Damn, this game is hard

Damn, this game is hard.

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*graze noise*

Hecatia is my wife but I cannot masturbate to her until I beat extra. I'm using Reisen and still losing.
Kill me.

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You know what else is hard?

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Clownpiece's penis?

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welcome to shmups

In Marisa's mouth.

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retard you're supposed to read it from right to left like in japanese
>RiWel vercome

Just play it on easy mode.

I love Sanae!

>post artwork box art
>pornfags STILL infest the thread
there really is no surefire way to making a good touhou thread

>playing touhou games to the point you make a thread about it on a coomer board
>apparently doesn't jerk off to the porn
>surprised by all the porn

All primaries are the ones who masturbate to 2hus the most. An immense desire to rape-correct Clownpiece cannot be born without reaching 99+/99+ first.

You must be new here.

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This image every fucking time...

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Only people with extreme libido are capable of 1ccs.

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"It sure is. Here let me show you how to tame this sliding doody shooter."

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Let's see Cirnos card.

Is chicken good for you?

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Not Video Games.

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Not Video Games.

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Behold, a man.

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>fucked a poitdevice run and now I'm stuck on the part in stage 4 right before the boss with no bombs
>too stubborn to start it over
>mindbroken into thinking of Sagume first whenever I think of this game
She's got a very pretty design.

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Behold, a zoomer.

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now kiss


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Cirno sexy

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Lunarians = AI
Now it all makes sense

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I only play EoSD in my entire life


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I love toe hoes

No it's not. LoLK with Reisen (or Sanae, even) is top 3 easiest games, and you literally cannot fail in pointdevice, you'll eventually clear no matter what. I'm tired of this meme, it's fucking stupid. UFO, SA, EoSD, TD, WBaWC are all way harder

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>EoSD harder than LoLK
Yeah right. Sick b8 m8

>you literally cannot fail in pointdevice
reaching PDH with no bombs is a failure state
>UFO, EoSD, WBaWC are all way harder

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EoSD still is the game that took me the longest to 1cc and I still have a mindblock on stage 2 and 3.

>you literally cannot fail in pointdevice
reaching PDH with no bombs is a failure state
I have never once gotten there without bombs, LoLK just gives you too much resources. And if you aren't a retard, you'll know it's coming so you'll keep your last bomb no matter what.
TD, I'll give it to you, that game did not click for me at all and I found it really hard (especially the Extra, third hardest Extra in all of touhou idc what anyone thinks), but SA is the hardest game and it's not even close. Stage 3, 5, and 6 are literal hell.

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WBaWC and TD are only hard beyond Normal because they're shit games and not fun to play

TD extra sucks dick. it's not really hard, just retarded with moving bullets and few resources
as for SA being the hardest game in the series, it very well might be on Normal modo. the giganigger of Touhou difficulty is scientifically proven to be UFO fuck UFO

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Fuck you, I don't like TD as a game but it's my favorite extrra


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>westabrap cartoon

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Reisen is pretty simple to clear with. You don't even have to bother dodging a lot of her shit. Meanwhile I used Sanae afterwards and gave up around Junko's 2nd spell. The whole stage is just way too volatile in terms of what I can potentially die to that even after dozens of runs I didn't feel like I was making any progress.

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I used Sanae first, it took me around 90 tries but I didn't give up
then I tried Reisen and I beat her first try with 2 lives in stock. she's just broken

You're not alone, I'm the user here and I can say that doing the LoLK Extra with Sanae was easily the single hardest thing I've done in Touhou. It took me a month of playing every day. The worst fucking part is the beginning, you insta lose every run where you fuck up Doremy so I've restarted it again and again, and in the end I ended up being unable to do it at all no matter how easy it was. And after that come spells like the moons, Junko's spells, the annoying safespot you have to do for graze before the boss, and Hecatia is no pushover either. It was torture. I would not recommend it to anyone.

stockholm syndrome

I only did runs for a week or so, but after over 50 runs I was still occasionally dying to the "easy" shit like Doremy's first spell and Hecatia's first non, which tilted me to no end. I'll come back to it eventually when I can stomach doing runs again, for now I'll accept being filtered.

Huh, I would think having a favorite Extra alone would make for somebody's favorite game, but Extra are what I like most about Touhou so I guess I'm biased

>Doremy's first spell
if you fly up to her, you don't have to dodge half the bullets
>Hecatia's first non
yeah, fuck that shit. if I have a bomb to spare, I usually bomb it just to be safe. having to get twice the graze is also shit

You know, I was stuck on UFO Marisa A for 7 month, 7 MONTHS. I finally beat it yesterday and I feel nothing...

told you to skip UFO

I love Extras too user, what are your top 3?

For me it's Mamizou > Nue > Flan, though I don't think I've disliked a single one, they've all been fantastic. Once I get a bit better I plan to try to clear all of the Windows extras, in order, in a single sitting (and probably stream it to 0 viewers). I can't yet though, need to get better.

What difficulty? Marisa sucks in that game

Yeah, I switched to doing that after getting the same advice a while back. It is a lot easier that way but it can still get awkward to move through depending on Doremy's position relative to you.

>tfw I bought a copy of this when I was in Japan
It's my favourite game from the series.

I refuse to skip and I still have the extra stage to do on all three characters.

Normal, but I'm working my way up to Lunatic.

>all of the Windows extras
you best not skip Gengetsu and Alice just because of sigma balls

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EoSD, MoF, and SA. DDC is an honorable mention. SoEW is one I'd like to clear someday because I think Evil Eye Sigma looks cool and I'm tired of people calling SoEW a bad game