Final Fantasy: Chaos Edition

Just finished playing last night and honestly it wasn't a bad time at all. The entire ending was also unironically kino. Why were journos shitting on it so hard?

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Because Elden ring

Because Final Fantasy was the apex predator of JRPGs for a decade+. "wasn't a bad time" isn't good enough for what used to be a titan of the industry.

something dresses like the douche your sister is dating something something

elaborate further

Fucking loved this game, one journo was shitting on it cause Jack is too much of an alpha
>No one wants to play a Final Fantasy game as their sister’s first scumbag boyfriend after she left for college.

>insulting jack's strong and handsome face
>unironically uses 'normie' and 'fuckboy' every other sentence
>that whole sister's scumbag boyfriend line
Yeah I'm thinking this guy's insecurity got triggered by Jack's chad aura

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industry is rigged
sop is a great game
too much masculinity for baseden

Is this finally the SoP thread...?

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How does the combat compare to Nioh? Did Team Ninja change it up a bit?

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Nioh fans seem to think that SoP is just pretty good, but consensus seems to be that it's not as good as Nioh 2.

Damn straight.

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DLC when?

Sounds like a fun time to me

Just make sure that you play it on a good PC. Console version is fucked.

Everyone on PC is scared of the EGS boogeyman

>Why were journos shitting on it so hard?
Probably because it's made by Team Ninja. Journalists hate challenging games and hot girls, after all.

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works fine for me on base ps4
the tutorial is enough to filter them, not enough movie for them
game is peak soul

I love the game but the perfomance issues are clearly at fault for the majority of the bad reception

I kept hearing about this but the game played fine all the way through for me all three times on PS5.

based chaos grooming game

How canon is this game to the mainline Final Fantasy universe? Is the Garland we knew all this time actually Jack or is this an alternate history of sorts?

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It's a direct prequel to FF1 that ends literally where FF1 begins.

it works fine on my computer too but I got 2 friends who tried to play it in pc and it was completly unplayable for them
They had a 1660 TI and it was just not enough

He is -the- Garland.

favorite classes?
dragoon or dark knight with lance
monk for the hands

Not sure, but I've heard that pugilist feels like Tifa from 7 Remake and now I really want to try that class next.

Breaker, loved that fully-charged Zantetsuken

BASED. If we ever get a new(and good) dissidia -not whatever the fuck NT was supposed to be- I hope he's playable or an alternate costume. I want to beat the shit out of the staple pretty boys with Jack.

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how's the shadow rising Yea Forumssings coming along?

I haven't had much time to work on it at all, I'm very busy and will be for the next month.

Hopefully I can release it by mid to late June, submissions were extremely slow and this is the first thread for the game that I've even seen in ages, or at least wasn't 90% shitposting.

I am hoping that I can release it when the DLC is announced to really get everyone motivated.

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But I should clarify that 10 out of 20 anons are in the song at the moment, but a lot of it is unedited currently.

so he loses? lame

No, he fucking wins like a chad.

He won harder than anyone else against a fucked up system set up by literal gods and more, much more than this, he did it his way.

so his plan was to die at the end of ff1 to free the world from Chaos using the new WoLs after he fucked the lufenians by taking the crystal matrix from them? based

>Why were journos shitting on it so hard?
Because game too hard and the early cutscenes are so awkward that people don't get the later ones a chance.

>Worst HDR implementation in history
>Resolution mode still has the N64 vaseline filter
I don't get it why couldn't Square-Enix leave this one in the oven a bit longer. I like the game overall



>Console version is fucked.
Console version has low resolution, but runs miles better than pc

is it actually Nioh but Final Fantasy?

>so his plan was to die at the end of ff1 to free the world from Chaos using the new WoLs after he fucked the lufenians by taking the crystal matrix from them? based
More than that, the psp version of ff1 heavily hints once the timeloop got broken Garland became his older self again, so he fucking won and stayed alive after that

not entirely, but pretty much

We're all counting on you user. Godspeed.

I hope you guys don't mind the wait. I'm hoping that the good will from getting My Way out quite quickly will hold over.

Since you are referring to 96-06 and FF7-12, who was the leader before and after?

I don't mind, we know it's gonna be good because of your last one

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It didn't live up to the hype. The characters and story were great but the gameplay felt like it just wanted to be a Souls clone. I'm so fucking sick of Souls shit. I couldn't even finish it I was so bored.

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Thanks, bro. I believe that Shadows Rising will be a lot better.

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>but the gameplay felt like it just wanted to be a Souls clone
Weird to see someone complain about the combat when that's the one thing people agree is good. Team Ninja has eclipsed Souls combat (if you even want to compare the two which you honestly shouldn't)

You played the game wrong, its nothing like dark souls combat

Even after a month I did not forget you, anons.

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My biggest regret is that I did not get that user's Raiden in for the My Way video.
He will have his Revengeance in Shadows Rising.

>How canon is this game to the mainline Final Fantasy universe?

prequel to FF1 and a loading screen mentioned that they dumped excess darkness into FF15's world, thus is the source of the Starscourge

>shoulder button combat
>save points that heal you completely but reset all the enemies in the area
>gear dropped indicated by wispy shit on the ground
>literally have estus flasks
>spells lock you into place
>game revolves around parrying
>boss difficulty comes from learning the mechanics through dying
It's literally the exact same kind of game, but with party members. The gear system was also incredibly antiquated feeling, I thought we had move past the "get 500 different white quality gloves and you must choose between 0.7% poison resistance or 1% blunt damage resistance" style of RPGs but I guess not. It wasn't unplayable or bad, I'm just tired of that kind of game.

>shoulder button combat
>not immediately binding attack to square

I agree about the gear being annoying but I thought the combat was sick. I was really sick of souls after Elden Ring but this game was fresh and fun enough for me since the combat and job system was sick to see in an action game

>be reductionist
>suddenly everything's the same
wow epic QUITE LITERALLY the same game

Was the game patched to not use 12 million polygons for basic enemy models? I heard that many people had performance issues because of that.