Yea Forums lost

>Yea Forums is lost in a empty island
>you need to survive
>if some user post ends with the 2 last number of OP's post: he dies

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How empty we are talking about

Are there any videogames on this supposed Yea Forums island?

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Can't find a water source, better drink my own piss.

well use your imagination

The Japanese government claims it was simply abandoned because it wasn't profitable for mining anymore, sounds like a convenient excuse and sounds like it must have some chemical contamination surrounding the area, like when a Japanese company dumped mercury into the sea and caused mass deformities and miscarriages in Japan.

find it out yourself
ohohnnononono this cant be real

>unable to find games, we head north

>The Japanese government cla-ACK

i dig a small hole and i start cumming in the hole on a daily basis until my cum mutates into a animal which i then hunt, kill and eat
they got him


Siren 2 and Killer7, for sure

What could possibly go wrong?

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>The Japanese government claims
your life


ive already begun dragging to the compound located here. i shall share the body for nutrition and pleasure with three other anons, who claim their loyalty to me and each other

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Start a fire using pieces of wood, use it to burn a hole in a stick (and rock) to create a tool, chop down trees, create a kiln using mud/clay mixtures, make a brick mold, fire it, create clay pottery, fire those for water transport and storage, create a brick, fire those, use logs for foundation, create a brick house, make a bed out of palm leaves, create a spear and/or fishing rod to fish, coom fish for food or cure for later, store somewhere in clay pots, win

dibs on comfy forest lodge

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>the dick sucker area

Now try doing that with countless amounts of retards from Yea Forums

Claiming the comfy spot at the top of the cliff

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Claiming this area for drawing a large penis on the ground.

Attached: claim.png (1554x1117, 3.24M)

THIS is the place to be
enjoy my naval invasions that i will be launching NONSTOP fags

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Seriously though, wouldn't someone who played a lot of survival crafting games have an easier time, even given the simplification of it all in vidya?

>wasting all that time and resources to make a brick house while there's shitloads of concrete buildings around you could fix up.
You are retarded

I'm not here to fight you nigga, share some fishes with me and I'll share some wood.

i will rape your fishes and KILL your wood

>killed by death

and you are fucking dead lmao

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concrete block fell on his head, rip retard

What do they eat?


Claiming soulful commie block

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>What do they eat?

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I swim back home
lmao dumbasses unless my post ends in 34 I make it
Literally 1% chance of failure
Enjoy your gay island

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Enjoy your boat made out of concrete rubble.

based retard


5 and a shark will eat you

oh shit

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Shark bites can't do shit to me unless I roll 34
I am impervious to damage

>cuts the bridge to your concrete 'boat'
nothing personal user

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Please me too

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Soup's on, boys!

I'm gonna lay naked in that big open space at the bottom.

Our neighbors seem to be pretty chill bros. this guy said i could come over and play some vidya with him.

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That's Fred, just don't shine a light to him, he doesn't like it

I'm black so I find and breed every female and cute femboy

>open basement door
>see pic related
>close door and block it
What now? I don't other faggots opening it, but I need the basement to turn it into a rape dungeon

Attached: EXFzHReX0AIoBtL.jpg (960x1200, 226.69K)

just through dead bodies at them

I'm going to drink sea water until I build up an immunity.

>wasting food

oh yeah..

We should try using parts of the dead bodies to fish.

His rape dungeon is already down there. To supersede him as master rapist, you have to rape him.

Well, you've made eye contact now. You know the rules, either he rapes you or you rape him.


3 and I caught a shark with random user's dick

Either way, you're fucked

claiming this building to see naval invations, spy on the forest guy to the left and observe the progress of the dick drawing to the right

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