Should I get a Series S? Never owned any last gen systems due to very, very few interesting games...

Should I get a Series S? Never owned any last gen systems due to very, very few interesting games. But now there are a few I wouldn't mind playing/replaying.

Games I want to play:
>Devil May Cry 5
>Elden Ring
>Nier Automata
>Metal Gear Rising
>Dead Rising

Thoughts? Anything else you'd suggest?

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Go ahead, it's a decent deal if you don't intend to play at more than 1080p

Just buy a PC and do whatever you want.

Yeah 1080p is more than enough really.

I want something streamlined and simple. Not interested in some bogged down PC.

Its great with the combination of gamepass
A lot of games run at 60fps like the gears of war series and also games from last gen like fallout 4

Im personally waiting for a price drop though

>Should I get a Series S?
absolute steal of a deal, play all my 360 games on bc and signed both myself and my wifes kid up to Gamepass for the next 5 years each, best deal in gaming

I saw the series S at 289.00 on best buys app. thats an absolute steal. also looks bretty good


also what kind of moron are you to expect a price drop. based retard spotted

No. Get a PC instead. Its more expensive but a much better long term investment. Complement it with a Switch and a Sony console

>Complement it with a Sony console

You just have to remember that playing games outside of the gamepass ecosystem is going to get expensive fast. You will have to wait for sales since you can't use discs, and a lot of games are still full price and rarely go on sale.

Actually, yes
With xbox one/ps4 game starting to get canceled in favor of new gen consoles, it's not bad deal

>but a much better long term investment.
>$300 console
only if you pirate and you can sell the console later

>a lot of games are still full price and rarely go on sale.

Is this true? I don't know much about the sales on the Xbox Store. Are they that infrequent or good?

Its about 190 bucks used
Im still too cheap to buy it

The Legendary Don Mattrick said it best, Just stick with 360

The sales/discounts are actually pretty good, but the problem is most of the time it's just the same shit on sale every other week. And the sales on 360 games are really infrequent. There was a backwards compatibility sale a few months ago that was great since most of those games never go on sale anymore. If there's a certain game you really want to play you might end up waiting a long time or just cave and pay full price.

The obvious answer is PC, but if you really want a console just get a PS5 so you can at least play Gravity Rush, Persona 5, Spider-Man, or whatever other exclusive you might decide you wanna try one day. In contrast, Xbox has literally no exclusives for the past two gens except two shitty Halos.
I guess the main appeal of Xbox is Gamepass, but fuck subscription services.

its pretty good console with gamepass and dev-mode (if you're willing to set it up).
though i heard a few games gimped the series S port though (like 30 fps dying light afaik).

>Gravity Rush, Persona 5, Spider-Man
could not care less about any of this shit.

Buy a PC instead. You cant play XBXS games offline.

>nah bro just spend 5 times the amount of money to play the same games

id love to see black mesa on Xbox (seriously,that would actually be cash)

Most Xbox S gmaes are capped out at 30fps and rarely any hit 1080p. Get a PS5.

Based as fuck. Make sure you get goypass for 3 years for real cheap user, and you'll be good to go.

it's cheaper than any PC for comparable performance, by a big margin
if you just have 1080p, it's by far the best machine for games
if you want to go above 1080p, do not get a Series S

PCs are stupid expensive and not worth it. It's not an obvious answer at all.

absolute beast of a backward compatibility machine

no they're not, they generally target 60fps at 1080p and only a couple titles drop below that

? i own an s and i can’t think of a game i’ve played at 30.

Sure if you don't mind not being able to play your games when MS servers shit the bed.

I mean, sure there are some games and advantages to owning a pc vs console, but current gpu prices and ease of use is something that you have to consider.

>spend $1000 now
>dont upgrade for 10+ years
>everything still runs just fine
>oh and you can play 99% of games ever made
Dang PCsisters....

That's just a lie though. Virtually every game that runs at 60 fps on the PS5 and Series X runs at 60 fps on the Series S as well. The only difference is the resolution.

>spend $1000

I can guarantee you Elden Ring runs better on my Series S than on your 10 year old PC. In fact, if you have a VRR capable TV, Elden Ring on a Series S runs better than on a modern PC where the GPU alone is $1000.

theyre not as cheap as they used to be but you will pay less for games and have it for longer. it's a bigger investment with a better payoff

Just a reminder that there's some games you'll never be able to play on an SS unless you already bought them digitally years ago. Forza Horizon 3 and Driver San Francisco comes to mind.
And unless you hurry you'll probably never get to play future Forza Horizon games either. They get delisted as soon as license run out and since SS has no disc drive, well the fuck you gonna do then?

Ok, and I guarantee you I've spent SIGNFICANTLY less money on games than you over 10 years. But consoom harder faggot I don't care. My PC played ER just fine, and ER was a garbage PC port too. By the way, your online service charge is coming up soon, better make sure you got that covered this month.

>oh and you can play 99% of games ever made
Ironically xbox nowadays has better backwards compatibility than PC does. There is a staggering amount of older PC games that either run like shit on Windows 10, don't run at all or require elaborate community patches to work. Meanwhile, on Xbox I can play pretty much any 360 game I want without ever having to worry whether or not it will run. The answer is 99 times out of 100 it will run flawlessly.

Handicapped hands typed this post.

Xbox Series consoles have always online DRM that prevents from you playing your physical copies of games offline.
Nobody should support this.

I am almost certain that is not the case. Elden Ring was the first full price release I have bought since 2008. I spend less than 100 bucks on average on games in a year and I don't pay for online.

Both Dying Lights are now patched with 60 FPS modes.

i get you,but don't say "its all the same" when the actual experience is totally different.
a common example i give is controller support,PC has such better controller support it's not even funny, i can even use features not naively supported (like the ever talked about gyro aim) when on an Xbox,trying to use a dualsense doesn't even work (when there is no real reason it shouldn't)

Plenty of Xbox Series S games play at 4k.

good,i remember hearing a dying light dev saying the series S could only do 30,and that kind of mentality can really hurt playing game on the series S.

where are you getting this from? If you have your console set to home, you can play games offline. It's just backwards compatible OG xbox and 360 games that require you to be online as the emulation they run through require you to be connected to the servers or something like that. But any new game you buy that was made for the xbox one or series consoles you can play offline.

Best emulation machine you can buy (at this price)
I use it on my living room because its small and I can hide it behind the TV
I hate the fact that its white tho

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Haven't followed the news, huh?
I'm sure you'll figure out eventually that you actually don't own any of your xbox games and your license to play them can be revoked at any time, even your physical copies.

>but don't say "its all the same"
I literally never said that, learn to read

>you actually don't own any of your xbox games and your license to play them can be revoked at any time, even your physical copies.
How is that any different from games you own on Steam for example?

Set your home Xbox retard. It's literally exactly the same as PS5 and Switch once you do that

>Best emulation machine
whatever makes you cope I guess

Attached: CEMU Screenshot 2021.12.01 - (1920x1080, 3.82M)

Seething spooked snoyboi typed this post. Pay no attention to his laughable lies.

>spend 5 times the amount of money to play the same games
sounds alot like that,if you didn't think it was roughly equivalent,you wouldn't say that.

Easily worth for gamepass alone, not to mention sales often and emulation on retail mode

you got 2 hack and slash games, 2 more that has sword play and 1 arcade game.
2 of the games on the list is made by the same company, so my first suggestion is bayonetta same team who made metal gear rising and nier automata.

Then you should try ds3 if you like elden ring, go for the complete version.

Since you're considering a series S im pretty sure it comes with a free month of xbox gamepass so you got 400+ games to choose between
series S got 364GB of storage and can only download games, no discs.

If you don't own a 4k tv, and/or are on a budget, sure

>Not interested in some bogged down PC.
a console is a bogged down PC retard

reading comprehension

no. get a PS5