Daily reminder that sekiro is the most kino ninja game ever made
Daily reminder that sekiro is the most kino ninja game ever made
Other urls found in this thread:
>reusing animations
yikes, lazy
its a ronin game
owl trained him in the lore you fucking retards it makes sense that they have a similar moveset since they learned the same fucking style of swordsmanship and trained together long enough for wolf to murder literal demons
>he fell for the bait
reminder that I will continue not buying fromshit no matter how much you shill for it
lmao a videogame gave you schizophrenia.
You know you can just.... not click on a fromsoft thread right?
no respect for the player - no buy
>can't mikiri
That's your right as a human individual. Good for you for exercising that right.
>cutscene cutscene custscene
great game myahacki
Man we really can't have a comfy fromsoft thread without constant shitters from both sides.
I am not angry, just disappointed.
to be fair, Sekiro is the only good From game (on the PC). Souls series is poorly made shit
>waaah why everyone keeps shitting on my reddit game :(
least kino rhythm game*
anime is so fucking cringe holy shit
>memorization-based combat game built around unavoidable enemy encounters
>dodging in the direction of their other arm
fucking stupid
A ronin is a samurai without a master. Sekiro is a shinobi with a master. You couldn't be more wrong.
Two of them are not cutscenes nigger
NG2 is kinoer tho
It's qte "simon says" then
>didn't play the game
did you get filtered by lady butterfly and just not get far enough? it's early in the game.
>playing meme game for streamer rage
It doesn't really feel like a ninja game. You could just call him a samurai and not much would change.
lol never
>no bro you don't understand, reused content and low budget is LE CANON
I dunno, pic related was pretty damn good.
Hell yes it is, just got this a few minutes ago.
Having beat the game multiple times, including demon bell + charmless, I maintain that Guardian Ape is the worst boss that isn't Demon of Hatred. Way too much health and him running away constantly is just annoying.
>it is popular i must hate it
>i found a reused animation this whole game sucks
looks like this is my last (You) for you this thread
lmao touch grass
>it is popular and le hard so i must love it
>everyone I don't like is a samefag
Sekiro sucks, get over it
>Guardian Ape
>worst boss
what the fuck? He's the easiest one and it's a little tedious to stay on his toes following him around but it's not that bad. Demon of Hatred as you said is far worse
>"Ninja" game
>Game can be beaten with zero stealth just unga bunga kill everyone in your way
it's a really shitty game with braindead combat
>parry > mash r1
and even worse, absolutely nonsensical level design.
but then again you could say that of every souls game
the fact that you have to stay close but not too close otherwise you're on the other side of his attacks and he'll hit your backside, the fact that he constantly runs away, and the fact that he has a ton of health and very swiftly recovering posture is an absolutely miserable combination. Then his second phase is just a joke with an attack that again, forces you to just book it for 7 seconds. It's just bullshit.
Why are you fags suddenly sucking off Sekiro so hard now?
Oh, right. The [NEW THING] came out so now its cool to go back and call the old thing a masterpiece.
*sigh* you fucking children. May as well start up that "why elden ring is a masterpiece" text document now so you're ready when the next game comes out, you shallow cunts.
Tenchu Z was better though. If it wasn't stuck on the 360 without FPS boost I'd still be playing it today. But I just can't do 30fps any more. I just can't.
>he doesn't hate it like me, he must be a shill
you like the game and are a baiting retard if your biggest complaint in the thread was one reused animation
just reinstalled and started a new run today
only beat it last time thanks to cheats, wonder how far i'll make it this time
Upload a vid of you beating Juzou's second encounter, the one you fight before Father, without stealth
who did you have to cheat to get past?
>Elden Ring releases
>Yea Forums: "I suddenly like sekiro now."
>Elden Ring releases
>Yea Forums: "Hey this game is pretty fun."
>reminded that sekiro is a from game
>you didn't beat the game
butterfly lady filtered me
but it was mostly that i had spent so many hours just to reach the end of the tutorial that i couldn't ever see myself completing the game
but i wanted to see it all
Personally I always found guardian ape's second stage to be fun. His first stage was annoying whenever I couldn't get into his groove, but overall I enjoyed him for his uniquely bestial rhythm.
Guardian ape plus his mate is a ball ache of excessive running though. Usually skipped that fight when I could.
I think Owl (Father) was my most disliked boss after Demon of Hatred. I couldn't figure out a good way to handle both owl attacks, or more importantly know which of the two he was using, so I ended up adopting a half-measure that I wasn't satisfied with.
>btfo's shillkiro
>taking the opinions of a YTer whose handle suggests he takes jizz in gallon buckets over his whole body as gospel
go back
Holy based...
>samefag posting 2 minutes after a 21 minutes video is posted
just stop
Ah. Well, the advice I'll give you (and anyone who likes the game will give you) is if you're playing it like a Souls game, you're playing it wrong. You should rarely be dodging. Stay in the enemy's face, deflecting as much as possibe, attacking as much as possible. This is a game about breaking posture, not draining health (yes draining health means their posture recovers slower, it's a balance, but posture is key). Also, holding block lowers your posture faster than not holding it.
Yeah, I do usually skip Ape Duo in subsequent runs, but I still prefer it to solo ape, simply because it's shorter. If solo ape had either half the health it currently does or a slower posture recovery, I wouldn't mind it at all.
Also, what owl attacks are you talking about? The one where he throws the owl at you? Just jump over it and mikiri/run up for punish.
yeah what i liked was it forced me to play super aggro for 1st phase, and super patient for 2nd phase.
once i got into that groove i loved it, and have beaten it 3 times since. ill probably go back and play it again one day purely for the boss redo mode.
Bro... Please... Lower your daily copium dosage...
Should've given her a kiss instead.