Rya is a cute! Cute!
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They really knocked it out of the part with her. Some of the fan art she gets really heals my soul
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Why do all snake girls have autism?
This one breaks my heart :(
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Have you ever seen a snake? They’re tubes of autisim.
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what's that one snake that looks like a fucking retard?
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Is Rya Rikard's daughter?
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Rikard is a human
Rya is a snake
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Yeah, but he had her after he united with the serpent.
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Love this snek like you wouldn't believe!
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Snake Rykard probably can't fuck Tanith anymore so she adopted a snake
You wouldn't a Rya right?
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I would a Rya.
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>tfw you find out that Tanith has the same hairstyle as Rya under her mask
Bros, my heart
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Snek segs in her snussy.
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>5 mins into heat lamp and chill and she gives you this look
Her entire character boils down to this:
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smug snake needs correction...
Snek deserves happy and loving life.
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This is a snek thread, nobody cares about this dumpy whore.
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one of the better masks in game
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Why'd uncle Bernahl betray me?
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>Die to boss/enemy
>Mildly annoyed
>Die to player
>Full of rage, even if it was a fair duel
Why am I like this?
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Why is human Rya so ugly while the snek Zoraya is so cute?
delete that
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I mean she looks cute in the fanarts, but in-game only her snek version looks cute
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It's a big maybe. But Rya does find out who her mom was
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Parenting is rough
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Also cute voice
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I would kill gods for this little nigga
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there are people who like malenia?
Some might say, 'tism tubes.
Who the fuck is drawing all this fanart and why?
Of course. The meme is referring to how Malenia-chads have a character to actually discuss, unlike snek-enjoyers. Both are good.
twitter artsts. following trends = more followers to buy your stickers and sub to your patreon
who would have thunk people like cute things
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Me. I'm drawing all of it
Rya is the only source of wholesomeness you can find in the entirety of Elden Ring
But Boc is wholesomeness incarnate. He is the best boi. I love him unironically and want to call him beautiful irl.
>her(human form) and tanith have the same hairstyle
And one of the few NPCs that may still be living when you finish their quest.