Why are modern gamers so scared to smoke cigarettes?
Is it all the soi they've consumed making them too beta?
Why are modern gamers so scared to smoke cigarettes?
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>waste extraordinary amount of money on something with literally zero benefits and that is almost guaranteed to give you cancer
Yeah, very mature and masculine user.
My uncle is dying of lung cancer
it'll make you thinner. you also look cool while doing it.
Maybe it's the fact that you'll get lung cancer? Just a idea.
>it'll make you thinner
So will not eating like a pig and exercising, and both require zero financial investment and have no health negatives, crazy I know!
This nicotine will make you thin and make you immune to the coof. If you stop smoking you'll get obese.
this is why right wingers never get laid. Lmao
I've been trying to quit smoking for a month now. Shit's hard and I keep relapsing. Don't do it kids.
>Zero benefits
It feels good
who the fuck cares about being "cool"
are you 12
they stink 2bh
user I smoked for 14 years and I quit 2 years ago. Quit as soon as you can, all you're doing is paying some kike company to destroy your body. The buzz isnt even good and after a while it's just to get normal.
Quitting made me feel like a new person. I wasn't tired all the time, I wasn't out of breath, I was in a better mood. I now wonder how great I'd feel if I had just never smoked.
It's never too early or late to quit. Literally everyone makes fun of you for smoking btw. Makes you smell like complete shit, rots your teeth, and you look like a jackass.
I don't like lung cancer
>you also look cool while doing it.
I do not care. I already look like a fucking loser.
You only look cool if you are 8/10 handsome
>weak men and women trying to endanger people that didn't fall for this trap
>it'll give you cancer
but let me guess you drink milk without worrying...
>immune to the coof
Yeah, you'll just cough up your lungs instead.
Anons how do I quit
I’d rather spend that money on good gin for my eventual cancer rather than wasting it on ash-flavored lung cancer
I should kill myself slowly just to look cooler to people's whose names I dont know and will never see again. Great idea user.
Research has proved that smoking increases your testo levels, so there's that.
Kids today are faggots and don't like to do anything but drink water and moralfag on the internet. Simple as.
My grandfather died of lung cancer before I was born
Only if you have weak subhuman genes.
Sugar. Consume a shit load of sugar. I ate candy and started drinking soda and put on like 25 lbs in a month. Then I started running (because I actually could again) to lose the weight and I never started smoking again because I didn't want to fuck up running.
Im already addicted to preworkout
How does it feel to be lactose intolerant? Wouldn't know, don't have subhuman genetics.
Milk tastes good, unlike cigs
the fuck is wrong with milk
You just stop lmao
I love kikes!!
>dude haha the jews dont want to know cigarettes actually CURE cancer and make you look younger! Ha, who wouldve known the cigarette companies were the good guys afterall and care about your health.
Fuck you my dad had cancer spread to his brain from his lungs, not a good way to die. I know this is a bait thread but its worryingly retarded way to bait idiots
>I'm going to damage my lungs and get a physical addiction to it at the same time, because it'll make me look cooler
People that smoke cigarettes smell awful, constantly need to spit, and get angry if they can't get their fix. They're not cool, and if you think it's cool you're one of a dwindling population.
Not as good as fapping
I do not milk is bad for you.
Top Gear also showed that driving nice cars does to. T levels are basically a state of mind user
Cigars and pipes are pretty chad though.
Smoke weed.
smoking fags makes you look like a anxiety ridden pussy and smell like shit. they decrease your testosorone levels and harm your fertility.
nothing like a mid-game smoke
I wish Mads was my bf
He's probably one of those subhumans that didn't have his ancestors evolve lactose tolerance, something that is effectively exclusive to whites because asians and shitskins are majorly lactose intolerant.
smoking looks cool
simple as
I smoke too many cigarettes
Why are there fat acceptance movements and HAES shit when obesity is as harmful if not worse than smoking?
your dad was a retard faggot and smelt like shit and im glad he died in such a fitting way. smokers are pests
I don't get it
My father smoked for 40 years and then one day I noticed he wasnt smoking with his coffee when I came over and he just said "oh yeah I quit a while ago". The man literally just woke up one day and said nah. He's never relapsed either as far as I know
fucking based
Fapping on nicotine is even better. That said I hate smoking. Nasal snuff is the only acceptable tobacco.
Surely itll make all the HAG women into beautiful, healthy skinned cute adorable waifus too right?
>You also look cool while doing it
Youre going to have to try bet... fuck you got alot of replies with that one...
Doesn't that shit rot your teeth?
Your bitching ends where my freedom begins
>hurr durr I love kikes
>I fucking love onions so much
pick one niglet
That movie is about drinking, not smoking.
It's just another hypocrisy of modern media
>Ultraviolence? GOOD
>Hard drugs? GOOD
>Alcoholism? GOOD
Post someone around your level smoking and looking cool
You dont look like alain delon or mads mikkelsen. When you smoke you look like an ugly faggot same as usual and now you smell bad
Doesn't look as cool when you're receiving chemotherapy.
I smoke.
>look cool
Only attractive people do, if you're ugly as fuck like I am, it's gross.
Fuck you people didnt know any better way back then ZoomZoom
because fast food is just as, if not more addicting than smoking ever wished it could be.
I look just like Alain Delon though
>onions replaced with onions
kek jannies are properfags
Imagine actually going to the doctor lol
Kpop stans do that where they make nonsensical posts and attach them with a pic of their favorite Korean idol
I actually don't known why people pick up this habit any more except because they want to look cool like movie stars
It smells like shit to anyone who doesn't already smoke
Tried cigars, not worth wasting money and health over
Oh, my mistake
i just fap to relieve stress instead
Just making fun of kpop faggots and their faggotry
Why are anti-smokers such angry people?
>no chin
>I can drink milk tho!!!
Lmao shut up retard
Based fuck smokers
they have better lobbyists
Hard drugs and alcohol are also for faggots. Coffee and weed both in extreme moderation are all that is acceptable.
Are your /pol/ threads not getting the same traction as they used to, Philip Morris?
I actually never see cigarette smokers anymore. It seems like it's just weed now. Weed also smells like shit but at least it's not as bad for you.
Almost all males, regardless of race, are.
>no chin
It's no gigachad jaw but it's not incel either, I'm good, thanks for worrying about me though user, much appreciated and hope you too will have a wonderful day.
>we've gotten to the point of regression where smoking is now cool because "fuck the experts"
Yeah okay
Fuck this
Fuck everyone
I dont smoke but if my cancer got to the level where I had to do chemotherapy I would tell my doctor and family to go fuck themselves
>bro you have to fight just intentionally poison your body and let it slowly kill you and hope that its also killing the cancer cells faster than it kills you
how about nah
If you want to smoke you can smoke more natural stuff on a pipe for instance. Cigarettes specifically are fucked up they are designed to be as shit as possible for your body. I'm not saying smoking other stuff that's not cigarettes is healthy but it's less bad.
>smoked throughout college
>dropped it like nothing
Like, yea, i sorta get a little itch for a cig, especially if drinking, but like, idk how people get addicted to it.
Also never inside. That shit is nasty on the walls and my expensive electronics. People who smoke inside are animals.
>using real lungs for their little science experiment
We're living in the end times.
Does Yea Forums hate this movie or something? What the fuck did it even do, it's obscure as hell
what about milk scented cigs?
would you consider those?
I was very overweight, then I discovered running and eating well. I lost 8 stone in a year. I feel so much healthier and more confident. Fat acceptance is terrible, it should be shamed as much as smoking.
>all these anons defending lung cancer just because smoking looks cool
Jesus Christ you guys are fucked
>People who smoke inside are animals.
They are not, even animals know better than to shit where you eat. That makes them worse than animals.
Yea Forums loved Druk, it's just a contrarian shitpost
user just let it happen. This is unironically natural selection. Stupid people are feeling empowered for feeling stupid, this is a good thing. We need less of them. I'm honestly convinced that the actual psyop is to purposely make retards start questioning every single "expert" so that you do end up with people that take the extremes and go "Well, they were lying about this, that fucking implies literally everything they say is wrong! Fuck you jews you're not going to trick me!!" As they shovel bacon and cigarettes into their mouth.
90% anti-smoking fags ITT will die sooner than most smokers anyway.
>needing a phallic object in your mouth at all times
Nigga u gay
Anti-smokers on Yea Forums are underageb&s every time.
Fuck yeah my lungs are black and edgy while your lungs are gay ass pink and puffy
Would you get lung damage if you only smoked in moderation? I'm talking really occasionally, like one cigarette a month
People drink alcohol occasionally and still end up ok, how is smoking any different?
While I do wish the world to be cleansed of the idiots, I also don't want it to get to the point where these assholes try to take out other folks with them in their self-righteous, self-destructive bullshit.
But I digress, you are right. May as well just sit back and watch them all suffocate.
Why are they so scared of the smoker?
Alcohol doesn't have unironic rat poison and 40 other harmful chemicals in it
i want to fill them up with hellium then tie them up with a string and walk around with them like balloons just to see if anyone notices
I bet you could get more anons to smoke cigs if more video game protags and anime girls were depicted doing it. The weak minded retards on this board would eat it up.
something will eventually kill you, I would rather have it happen before I lose my faculties and independence.
That's a really cool picture you posted. You're definitely not still in highschool
the ash gets in in fans and is the most disgusting thing ever. I once opened the pc of my smoker friend and it was covered in soot
What the fuck?
It should be common sense that it fucks with your lungs!
Fuck of with your shitty bait.
>because asians and shitskins are majorly lactose intolerant.
says fucking who, I'm brown and everyone in my family can eat and drink diary products with no problems, in fact the only person I know who is lactose intolerant is white, stop pulling shit out of your ass
>Boomer tv series
Go back to the nursing home grandpa
that's dust, user. every pc looks like that if you dont clean it regularly
Even as early as 2005 nobody fucking gave a shit and it took social media and the associated stigma created by snoys to end anything that little Jimmy might stub his toe on and get addicted to. Nobody gave a fuck and if you were to pull that "MY BODY MY AIR" shit you'd get rightfully choked.
Have you ever heard of the Darwin Awards?