Defend this shit

Attached: 20220510_102410.jpg (1500x989, 235.95K)

Other urls found in this thread:


No need, it already makes millions.

Damn female child!

Pedophile kill yourself

>not 817CH
Dumb chinks

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Attached: 8bd5542855da72b8baebc687190e9199.png (1251x1812, 930.65K)

Underage brats are hot.

defend what?

Attached: 1652204139558.png (1436x2048, 2.87M)


Go back.

drawings are not real people, trannies
go back to with the rest of your grooming ilk

What correction does this MSGK need?

Don’t really feel like participating in your bait thread.

Cool bike

What am I looking at?

>implying you can defend yourself against MSGK
they're too powerful

>Has a valid drivers license, license plate and can hold up a motor bike

What a surprise. Yea Forumsrgins have never seen a bike like that, let alone held it up. Those things are heavy.

>Bigger than an entire battle ship

man imagine boning that cunny while she's making a bunch of innocent drawings
muh dick

God damn, China really knows how to push my buttons.

wardrobe correction
manners correction
education correction

Attached: 0483871517cc1b9d5d70c1183bdce9a8.gif (438x270, 361.38K)

seek help you fucking tranny

Attached: 1651964279064.jpg (1150x1150, 201.53K)

This one is a bit too short for my taste

>trannies on his mind 24/7

Attached: 1650260791489m.jpg (745x1024, 110.32K)

what a weird filename, but it feels like it got fucked up somehow

Attached: 253196a2798560da1043a04ff267a755.png (479x353, 237.44K)

he will be banned soon

Attached: 1652205263321.png (291x377, 128.97K)

this is legit too much, I can jack off to loli if they look somewhat mature but that just looks like a child.

The shorter the better.

how do you know what children look like?

I've been on Yea Forums for 6 years

user, this fetish just ain't for you.
Stick to shortstacks and stop bugging us and pretending you're into lolis, you're not.

I wonder who could be behind this post?

Attached: 1648506886423.png (400x400, 19.58K)


Breeding time

>That gif
Anyone else use to do this with there family member? I used to do this with my niece when I had to babysit her.


Attached: 1615413982328.jpg (332x266, 30.73K)

Motorbike license classes.

no, someone defend ME!

Attached: 1650216937889.jpg (1024x576, 106.75K)

Why do we let the mesugaki menace roam free?

Correction needed.

>Defend this shit
Sexy loli whore

Nobody is forcing you to buy it or look at it.

Close you eyes if you don't like it faggot.

I don't like how that little bitch is flipping me off. It's making me mad!

Attached: IMG_20220411_165359.png (1200x1200, 50.5K)

That one that's spitting on me... it better not fall in my mouth!

Attached: 1519291460700.png (1227x1177, 778.43K)


Attached: 1648945567580.jpg (173x142, 29.12K)

I will never defend tranime


Finally some good character design

That's a pretty sick beat ngl

Bache sex

Shut the fuck up discord tranny nigger
Your meme is and will remain shit

Attached: imagine.jpg (752x1075, 420.98K)

tranime tranime tranime

cute bote child

Go back you election tourist

do chinks also have the thing where bitch means slutty woman instead of abrasive?

Attached: f5ac8e83b140727705529a980c491485.jpg (1154x1500, 282.06K)

Literally nothing wrong with it, so I don't see what I need to defend.

Too much clothes

Rape correction needed!

this but with shortstacks. i need to see my dick bulge sliding between their tits

She's too old

Fuck off, tranny discorder.

Attached: forced discorder memes vs organic.png (704x1148, 83.13K)

all your bache = glory

I think so. Either that, or they didn't want to offend that Japs, so changed it to 61700, even though a tiny bit of thinking could have led them to change it 647CH instead.

if it was up to me these loli versions would OP as shit

I'll defend her with my life if I need to.

This. OP is a faggot

Nice, i will buy your game now

This is dr pizza posting from jail

Attached: virtue signaling pedo .jpg (521x589, 28.83K)

ITT closeted pedophile Americans salty third worlders are enjoying God's true gift to mankind

Attached: 1506343276962.png (944x720, 499.31K)

The fuck is that pic supposed to prove? Literally no one goes on /g/. Also, every trannie I've seen online has tranime profile pics and are obsessed with it. It's fucking clear there's a correlation.