What do you all think of Forspoken?

What do you all think of Forspoken?

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You all motherfuckers kno that this was meant to pander to white people of certain political affiliation.

If Square Enix wanted to pander to black people they should've made a fighting game that doesn't suck or traditional Final Fantasy.

the main character model/actress is half-white. father is a millionaire polish aristocrat. mother is an english supermodel who was adopted and raised by white people. when they say "black people" they mean global elites with light beige skin. just the faintest hint of "diversity."

why do they market her as black? sounds white to me.

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Who is the mom

> Forspoken
More like already forgotten

Black conservatives are so funny because they think white conservatives act different from Democrats

there are no hood niggas who are really trying to get into a game about a british black woman zipping around shooting magic out her fingers. maybe some weebs, but even they have other games to play - good ones - where they can do the same thing and not be preached at.
so i ask again - who the fuck is this game aimed at? what the fuck was square expecting when they made this?

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Lorraine Pascale, who is also on cooking shows.

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I want this exact same concept of a game but with either a CJ type black guy or a Norf FC Englishman. Random Bronx TikTok teenager is boring and her design is so bland.

But you're black. You're all the same.

t. Square Enix

Being racist doesn’t make your cool

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We're racist to their face instead of behind their back. As long as they're racist too then there's no problem.

I thought it looked kinda cool and i think the girl is cute

I'd be more interested if the protagonist was just some white milquetoast wizard apprentice dude
but hey, dat Hogwarts Legacy tho

no, it doesnt. which is why this game isnt gonna sell - expecting black people to buy it because of the skin color of the protag is racist as fuck

Fable III was a shit game though.
Maybe they should've spent more time making it fun instead of making it progressive

only real niggas will remember
and we only remember real niggas

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The only mutual agreement I find is hatred of LGBT and other minorities, but it's not like white conservatives will let black people talk about slavery or reparations etc. They just want them as tokens so they can go "see LGBT stuff and immigration don't just hurt white people in Kansas, we're a legitimate movement."

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>anything SE

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Black Panther did well pretty much just because it was pitched as a must see movie for blacks and they all did, also Tyler Perry. It works.

executive math is essentially 'boring game makes this much much money so if we make boring game PLUS nogs, then we will make more money' market share is only additive in their minds so making the exact same shit +pandering means you get both instead of alienating one.

49 years old look like THAT?

>If you call out my racist pandering, you are a racist

This casting is the literal equivalent of "SO ARE YA CHINESE OR JAPANESE?" Some marketing executive said, "Get a darkie in the game. We need the blacks to buy it! 'Those people' love to support their 'kinfolk'."

Yeah that would be kino

This game isn't for me but I wish them all the best in selling it

Ella Balinska is a major up and coming actress

oopsie dopsie, the left eat itself again

>live-service games are more profitable!
>Babylon's Fall bombs so hard it makes Hiroshima look like a joke
>Forspoken is pandering to every Democrat voter in the US! It can't fail!
Can't wait for the market to subvert their expectations again.

"Final Fantasy XV" with a black girl protag in an even more generic fantasy setting with a linear plot, quest, and level design.

>major up and coming actress
>the only movie she starred in was a box office bomb

>Gatekeeping good when children's toys
>Gatekeeping bad when politics

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its really hard for japanese people to create or write black characters because, like most of Yea Forums, theyve never really been around them for more than a few minutes at most. its all fucking make believe to them

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i liked Mr T. Barret and idgaf what anyone else says
my only black friend went to prison and then his brother killed a guy and also went to prison, he had good taste in anime though

We have literally gone backwards in terms of race relations in recent years. Shit like Mucha Lucha would be construed as problematic by Twitter Schizos

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Some of the gameplay looks fun but I imagine the overall product will get old quickly. I'll give it a pirate.

Game isn't made for blacks its made for white liberals

That comment about getting attention of the fence-sitters has to be a joke holy shit liberals are fucking delusional as hell.

You think he sounded like Mr T originally? You don't think that translators that are infamously known for taking liberties were taking liberties?

>Not knowing George
George is the guy who drew those comics of Biden sucking the black out of someone, he's super conservative.

by white liberals

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Slavery ended over 150 years ago. No white person living today was in any way connected to the practice so it's pointless to constantly try and blame them for something they had nothing to do with especially when even then it was only a small percentage of the population yhat was actually involved in the slave trade.

Cool isekai setting, fast traversal, protagonist is cute.
Combat looks repetitive with an ugly UI, gameplay as a whole doesn't look like something that would keep my attention.

I'll very likely pass unless it gets unexpectedly great reviews.

As a whole society benefitted. Even people that didn't own slaves etc. Why did we give reparations to the Japanese, most people didn't intern them. It's not anything emotional, it's a contractual debt to be paid for labor. We have loads of money to throw around but when it comes to compensating people for the work their ancestors did we do nothing.


you have brain rot i'm sorry

tell that to /pol/

>thinks you should sacrifice your principles to appeal to fence sitters that support things like pornography and abortion
He's a neocon and his cringy as fuck comics never have a point. This retard literally thinks politics is "just pick a side bro lmfao she says she's on your side you can't tell her she's not who cares if she actively works against your moral foundation". Claiming other people are mistaking politics for religion while he's running around acting like a gutless protestant with no standards.

It used to, now it just makes you normal.

Why'd they give the woman macrocephaly?

This is a wrong take desu. As long as the game is actually good and not a woketard bait, having a black woman on the cover doesnt hurt sales. I didnt expect any kind of thoughtful insight from modern CEOs anyways

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>we have loads of money to throw around

okay moralfags have fun crying when you lose the libertarian vote again because you can't keep your jesus spaghetti contained.

Ask me how I know you've never paid taxes in your life. Ask me how I know you've never been to walmart on the first of the month.

Living in the US is reparations enough.
They would be starving in Africa right now if not for slavery.

Eh, so what. A localization is a legitimate version of a game. It's how many people experienced it and crying about translators won't change that. It's a shared experience we relate to.

i wish we had more cute hafus like jade and alyx

>mfw Forspoken sales numbers

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>Charlie's Angels

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Hey, if your parents die without a will and are owed money, then you're owed money. Just saying

I love this shit because it's showing that in John's head "spoopy upside down demon" version of the main character and "black female" version of the main character are equally outlandish and provocative, or both serve the role of being outlandish and provocative. He's the art director and he thinks a depiction of a black female hero is surprising.

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I'm actually impressed there's still neocon people in 2022, this guy is openly Zionist as well lmao

Twitter has unironically hurt society at large

I don't know what it is.

Based niggers not falling for corporate bullshit.

Pretty sure you are the one with a soft cortex, twitter drone.

looks like it could be fun for a weekend or so. will probably be forgotten shortly after release.

Look into how much black people have eaten up our tax money over the years. They have been repaid many times over.