>Valve Corp. must face antitrust litigation over claims that “most favored nation” policies for its Steam distribution platform have driven up video game prices across the industry, a federal judge in Seattle ruled.
>The company “allegedly enforces this regime through a combination of written and unwritten rules” imposing its own conditions on how even “non-Steam-enabled games are sold and priced,” Coughenour wrote. “These allegations are sufficient to plausibly allege unlawful conduct.”
>The May 6 decision hands a win to the consumers and game publishers leading the proposed class action after the judge twice issued preliminary rulings in Valve’s favor.
>The Steam suit also resembles a wave of cases over Apple Inc.'s App Store and Alphabet Inc.'s Google Play Store
Holy shit...
Valve Loses Bid to End Antitrust Case Over Steam Gaming Platform
Other urls found in this thread:
Either a bribed judge, or a judge that thinks he's on some kind of holy mission. Either way, pathetic.
Okay. What does any of that BS mean?
Hopefully they get their shit together and drop the maintenance of every tuesday, not even Xbox Live or PSN do that and they have a much higher player base. Are you telling me Valve doesn't have the cash for better infrastructure?
Valve used their monopoly power to bully devs into pricing games on other stores the same as Steam. Tim Sweeney talked about it before as to why EGS can't have lower prices.
Ah yes, a totally unbiased source that didn't throw a temper tantrum when Apple wouldn't give Epic special privileges.
Good. Fuck DRM.
Is this because they don't do regional pricing anymore?
Keep crying valvecuck
Oh that actually makes sense
Hope that gets straightened out
Now when will they force us to be able to sell digital games
>Steam sets the standard for pc games' prices
I thought everyone knew that
So they forced devs to give everyone the same price instead of allowing them to screw certain people over.
>The case is Wolfire Games LLC v. Valve Corp., W.D. Wash., No. 21-cv-563, 5/6/22.
one who consorts with beasts...
Holy shit it's that Overgrowth guy who gave up making his game like six years ago because of his schizo obsession with Gabe right
Timchads...we FUCKING WON!!! 2022 is going to be OUR year. This is the year WE FINALLY BRING DOWN STEAM
Regional and especially retarded regional pricing is always on the publisher. Grabbed random big title off the main page, in this case it being Soul Calibur.
can they at least set higher prices for EGShit?
I sure believe that Timmy wants the best for the consumers.
Remember to delete your steam account and install epic games stores ser
steamies are not welcome on this board
is that why FF7 costs $70 on EGS? because steam bullied SE into putting it at that price?
Well then, Valve will no longer be able to take a 30% cut of every sale now, there's two outcomes here:
>Games become cheaper
>Games remain the same price and publishers earn more
What will you think will happen?
>Wants what's best for customers
>Forces Windows
Doesn't seem like that's the case.
Valve only has a 'Monopoly' because they make an effort to support all paying customers regardless of what platform they use as long as it is technically feasible.
I like Steam as much as the next guy, but any win against a corporation is a good thing in my book. Gabe needs to get his fat ass off his chair and stop pandering to American publishers.
>FFVII-R wasn't chained to Steam in any way
>Still decided to release at $70, even with timmy's chink welfare
Won't change a thing if they're allowed to price whatever they want
more money for publishers because they have to account muh global inflation
>>Games become cheaper
I can't believe anyone is retarded enough to actually believe this as a possible outcome.
Wow, finally i would play my chinese untranslated mobile free game on steam for less price!
Wait a second...
I really hope you people aren't retarded. egs with it's lower cut is proof they will still fuck you over. Case in point square enix. Shit on steam and gog all you want, that's business for you
>he who consorts with the beasts
also tim is a nigger faggot who should go back to sucking console tranny cock
nothing, valve will win litigation
>developers are allowed to price however they want
>but if they want a steam key from a 3rd party store they must adhere to valves pricing model since valve is footing the bill for hosting
>don't like it? don't offer steam keys, simple as that
Take a look at what happened under Reagan if you want your answer. "Trickle-down" will always be bullshit
>we can't have lower prices on our store because of steam
Make it make sense to me.
Wasn't that only for keys?
You couldn't sell steam keys at a lower price than what you pay on Steam.
>I fully believe Tim
Goym moment
I hope you're wrong. If Valve start charging to issue keys it's going to be a huge pain in my ass.
Isn't this opposite of what happened though?
Valve used to offer amazing sales, but then retail stores got super pissy and forced Valve to not offer sales lower than what could be had in stores or some sort of ruling. I remember it marked the end of the amazing steam sales on great games.
So now this case is blaming valve for something retail stores forced them to adapt?
Are people actually stupid enough to think that games will get cheaper?
Ubisoft, EA, Epic, etc sell their own games on their own platforms (not cut) and games aren't any cheaper
Isn't that a standard retail agreement?
Every wholesale contract I've seen is basically this:
>you must not undercut my prices or otherwise directly compete with me or I won't sell your product in my store
Is that suddenly unreasonable after so many centuries of it being standard practice?
this is why the courts ruled in Valve's favour TWICE
you're fucking wrong this time
there's literally litigation about this
>amerishart crying because his masters might have to pay a tiny fine
You freaks are almost worse than russians.
It's finally over, steam will be forced to improve
>>Games become cheaper
actual retard
Pretty sure that was combined result of retards bitching about missed flash sales and Valve being forced to implement proper refund system because of that one court case.
Don't trust antitrust.
What should be improved about it?
>Make it make sense to me.
Yes, it's called a contract. Not fulfilling the contract means getting sued and blacklisted off the bigger store (steam).
The only thing funnier than Yea Forums legal analysts trying to claim they understand how the law works are reddit legal analysts
What the fuck are you smoking?
If you sell a game on steam and want a steam key to sell on another site, you must have the key's price the same as in steam.
This isn't a antitrust. That judge is a fucking idiot.
Because Valve with its monopoly over pc gaming sets the standard price in all other platforms, publishers don't want to deal with different prices over a bunch of platforms, they settle on the lower common denominator, didn't you see the case Valve is losing?
Yes, its entirely standard, just like stores taking a cut of the sale, in fact for brick and mortar stores its higher. Valve's cut is mostly just to cover Steam's operating costs, yes they make a lot of money but its mostly because of the volume that Steam does.
Except valve isn't a monopoly you fucking retard, EGS is. Valve isn't bribing developers to keep a game exclusive to their store for a year, EGS is.
Valve doesn't choose prices, publishers and devs do.
Yeah, and it's basically very close to monopoly which hurts the free market
But of course this doesn't mean that tim is a good guy, he is even worse than fat fuck gabe.
We all know that he is doing it not to give it more justice but to hurt steam and bring attention to his shop.
Antitrust is beneficial when it works, but lately it's been directed at the wrong parties by special interests.
For example, ISPs are colluding on the regular and any complaint about it never goes to court.
Imagine being so retarded that you really believe Valve's expenses are anywhere close to 30% of revenue
Took them long enough, Jewben has been making the gaming industry worse and worse. From higher prices to loot boxes. Thankfully his artificial scarcity jewish tricks haven't caught on (yet).
>The case is Wolfire Games LLC v. Valve Corp., W.D. Wash., No. 21-cv-563, 5/6/22.
>Wolfire Games
>Overgrowth in early access for 8 years before releasing
Isn't this basically biting the hand that feeds you? I know they used to run Humble Bundle as well and that is now a separate company but this is seriously dumb.
Valve is a monopoly, EGS sets timed exclusives, devs can and have put their games also on steam as soon as the time is finished.
Yeah, they choose prices taking in consideration how much the store owner takes as its cut, dummy
Pretty much this
ikr, I bet those falseflagging snoyggers just misinforming others for the sake of revenge cuz Sony got destroyed this early morning.
Steamtrannies BTFO
Bad news for Steam, Good news for GOG
>Yeah, they choose prices taking in consideration how much the store owner takes as its cut, dummy
Are you retarded? If that were the case then publishers selling on their own store (no cut) would have cheaper games. That isn't the case.
Many devs and publishers broke the Valve contract to the steam store when they used steam to advertise their game and then took an exclusive deal with EGS. This was specifically stated in their contract since 2017.
Valve did nothing to punish them by court and Gabe is a cuck.
>2.1 Delivery: Company shall submit the Applications to Steam for release no later than the first commercial release of each Application or Localised Version or, if already commercially released as of the Effective Date, within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date. Thereafter, Company shall submit to Steam any Localized Versions and Application Updates (in beta and final form) when available, but in no event later than they are provided to any other third party for commercial release. Company shall provide these copies in object code form, in whatever format Valve reasonably requests.
Guess who owns them now
it starts with blackrock and ends with vanguard
God I love Turkey
lmao, what a shitshow
there's so much things judge got wrong it's asking for valve to question the actions of judge and ask for a new one
and now a word to epicpajeets itt I am redeeming the card
Because Valve due to its monopoly sets the standard price for all other platforms, didn't you see the fucking case that's in the op? Valve is losing for a reason, because it's been proven, cry all you want you dumb cultist
Seems more like Valve/Steam used their monopoly to make gaming cost the same as console gaming. Even in ps3 era we could get stuff like bioshock infinate for £17, but on colsole it was 40
But what's the contract and why does it affect Epics prices?
>timed exclusives
they're moving away from the "timed" part of that, which is why it's 5/10/2022 and Kingdom Hearts PC has not yet shown any signs of arriving on steam despite the game coming out on 3/30/2021.
Another thing: It'd be one thing to make your first party titles exclusive, it's another to do it to first parties. I would not give the slightest iota of a fuck if a new Unreal Tournament game was EGS exclusive, or that Fortnite is EGS exclusive, that seems actually reasonable to me, it's that epic snatches up third party devs and holds their games hostage to one platform for a year, which is another thing that wouldn't bother me so much (since it just means I get a more up to date, non early access version of a game when it comes to stores I actually like like what happened to Hades and Tetris Effect: Connected) if it weren't for the fact that, while this is happening, EGS shills are pointing the finger at valve for being monopolistic when there is nothing more monopolistic than "I will literally make you sign a contract that states you cannot be on any other storefront for a year".
Except that's wrong. It's not a monopoly, there are plenty of other stores, nobody is forced to sell on Steam. Valve will win on appeal.
Valve will pay for their crimes against humanity, one way or another
>it's another to do it to first parties.
*third parties.
that's a typo on my part.
Whether or not they're being greedy doesn't matter, since if the greed was harmful, their business would suffer without government intervention in any free market scenario.
Steam is an attractive market because it's big, and it's big because customers like it and publishers initially agreed to the conditions. It hasn't changed policies in years and still grows because the business model is theoretically fair.
Yet, because that market is becoming oversaturated, there are bound to be demands for government regulation by industry players who can't survive without sacrifice - and of course they want their pound of flesh from middlemen like Valve. What you're witnessing is desperate publishers trying to punish retailers for their own mistakes.
Well this is pretty difficult to figure out what is just.
Valve made themselves too big so companies cant avoid it, noone succeeded with their own launcher "exclusives" so far.
On the other hand, they also take hefty cuts.
But then they also give the games free advertisment.
They are monopolist but it's not like they are denying others the product. It's just not worth it to do it on your own, and even epic with all the money burnt couldnt do it.
Somewhat reminds me of chip production where countries burned billions and still couldnt get to the level of ASML