the LOATHSOME dung eater
The LOATHSOME dung eater
Zanzishart forgive me...
Mr. Miyagi looking mf
No-one cares, Fromtranny. It's all about the Duke now.
>Karate Kid: India adaptation
>mom found the poop cult
>Some say he would force his followers to drink his urine, eat his feces
>Some say
Ah, the beloved anonymous sources.
> raid the compound after the group allegedly violated land encroachment laws and broke Covid-19 restriction laws.
>police then discovered the remains of 11 bodies in coffins.
>he group was only able to provide death certificates belonging to five of the 11 of the deceased
Fuck media, they always lie.
What the real story is. Covid fascist raid a private group and desecrate a cemetery and dig up graves, while they arrest people for braking "covid law".
But no new spiece is complete without a clickbait headline.
Le poop
>Source: my ass
The enquirer news piece from op you tard?
>>police then discovered the remains of 11 bodies in coffins.
>>he group was only able to provide death certificates belonging to five of the 11 of the deceased
>Fuck media, they always lie.
You don't understand how the corpse works under our current legal system. When someone dies by any cause, its a matter for the state with the opportunity for an investigation and autopsy should the police believe its prudent.
Once a person dies, they become a corpse which is property of the state. Once a family turns over a body to the state or licensed professional, they lose all claim to the body.
What you on about? In my country a corpse of the dead person belongs to the closest family, its even regulated who has priority in case of an argument over it.
XDDDD epiiiic epic meme fromsisters!! togedaaaaaa XDD THE loathsome... poop eater!!! lulz!!!
Why is making a shit eating cult illegal? What happened to freedom and personal responsibility?
Looks like Ethan Ralph lost a few pounds. Good for him
Not for long I'm reporting every single Duke thread to copyright people
It's over, Randy. Everybody has downloaded the game by this point, you can't shut it down
How do people get involved with cults?
Shut up, poop eater.
What's the benefit of being in this cult?
>eat the poopoo
>freedom stolen
thats not how coffee grinders work.
How did you get involved with Yea Forums?
strengthening your immune system by eating shit and forcing your body to deal with it.
>he thinks he can corner Randy "no traction action" Pitchford and his slippery sweat jutsus
Generally they're lost in life and feel like that group of people is the only one that would tolerate them and makes sense.
The difficult part of leaving a cult or Yea Forums isnt telling people off or being wrong to people, but rather the shame of being alone.
Yea Forums is the opposite of a cult
most people here tell you to fuck off and get out of here
you're not allowed to leave cults
an user singing Ave Maria in a retarded way
no you can leave most cults, since if you couldnt they couldnt get rid of misbehaving members
like the 11 corpses they found in the OP
What a beautiful and exotic culture.
no shit, Yea Forums is the place where people come when they have been kicked out of everywhere else and have no other place to go
people don't leave this place because they have nowhere else to go
free shit
You lost Fromdrones
Yea Forums is a place for people who are rejected by everything else
>Eat shit and drink piss for years
>Go to police and report him
>Media picks it up
>They blast your first and last name and your face on TV to avoid using anonymous sources so a random user on Yea Forums believes them
so exactly like a cult then
too unorganized and chaotic to be a cult
>t. loathsome
the whole point of a cult is some leader that makes rules everyone has to follow autistically and if you dont you get beating til you do.
chans purpose was the exact opposite. Its a place to enjoy less rules than normie spaces.
Something, something words you think you know what they mean, but don't
>American struggles to understand how anything can exist outside his third world hellhole
Every. Fucking. Time. So, how's life as your nation burns?
top lel
Fuck, they captured the CEO of console gaming
holy actual schizo
> the state of Yea Forums
I understand now how bad it is.
DungEaterbros... How are we coping?
First of all I wouldn't let them die if I wanted a steady supply of shit.
ah, the beloved anonymous source
What does this have to do with video games. OP is a faggot bot
>Japs including their shit fetish in games
Wow imagine my shock even Nintendo is guilty of the same....Shit looool
Yea Forums doesn't ask me to give money to hiroshimoot. I guess there's the pass but no one is retarded enough to buy that.
Take your fucking meds.
Except that this is exactly what the Feds did in with Waco, tell gullible press every lie imaginable to distract from them massacring entire families and children with their attention whoring ATF cocksucker gun grab. Nobody was punished and today the cunts that posed in front of kids' corpses are in leadership positions.
I'm sorry your cult got busted and you can't eat that old dudes shit anymore user, but hey you can always eat your own shit.
>but hey you can always eat your own shit
Is this a funny Thai news thread? I present to you, Cave-Chad
kinda amazed that a boring take on a sensationalized story would get so many seething.
>brown eyes
You might as well be brown at that point so they're perfect for each other.
Why is most of Asia so fucking weird?
Start shit get hit