Well, not gonna lie, sunbreak has potential to be the best monster hunter game ever made
Well, not gonna lie, sunbreak has potential to be the best monster hunter game ever made
why? because it added the worst flagship monster ever made?
Rath? He's in every game
It'll at least keep me occupied for a month or two when it releases.
oh yeah, this is definitely the best monhun ever made!
it won't beat Tri
what's so special about seregios? I'm way more hype for astalos
at least they seem to have dropped the rampages idea completely
Reddit loves him. Don't know why.
in terms of being shit? Tri is the worst in the series. 3U made up for it though.
>3u made up for it by having worse graphics, worse controls and worst versions of monsters
I wonder, why worldfags are like that...
Seregios was a nice surprise. I'm a little less keen on the variants, but it's mostly just because Agnaktor died for Magma Almudron.
I was hoping for more monster reveals too, personally.
The sheer lack of mention of this has me hopeful it's just not coming back and we have more hunt quests instead.
holy shit rent free
>I was hoping for more monster reveals too, personally.
Is there a reason?
I mean by third trailer iceborne barely revealed any monsters...
That's because you're probably a poorfag who played it on 3DS. I bought a WiiU just for MH3U, it's still the only game I own for it.
>I bought a WiiU just for MH3U, it's still the only game I own for it.
And wiiu had upscaled 3ds graphics that missed half of tri visual effects
And same control scheme that was pure cancer for swimming, unlike tri version that had proper controls
You clearly don't know what the fuck you are talking about, worldbaby.
Just personal perceptions I guess. They keep touting this as a massive expansion, and we have what so far:
>Blood Orange Bishaten
>Aurora Somnacanth
>Magma Almudron
>Shogun Ceanataur
It's all but expected we'll get variants for the rest of the rise crew outside of maybe Magnamalo, but I do hope to see some more returning faces for the odd choices like Agnaktor, Zamtrios and Tetsucabra.
I think cat is the only one who guaranteed variant
>massive expansion
Just a pr speech, will be usual g-rank game with around 15-20 new monsters and variants
>You clearly don't know what the fuck you are talking about, worldbaby.
Pointless even arguing with you people. What's wrong with enjoying MH regardless of graphics etc. 3U had more content which is the main reason its better. You're obsessed like it's some weird platform war, whilst I own every MH.
>backpedalling after being btfo
Goss not getting a variant would be really disappointing because they could do a swamp thing or a desert version using glass or mud/rock to make a large club or a glass sword as it's gimmick that would change it up a bit.
I just want Tetsu and Zam back at this point.
I dunno what people expect to be fair.
No G rank ever added more then 3/4 NEW monsters
To compare, Iceborne added 4, Velkhana, the final boss and BEOTODUS/BANBARO
For once I'm happy they are not just revealing every new shit in those trailer (but I expect them to do it anyway in this months)
I was expecting Goss to get the magma one, like a solid magma club istead of ice blade
Guess they will give him the usually "Always angry/get even angrier" subs that Brachy/Rajang/etc... get
That's fair too. I mean when it comes to monster hunter it's almost like Smash roster reveals for me in that I like to know who's coming back and having to imagine how they changed up the fight and all that.
Magma goss would have been neat too, honestly. It's easily my favourite Rise monster and probably a top 5 for me at this point anyways. I genuinely think it should have been the flagship sometimes honestly. It could just roam around like a Ronin and cause problems in all ecosystems.
>breaking news
>local namahage literally too angry to die
Steve is back? No lie? Aww fuck I didn't think this day would ever come, I don't know what to do with myself. I've been wishing for that big dumb pinecone parrot to make a return for so long.
>Filtered by rampage
Why don't you hang yourself if thats too hard for you?
Yes, and they gave him a Kino reveal too, doing what he does best: harassing Rathian
How does it feel to taste shit 24/7?
>no demo
Seem strange.
Sure, they want to reveal the switch skill first (16 may) but they could have said something now.
Are we even getting one at this point?
Yes, start of june more likely
It's not base game, so there no need to test much
I wonder if we are even getting the new map at all.
Maybe just a section, would be strange to play already 2/4 new monster and the possibly only new real map completed
All g rank games added only one new map, except for gu where it was one new map and few returning ones
But they promising new map to be really big with at least 3 different biomes. Not sure how it would work and won't be clusterfuck
I personally have hopes for everwood/guiding lands farm map on top of that
how does it feel having world chads living in your head 24/7?
What's the point of posting this image? To show everyone that you caK4AYn't read?
why? are they going to disable wirebugs in it?
Wirebugs are so cool, that they or dogs will be mainstay in every single mh game from now on
>we'll get variants for the rest of the rise crew outside of maybe Magnamalo
There's no way he won't get another variant
Tbf, Tri is really unique in a lot of ways. The dark caves, the bowgun system, the houses from online, and loc lac in general. It had some cool ideas that 3U simply left behind.
>best monster hunter game ever made
People say this about every new MH
>no gore
Its over.
Give up, Dracula even has a spin on frenzy virus.
People had doubts about generations and world
>The dark caves
>only thing you see from barioth is his eyes
pure kino
I'm happy Steve is in too but let's not get crazy
Tri got so much hate I genuinely believed the series was going to die
I doubt wirebug will stay but I wouldn't be surprised about some more realistic grappling hook in the future
If anything, Rise shown how FUN can be traversing the world with it
IF Gore is in, it will 100% be with some sort of dlc content like Alatreon.
If would easily solve the whole "it's supposed to be special" without making it yet another generic elder in
Gore isn't elder(can be captured) and doesn't have his own boss arena.
user, when people say Gore they obviously mean the whole package, it's a given
To be fair, the in an artbook they release they said eventually Gore went from ??? to Elder Dragon.
In the end, the gameplay mechanics are...just that, gameplay
Why? They didn't announce anything interesting. The only thing worth mention was the AI bots and that only cements Rise as the first monhun that's better in single player than multi. Not sure anyone wanted that.
>the first monhun that's better in single player than multi
Like every MH ever?
Nah. You are just a loner, virgy.
>because it added the worst flagship monster ever made?
Nerg isn't in though.
So, how bad are you at mh?
Every one of these UI elements can be individually turned off. The point is to be appealing to casuals while still allowing actual players to customize the information - just so you know which demographic you belong to.
When we ever seeing Gravios, Monoblos, Akantor again?
wait so they hyped up this event for steve? really? lol
a worse version of agnaktor, and a somnicanth sub...hmm where's goss sub species or magnamalo sub? you know, the only actual good new monsters in Rise? where's the HARD monsters at to combat the main complaint of base Rise being too easy?
>Why yes, MH Rise is my first MH game, why gave it away
Don't bother, rise could pay him while he's playing it and he would think its the worst thing ever.
Is Gravios even worth adding? There's not much difference between it and Basarios.