Why are Nintendo's best characters only in one game?
Why are Nintendo's best characters only in one game?
Due to translation and Changing for the Western audiance. thats debaitable.
>best girl
Taste, OP. To answer your question, because Nintendo is a corporation whose board is obsessed with brand identity to a deleterious degree. TTYD had dark content, and that scared the suits shitless. Thus, scorched earth. It's pathetic, really.
No, it's not. There's only one canon, and that canon is the original language. Vivian is a boy.
And pac man ghosts aren't ghosts, and Birdo hasn't had all traces of being male scrubbed from Japanese releases.
Because the bigwigs at the top fear anything that isn't plain and sterile. Every spinoff that adds fun characters or even gives life to the setting is not canon.
Perhaps it's better that new characters are required to stay in their own little bubble. I can envision an alternate reality where the likes of Kersti, Huey, Olivia etc were added to the general canon not because they had personalities worth remembering but because alternate Nintendo had lax rules and some new games to advertise.
I love how the devs knew Vivian was best girl, cause even Goombella comments on how cute she is.
Miyamoto has died and in his will there was was the odd request for the next mainline mario game in it, with their implementation designed by you. Nintendo will get out of your way and let you do whatever you want, just short of making her the main character or changing the game's genre. What do you do?
>odd request for the next mainline mario game to have Vivian in it,
Not ESL, just retarded.
Shiggy hates lore, and by extension returning characters that aren't mainline.
He even hates mainline characters he created, when's the last time Toadsworth was used?
>10/10 design
>adorable personality
>strong character arc
>coolest field ability
>Fiery Jinx
>even basic attack is stupid strong
>makes backtracking in Twilight Town somewhat tolerable/worth it
>makes bigots seethe
Vivian is best girl, for free.
Best boy. Bigots are the people calling him a girl.
I would suck her weewee
You could make the argument for a lot of the sidegames, but man the Paper Mario games were loaded with great, one-time characters.
Fuck off, Vivian's female on my game disc so she's female to me.
>muh headcanon
You're wrong and you're willfully living a delusion.
made for mario's fat itialian sausage
not just his. Mine as well.
Probably also the case with 99% of Americans who played the game.
Get fucked, weebs
Is she canonically female in the west?
>give fun one-off character more time to shine with another major role in a new game
>character becomes even better
Woooooooooow who would've thought Nintendo
No shit, genius
I'm Trans btw
>muh american fanfiction is canon! deal with it, chuds!!
t. Dobson
We know OP.
You just want representation, and you thought Vivian was the one character to do it, but she's just a female. Sorry to burst that bubble there.
Chris Chan is a pretty good character for you.
People still don't understand the joke.
Bedlam is a ugly hag, that keeps thinking she is hot shit. She calls Vivian a boy because its fun that someone ugly thinks the most beautiful of the three sisters is the one being ugly.
Stop being so literal minded.
Are we seriously just not allowed to talk about Vivian without retards spewing their bullshit about her gender? Can we please just appreciate the cute transgirl from that one Mario game that everyone praises as the greatest thing ever?
This must be how Street Fighter/Final Fight fans must feel literally any time Poison comes up. Fucking ridiculous.
You have my attention
>stop spewing bullshit about her gender
>let me incorrectly state some bullshit about her gender
literal retard
What he said.
America's localization isn't canon, so that's a moot question.
There's no such thing as "transgender". You are whatever you were born as. It can't change. Nobody is ever born in the wrong body. You've adopted a harmful and cancerous ideology that flies in the face of all reason and human decency. Boys don't have to stop being boys to feel pretty. Girls don't have to stop being girls to enjoy sports. The ideas you're supporting are bigoted and sexist. You're not a good person. Your fad doesn't make you unique or interesting. It just makes you a fool who can't think for himself and isn't brave enough to defy stereotypes. Stop enabling death cults that prey on the vulnerable and sensitive. Stop reinforcing sexist stereotypes. Stop marginalizing and erasing tomboys and femboys. Stop attacking LGB people for refusing to have sex with you.
Thank you for your attention
Vivian is explicitly a guy. His in-game description literally refers to him as a boy who likes to dress up.
Vivian is a boy. He isn't a tranny and he wouldn't support trannies. He would tell you to kill yourself, and that you're a groomer.
>Only in the perverted chink version of course with my precious japanese ""humor""
Weeb opinion disregarded
She's a girl.
>Mario games
lmao, even
He's a boy. One thing we can agree on 100% though is that he's not and will never be a tranny. He's a feminine boy in Japan and he's an actual girl in America. In no world is he a tranny.
>Only in the perverted chink version of course with my precious japanese ""humor""
Weeb opinion disregarded
She's a girl.
Did you forget it was a tattle? Where did Goombella get her gossip from, from listening to Beldam insulting Vivian.
Absolute retard.
Thick Vivian was just about my awakening to bigger and better things as a lad
I ought to do some work of her out of respect.
localizations are never canon. you're mentally ill.
What if she's a shadow-siren and is malleable enough to have a dick for the faggots and vagina for the straggots. Everyone wins!
>in my headcanon, localizations are never canon
>only the perverted chink version can be canon
Weeb opinion disregarded
She's a girl.
That has nothing to do with TTYD
Vivian's a dude, that's how it was in the original JP version, not even trolling.
There are other paper mario girls that are better anyway.
Nah, he's just a boy. Nintendo says it outright at every opportunity. It's not complicated and there's no reason for you to make up imaginary what ifs.
Don't even bother trying to make sense to this poor degenerate.
His entire life depends upon vivian having a dick or else he can't jack off.
you're mentally ill.
>Only in the perverted chink version of course with my precious japanese ""humor""
Weeb opinion disregarded
She's a girl.
>projecting this hard
Vivian is literally just a boy in the original and canon version. You're desperately trying to force the idea that he's a girl because you have a terminal case of the not-gays.
Too bad, she (female) (ovaries-haver) is mine now.
>Desperately clings to the idea of degeneracy and dicks on girls
>yOu'rE mEnTaLLy iLL
uhh right
isnt it more perverted if its a girl
>Trying to force a girl to be a girl
>Girls must be guys or else you hate gays!
lol kys fag
Kill yourself, twitter tranny. Vivian is a dude and no amount of your screeching will change reality.
>Only in the perverted chink version of course with my precious japanese ""humor""
Weeb opinion disregarded
She's a girl.
Laughing to myself as I see this thread and remember the ones from several months ago where people talked about Vivian being so lazy she ate silverware as if it was hot
Keep keeping on with the cyclical arguing about localization, Vivian threads
I knew what was gonna happen in this thread, and I came in anyway. I must be retarded.
Oh well, post more vivian, anons.