Does anyone play pvp on this game who isn't a meta spamming faggot? Every time I join a duel its rivers of blood here, bloodhound step there, shield and poke, magic spammers, UGS pokers, dual spears, dual whips, on and on and on. Can I just get one match against someone who is not a homosexual?
Elden Ring PVP
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git gud
Stop playing at meta level faggot.
PVP is just an afterthought. If you don't enjoy it just don't play it. There are deeper multiplayer games more balanced, more fun and with better netcode.
No one who isn't a gigantic faggot hasn't gotten sick of Souls MP by now after 4-5 games of shit sandwiches.
This is my first experience with souls pvp. Are they all like this? I played ds 1 and 3 and completely ignored multiplayer
What is meta level? I'm 135 rn
Fair enough, I don't play solely for pvp, but there also isnt much else for me to do after playing for 200+ hours lol
>I'm 135 rn
because you're at a level where any build can do anything
Meta is 120-150. Try making an invader at around 40/60/80 ranges. You will still find RoB/Moonveil shitters but people don't have finished builds most of the time.
nigga thats like 5 different builds already, sounds like you suck and need to get good actually
this, theres basically no reason to run a pure build at that level
>Are they all like this
Pretty much, the best souls pvp got was DaS II because the community chose not to play meta to enjoy the build variety.
been at 150 for a while but after watching people play at 170 i think i might bump up
200+ pvp of course doesn't get a ton of love but i've had some really good fights up there for someone who just uses whatever and doesn't follow meta builds
Found the meta build shitter. Playing meta does not mean you are good at the game. Suck my hairy white balls from the back.
That's unfortunate, I was hoping it would be like that for this game since there is a lot of build variety potential, but it seems these kids just want to run the same 3-5 meta builds and larp like they are good at the game
>punches through shields
>penetrates whole line of enemies
>long enough range to hit the murderbird
>frenzy buildup is pocket change
>fp cost is pocket change
third, I had a pure str build at 130 and now I'm going for 150 just to throw faith on it for shits and giggles because FRENZYYFLAAAAAME
I don't mind meta stuff and use it myself sometimes, but certain build combos are obnoxious as fuck when you are in a 3v1
Ran into a guy last night using a neat pure faith build but he was using bloodhound step and barrier of gold so I couldn't kill him. Hid and wandered around before re-engaging him+ a blue and got him to accidentally aggro two lobsters that completely destroyed him
Felt good but bloodhound step has to go. Just makes fights take way too long and people who use it don't know how to dodge anyway
3v1 is just flat out overkill, period
>j-just dont fight at such a disadvantage!
Yeah but what you don't realize is that 2v1 is actually perfectly reasonable. You can already give the host a numbers advantage with a 2v1 and have it be a completely reasonable fight whether or not the invaders gets monsters involved or whatever. Its only when it becomes a 3v1 that things take an incredibly lopsided turn. At 3v1 any reasonably competent group of players can go full aggro on an invader with almost no consequences pretty much anywhere in the game, enemies or not it doesn't matter.
This. having 3 players should automatically open hosts to be invaded by 2 reds.
invaders that hide by area bosses that you must pass with meta builds are faggots and you can't change my mind. i don't need some sweaty cunt fucking with me while i'm trying to have fun with friends.
Lvl 30 is most fun for pvp
>choose to engage in the pvp mode of a game
>"fuck these guys for doing nothing at all but trying to play the game"
You opted into PVP when you summoned a phantom. Don't like? Don't summon players. It's THAT simple.
t. faggots
a co-op playthrough triggering retards that just want to grief is a shitty mechanic and anything you say to defend it is retarded. if i want to pvp i should be able to specifically allow it.
then play a different game if you dont like it retard
>man i hate pvp
>but i will choose to play this game with pvp, and engage in said pvp mode and then bitch about it
in addition, the retarded situation is made more so by invaders inability to aggro enemies. it's cheap as fuck, and only there so people can grief.
There's far too many 1 shots and arts of war that just end you if they have 1 other phantom who knows how to combo into their attack
I'll taunters tongue on playthroughs with my bro to avoid the shit since invaders tend to use more honest builds compared to hosts
Even then there's still probably 1/3rd using cheap 1 shot shit but at least the remaining 2/3rds are fun to fight as we progress the level
Ds2 was the best PvP and 3 I thought sucked at the time but man I'd almost prefer that over this.
Elden ring has a lot of nifty things that I'd love to use in Pvp however. Just sucks to run into the same shit over and over. Spose ds3 had lothric dark and frost swords that were arguably more aids though
it's a retarded mechanic in an otherwise great game. as i said, nothing will change my opinion and if you do it you're a fag. that is all.
>man invaders cant aggro enemies thats so cheap
>i have 2 phantoms btw, this is totally fair :)
a mechanic so retarded you not only chose to engage in it despite how much you hate it, you then proceeded to bitch about it afterward
you're a retard with no reading comprehension. the mechanic itself is retarded when attempting to pve a game playthrough. if i want to pvp i want the option. simple as.
Most people understandably forgot poise exists, And I just use my int duel greatswords, vet armour And poise drink to poise through people who try and roll catch me after then hit me once, works most of the time
You're arguing with a shitter what's the point lol
They won't understand
youre a dumb fuck who thinks he should be able to engage in a game's pvp mode and that anyone who tries to kill him while engaged in said pvp mode aka just playing the fucking game normally, is somehow a faggot
>pvp mode
>while playing pve
it's a retarded mechanic
>while playing pve
co-op is not pve, its pvp. if it weren't, you wouldn't be here bitching about it right now.
>it's not PvP despite being the only time you can get invaders without using a tongue
>co-op is not pve, its pvp.
funny way of saying a basic mechanic is retarded. playing with friends against AI and forcing sweats into your world just to sit by an area boss for 5 minutes waiting for you to aggro it is dumb. you won't change my mind that the design choice is poorly thought out.
>it's bad to fight invaders when I'm breezing through the game with 2 phantoms's just is, okay?!
i dont care what you think of the the design choice, im calling you a retard for choosing to engage in a mechanic you hate and then getting mad at people who did nothing wrong at all just because they killed you and it hurt your feelings
>it's retarded
>that's retarded
you're retarded, little faget
if you you want a less homosexual experience I suggest going with and invading. It might not be less meta infested but 90% of the time the fags at these ranges barely touch their vigor so you stand a chance at ganks. between my lvl 133 magic dueling character and my lvl 70 frenzy invasion character I have way more fun with the latter.
It's the least played souls, pvp wise. It was alright the first two weeks give or take. but even before the patch that buffed bleed everything it was moonveil spamming. I didn't really invade much other than some ballista fun in Haligtree but opened myself up for it without co-op throughout most of the game for "duels" so it wasn't just meta shit nonstop. After beating it a friend and I would summon one another in Liurnia and use the finger for faster invaders. The first evening we spent maybe 5 hours doing this and saw a lot of different invaders doing like us and trying stuff out, such as the guy with 398 health my friend one shot(SL120). The most samey shit we saw was radahn's armor(mostly helmet) and even got these Radahn helmeted invaders to turn on each other so they could be the original. The next few days weren't like this and we started seeing a lot of meta builds, but still weird and stupid stuff. but the fifth or sixth night doing this after seeing over 100 people in a row run the same thing I just stopped playing altogether.
everyone else but people playing their first souls game and a residue of the dumbest boomers got tired of souls "PvP" several games ago, how much shit can you slurp until you're full
>my feelings are the same as everyone's feelings
i wonder if fromsoft has a big spreadsheet or chart of all the types of player encounters that happen, how they end and how that data is used to shape the souls games or is it based off more local testing. invader dies, host dies, how many phantoms, how many phantoms dc, groups of pve phantoms dc'ing due to invasions, people who never invader or coop but still play online. i recall seeing boss kills/defeats for previous gsmes but i'd be more interested in the pvp/coop side.
they base it off whatever happens in japanese pvp
I seriously doubt From is that analytical. This is a Japanese company we're talking about.
>every time I join a duel its lots of different builds
>why is this allowed
I haven't really dived into pvp yet outside of coop and fighting a few invaders but I've seen a glitch where people are swapping Burger King heads really fast and getting full health almost instantly
If you are talking about the Draconic Tree Sentinel area then I totally agree. Invasions in general are a good mechanic, but I shouldn't be able to be invaded mid boss fight, that is retarded.
You're supposed to be a turbofaggot in pvp.
You can summon 2 phantoms and the boss can hurt the invader, its completely fair. If you disagree you're a tremendous shitter.
Invading during a boss fight, as far as I know, has never been a thing before this game. It is dumb as fuck. You want to talk about shitters, but it takes zero skill to invade someone mid bossfight and cheese them for a free kill. None at all.
You're a vigorlet without damage or mitigation, shit build.
>what is old monk
>what is mirror knight
>what is spear of the church
Pretty much. I like to use mimic veil in dungeons and then spam corpse piler when the host gets close. It's funny how often it works.
Having 2 real players is a bigger advantage than having a boss on your side (which can kill you anyway) and if you disagree with this undeniable fact you are indeed a massive crybaby shitter.
We exist, there just isn’t a lot of people who prefer to not play the meta because we recognize how pathetically simple it makes the game.
that was true maybe up to a month after release.
everyone is doing the same shit now at those levels.
what is your build op?