comes out


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that doesn't count

Because we're too busy playing them.

>Why don't we really talk about Nintendo games anymore?
please just shut the fuck up please kill yourself, stop talking sage

either of these?

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They're literally talking about how things aren't as good as they used to be. I have nostalgia over Nintendo too, because they're currently soulless as shit.

I haven't seen a Legends Arceus thread since it came out, it's barely even discussed on /vp/.

STOP, it doesn't count!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No one denies Nintendo games used to be good, dumbass


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I think you're new if you don't know what OP is talking about. Back during the 3DS days this board was genuinely mostly Nintendo threads. Now it's 5 threads at most. Pokemon and Monster Hunter were discussed here so much that it's the entire reason /vg/ and /vp/ were created.

are you retarded
90% of the threads are about nintendo

? Elden Ring isn't a Nintendo game.


No, it wasnt.
This was literally most of Yea Forums

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Pretty much. I remember every 3DS game had tons of threads and most people were playing on 3DS. It's weird seeing the switch sell more but be discussed less.

Why lie?
This board was 40 percent just snoyjaks.

I'm talking about actual video game discussion not shit posting retard. Fire Emblem was probably the last thoroughly discussed Switch game here.

Maybe you need glasses, Nintendo games are still talked about.
I see a Wario Land thread , an Animal Crossing thread , a Pokémon thread, a Paper Mario thousand years doors thread , A Kirby Triple Deluxe thread .
Just because they don't fit your narrow perception of existence and Covid-time doesn't mean they don't exist.
Metroid Dread released 7 months ago, Kirby was released close to 2 months ago and ravived discussions about the whole series.
There are Splatoon threads made every now and then, I was in one yesterday, but we don't know enough about the new game to discuss much (I could make another thread of gameplay snippets of 2 though).

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and then snoyjaks made this board unusable by becoming 80 percent of all posts.
Why do snoys ruin everything?

I think you scared OP away, he will just make a new thread again

Speaking of, someone actually made a Splatoon 3 thread just right now lol

the tranny already did

Lmao the nigger escaped and made a new thread


Snoys continue to mald over their lack of games.

The people who come to Yea Forums are hardcore gamers who buy console on launch. Meaning we have all had the switch for 5 years, and because of that many have simply gotten bored of it, which is natural to do. Nintendo discussion will increase again when they launch a new console.

>I remember during the 3DS/Wii-U days this board was basically Nintendo central. Now the only Nintendo threads I see are sales/financial threads.

>3DS/Wii-U days
>this board was basically Nintendo central

Speak for yourself chomo. I've got a backlog all the way to the gba. You've played every good Nintendo game available? Doubt. Or are you seriously captain of all autism?

Why is the Switch so boring?

People love to shit on things that fail. During 2012-2016 nintendo was failing so it was easy to make fun of them because their games were shit and their marketing was cringy.

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>Why don't we really talk about Nintendo games anymore?
A fifth of the catalog is Nintendo/Pokemon right now

Because they're exclusive games, which means they inevitably get caught in the crossfire by consolewarfags

Playstation fans aren't the majority here. How can it be us? It's mostly falseflaging retards.

It's not easy to complain when the game is actually kinda good. Shitposting, on the other hand...

It's just false flagging pc fags. It's always malding steamoids


>Why don't we really talk about Nintendo games anymore
What do you mean? You make daily threads about Nintendo.