What went wrong?
What went wrong?
What a bunch of cheaters
The game didn't reference the current events which makes it feel out of touch although atleast the developers did do research not to deadname.
should have added more new routes rather that the bucket shit. I admit some of the bucket stuff like the broom closet was good but overall it felt lazy.
There's a Hall of Memories bit where the narrator reminisces about how great the past used to be
And then brings up old comments by Mr. Stephanie Stirling
And the implication is that eveyone misses the old one and doesn't give a shit about the new one
It's very awkwardly done and I got a laugh out of it, because ofthe context
But I'm glad the troonshills are happy as long as [Wrong Name] is used
except they did deadname you twitter tranny
I'm not following you. I played through the hall of memories bit.
there are some people who's probably unironically seething over it in steam hub
He's blatantly lying. Jim Sterling's review was listed as "Jim Stephanie Sterling".
If anything, CrowsCrowsCrows really shat on Jim by having "The Button That Says Your Name" be his name.
Actual brain damaged false information, maybe stop browsing /pol/ and being obessed with transgenders.
Original "game" was shit
>woaahhh are you telling me a game can be...META? AHHH HELP ME BORGES I'M GOING INSAAANNEEEEE
i was pretty disappointed, he outlines his personal story over a series of interviews made years ago, its basically this
he was an attention whore who got more attention than anyone could imagine
it mindbroke him and he couldnt get over himself
he couldnt handle going back to being just another normal person.
When i heard he was making a new stanly parable i thought maybe he had worked through his issues but he clearly hasn't, like his 2015 game "The Beginner's Guide" this is just more of him forcing us to be his therapist and listen to his issues.
fucking shit.
I enjoyed the original game 8 years ago, and the deluxe looks like it's pretty much more of the same which should be a good thing, but the problem is I'm no longer capable of enjoying a walking sim.
Too much new stuff was centered around the bucket. It was fine for some bits, but started to wear thin after a while.
Literal walking Sims were exploding on the early 10s and Stanley Parable was a good parody of them carried by the voice work. Not sure what the new one is speed to bring other than parody of needless expansions/sequels.
Are these jabs at specific game logos, or is it just shitting on how generic modern design is?
OG Stanley:
>What if the MC did everything exactly as foretold?
>What if it was all a dream?
>What if the game ended when the MC died?
>What if the MC didn't follow the thread of destiny and fucked around?
>What if the MC went out of bounds?
>What if a completely different style of game and story hid behind the facade and could be found if you went out of your way to look for it?
>dude buckets LMAO *burp* h-hey Morty, gOD doesn't real! hahahah xD
It's funny and you're a faggot.
>last slide
Imagine oversimplifying shit like that just to be a retard.
>The entire bit about Steam Reviews being stupid and catering to people like that is inherently self-destructive
>The fact that all the sequel stuff is crap is the point about an experience-focused game
>The memory zone existing as a general lampshade to nostalgia bait
>The bucket existing as a framing device for the laziness of some new content in remakes/remasters and how they get around it by giving it unnecessary significance (Particularly the escape pod ending)
It's nothing spectacular, but come on.
both, since i am sure the second slide is a RE2 parody
>The entire bit about Steam Reviews being stupid and catering to people like that is inherently self-destructive
yet they go after that one review that was actually right and seething about it for 30 minutes straight, further proving it right
This, the game was a masterpiece of art that noone got
yeah bro, you're so special and unique for liking it
second one looks like the last of us 2 and the third looks like beginner's guide.
So I really liked the original, and I haven't played this one. Will I like it?
Also, my friend hasn't played either and I told him to play it. Should he play the original or this one?
To answer the second question first, he should play Ultra Deluxe. I will elaborate in answering the first question.
Ultra Deluxe is the base game with a door that says "New Content" on it. This door unlocks the Stanley Parable 2 Expo Hall and changes the current game into SP2. There is a Bucket that you can pick up which changes all the old endings into new ones, sometimes only via dialogue, sometimes with new environmental assets.
The biggest change aside from the New Content is that the Gamer ending has replaced Minecraft and Half Life with Firewatch and Rocket League.
I enjoyed Ultra Deluxe very much, despite the meta-jokes shifting from gameplay tropes to sequel tropes.
To be fair it was novel in 2013
Oh, and there are actually 3 new endings that have nothing to do with the Bucket and are all just as humorous and in tune with narrative convention as the first one. These being:
>If you go up and down the elevator behind the boss' secret door over and over, the Narrator realizes you are a greater literary genius than him and sets up a press conference for you. The joke here is that you actually were a genius, because the stadium is packed.
>In the cargo bay, there's a new wooden board which lets you drop down onto this little bridge and enter a vent, where you find a tape recorder stuck on repeat playing the Narrator's last line over and over. The joke here is when you stop the tape and the Narrator reprimands you for thinking both that he was a recording, and that such an insipid twist is in any way profound.
>Then inside the Monitor Room you can use the chair on the lightswitch platform to hop the railing. The Narrator explains this was a glitch they missed in the original Stanley Parable and decided to turn into its own ending, with its own theme song.
I enjoyed the third one the most.
This bit is the one thing I find unfunniest.
It lacks the most fundamental law of storytelling, which is to make things believable. The original video about choice is perfect because of this. "The real world makes sense. If you find yourself speaking with a person who does not make sense, in all likelihood, that person is not real."
This make SENSE, following a basic syllogism: the real world makes sense; that person does not make sense; therefore, that person is not part of the real world (isn't real). The most absurd claim that was said there still has logic behind it, but the new one is plain absurd. It's not funny, and it's exactly because of this.
But I'm sure some will say I'm not getting it - and how it being unfunny is funny precisely because it's explaining how to do comedy, so it's ironic beyond ironic. I don't buy that.
I think I'l just tell him to play it and avoid the new content door for a bit so he can enjoy it like I did my first go around
it wasn't funny
Just pirated it. What am I in for?
pure kino except for a few of the new bits. all the stuff from the 2013 game is kino as fuck
They explained all this when they first introduced the Bucket.
All Bucket endings are for people who don't want to think too hard about the existential or philosophical questions the game poses/raises.
I forgot to mention, there is also more new content if you relaunch the game a couple times in a row. It's a character that speaks to you through a settings menu where you set the time and adjust brightness. This character is implied to be employee 432.
Waitwaitwait. That's all save for the bucket flavour text changes?
the actual new stuff was great. memory zone,, expo hall, etc, was all kino, skip button is my favorite ending in the game
unfortunately the bulk of the new content was the bucket stuff which really fucking sucked. literally the same joke repeated 50 different times "haha its a normal bucket but everyone acts like its super powerful and important isnt that WACKY???", it's all penguin-of-doom style lolsoandom humor with none of the philosophy or metacommentary that makes the game good. i guess the joke is supposed to be that sequels are artistically bankrupt but if you make something ironically shit it's still shit
I would have enjoyed the third one if they just had music, but they hammered it a touch too far with the lyrics.
5 looks to be referencing RESIDENT EVII_ and VII_I_AGE
There was no super duper secret backrooms ending.
Like I said, there's also the entire Stanley Parable 2 Expo space.
The way it actually plays out is thusly:
The only content behind the New Content door is a circle of tape on the ground called "the Jump Circle" if you use all the jumps now, you can never jump again unless you reset the save. The Narrator complains about how there was all this buildup just for that. A couple runs later. he stops you and asks you to join him in The Memory Zone, a new age musuem in the middle of the american southwest full of nostalgia wanking over the original Stanley Parable, and how the Ultra Deluxe ruined the game's legacy. Then there's all the crap people in the thread have been complaining about with Steam Reviews that I actually found funny because of how much the Narrator lets these random people get under his skin. One review asks for a Skip Button, and he says "Well, we could actually do that. Yes, here's the skip button." This turns into a joke of the skips getting longer and longer until the room collapses in on itself and you are in the apocalypse, a desert stretching to the horizon.
A few cycles later, the New Content door is updated with a neon sign saying NEW New Content. This is where the actual Sequel Expo is, and where the Bucket is introduced. Every run after this will always have the bucket on a pedestal next to Employee 419's desk. Then there's an Epilogue you can unlock, but I forget how, and I refuse to spoil it.
they shouldn't have switched to unity
deluxe is what mgs2 is to mgs. parody of itself.
Good call, there really isn't enough new content to justify the price.
you DID find the hidden elden ring reference, right user?
I agree, if only because it eliminated the Serious Ending.
My feelings exactly.
There's a serious ending room in the memory zone. Has anyone gotten there yet?
>walking sims.. le bad!!
>walking sim but with reddit jokes.. le good!!
I saw this video of a guy using the crouchspam glitch to clip through the boxes, and the floor doesn't even have any collision.
>tanker/memory lane
>same game but with a bucket, same game but with a faggy pretty boy
quite the opposite actually, the original is good but the new one blows chunks
he ran out of ideas very quickly and padded the content with braindead reddit humour. not that it didn't work out for him, reddit fucking loved the bucket stuff. appealing to retards was probably a savvy move.
the thing about the bucket is that it's just the companion cube joke from 2007 but without any of the things that actually made it work. portal had a good setup that evolved into a punchline that was funny and worked to progress the story. the bucket is just a bucket because lolrandom. I seriously can't think how much of a braindead faggot you'd have to be to find it funny.
>b-but it's meant to be bad! it's commentary!
it's moronic commentary that goes nowhere and says nothing. wreden had a good thing going with his insight about narrative vs player choice but that was over a decade ago and now the best he can come up with is
>lol videogames are so trite and beneath me, you're just mindlessly pushing buttons - that's why I exclusively make walking sims now without any choice at all
this too. wreden is a self-obsessed midwit faggot who came up with one good idea a decade ago and has been self-fellating over it ever since. the beginner's guide is the biggest load of narcissistic garbage out there, even by pretentious walking sim standards.
>my game was popular and now people have expectations of me :(((( wahhhhhhh being a genius is so hard you guys
wew lad
And then, somewhere along the way, I stopped making decisions. I became lazy. And I came up with... Well... I came up with a character named Stanley to do my thinking for me.
>Video games were meant to be played alone. You like being alone, don't you? That's maybe the only information I really learned about you.
>When Stanley came to a set of 2 open threads, he entered the video game related thread.
>This was not the correct way to the video game thread, and Stanley knew it perfectly well. Perhaps he wanted to stop by the catalog first, just to admire it.
>But at last, he had enough of the catalogue, and so he took the first video game thread he could find, and get back to business.
>Stanley was so bad at navigating video game boards, it's incredible he wasn't banned years ago.
random parts of this game will cause my computer to go super saiyan and automatically emergency shut down before it overheats. seems like there's a lot of fucked up bugs
Why did they switch from source to unity for this? Are they retarded?