FFXIV: Day 2 of the rope

>Square Enix announces for the umpteenth time that cheating and third party tools are against ToS, and you will get banned for using them
>Acknowledges that the world first race "winners" for Dragonsong Ultimate were illegitimate for using hacked clients
>Devs acknowledge that hacks/mods/etc come about as a lack of QoL features in the game, and are going to work to rectify the situation
>Takes down the World First POV video on YouTube which had very blatant use of hacks with a copyright strike
>Has been banning multiple streamers LIVE for their use of third party tools, each being handed with 10 day suspensions.
>Rumors spreading that some of the World First winners have also been suspended
>JP communities are pushing hard for this, have been going out of their way to witch hunt streamers across the globe with mass reports
>Official Forums are applauding SE's decision
>Reddit is in full meltdown

Where do you stand on this side of MMORPG history Yea Forums?
Do you think that people should be able to use 3rd party tools to make the game easier for them while competing for top accolades/achievements?
Or do you think that the game should be a fair and even playing field across all platforms for all players, and that cheaters deserve to be banned?

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Is XIVAlexander still safe?

I literally need it to play the game at all, I have a huge delay despite being in America and logging onto Crystal.

The game has no anti-cheat.
If you use it and tell literally no-one you will be safe.
If you use it, tell everyone you use it, actively stream yourself using it - then all it takes is one person to report you and you'll be banned.

Frankly all this does is impact streamers and other content creators on the macro level. On the micro level, it only impacts retards who brag about using hacks.

Literally nothing has changed, streamer retards are getting the rope.
Use whatever you want and keep it between you and people you trust.

PvP is fun.

>Streamers being banned live on twitch
Anyone got any clips or videos of this?

Cactbot is the only real problem. UI mods to add chat bubbles or other QOL shit are just the users fixing problems because this game's tech is fucking ancient.

>Devs acknowledge that hacks/mods/etc come about as a lack of QoL features in the game
>and are going to work to rectify the situation
Yeah sure lol

Parsetrannies about to loose their $3k usd character that has over 365 days of playtime and it fucking TERRIFIES them

>JP communities are pushing hard for this, have been going out of their way to witch hunt streamers across the globe with mass reports

Their tears nourish me.

If you stream yourself cheating you deserve to be banned.

Beautiful OP post

I'm not a streamer/youtuber so I will continue to use ACT, Gshade, Textools, Anamnesis and XIVLauncher without ever being punished for it.
You can't do anything about it.

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Wow japanese fans are vocal about the new announcement and they are very happy. Theyre contented with the way streamers are being banned and the whole witch hunt. I guess they were holding out hope for a banwave route, which they got. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have the streamers publicly executed. Obviously that will happen and it shows how happy they are.

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How am i gonna get screencaps of parsetards fuming in chat now if they'll be scared?

Except people consider XIVCombo to be "Just QoL bro!" even though it's exactly the same in making sure you never make any mistakes and simplifying your role.


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If Cactbot is the only real problem then no one would be getting banned because Cactbot literally does not work for DSR yet
You probably don't know what Cactbot does

Just go to any populated center and say, "If you used addons to beat x relevant content you didn't beat the game/beat it." They'll answer you, go on try it. I dare anyone here to do it.

love it when japs sperg out

Just ban streamers, no questions asked, problem solved

>streamers banned
I see this as an absolute win!
Now excuse me but i'll go back to play FFXIV with mods
I won't be streaming it, so don't worry they won't find me

thanks user!
I don't really think the japs themselves are mass reporting gaijin streamers, they don't really give a fuck about them, but it's clearly the case for at least that one jap streamer, and others are possibly at risk, yeah.


why are PC player always so pathetic?
Im able to beat every savage on playstation without cheats in fucking partyfinder.

Reddit is looking for a boogeyman. Even if 5ch mass reported some streamers, all it takes is a single organized Discord group to do the same thing.

PC player here. I find it retarded myself. I've beat UCoB, UWU, and TEA without any plugins.
If someone cheats in an FPS, there's massive reprimands and uproar about it.
If someone does it in FFXIV? Nope.

>Devs acknowledge that hacks/mods/etc come about as a lack of QoL features in the game

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I use xivcombo because button bloat isn't going to impress women or get you laid

I enjoy the cool animations of my character while relaxing by hitting 1 three times, then hitting 2 for my spender

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only wow fags think this way because nearly all of their classes have one button fillers between dumps

Didn't read too busy dming my girlfriend while I play

>that old wow paladin forum post

What old wow paladin forum post?

They're all still safe. Tools, clients, mods, reshades, everything. The problem is, and always has been, to pretty much advertise yourself using tools which are against ToS.
The only people this recent crackdown harm are retarded streamers, which is why I'm 100% on board with it.

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I don't play FF14 and have no interest in playing it, but that sounds amazing. I hope WoW follows suit.

Jesus Christ


What do you think he thinks about what paladins are right now in WoW?

>all the raiderfags and twitchfags on a discord server are all mad as fuck at SE
>they're so livid that they are telling people not to buy the new drinking tea emote because SE doesn't deserve money for banning the people that are keeping their game alive (referring to themselves and streamers)
>post a screenshot with the new emote
>people get mad and unironically dogpile on me calling me a toxic casual even though I raid too even though I only use ACT to display numbers personally and no triggers or any of that bullshit
Every XIV related Discord I'm on has so much seething that this new emote is fucking perfect for what's going on.

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Are you really trying to spin "oh, if players find that feature useful enough to want to mod it in, maybe we should add it officially so they don't need to and console players can also use it" as a bad thing?

>devs only take action when japanese complain

>xiv trannies always have meltdowns about wow addons and call them "cheating" despite addons being fully legal and allowed
>meanwhile they literally use illegal hacks in their troonfantasy game

>tfw console player

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>datamining and showcasing objects through cheats is forbidden
Meoni and those Phooka fucks gonna get it now.

You new? Half of the problems in this game are considered not problems because the Japs don't have the problem.
See: Latency.

XIV is dead.

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People actually pay for this shit

It's one reason why we have Legends that can barely play the game. Of course these sellers themselves are using every possible cheat engine to get fast and easy kills.

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Based Pablo.

>$1000 to clear DRS

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Who's Pablo?

I'm a raidtranny by Yea Forums's standards and I hope they ban every faggot with an ACT overlay on. ACT should only be used post-run to review performance and improve for the next day or after a wipe to determine what went wrong.

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>pay a grand to not play the game you play monthly for
>for 'prestige'
Funniest fucking thing I've ever seen

Not when your static isn't full and you have to pug 2 or 3 dps and turns out they are playing like absolute mongoloid and doing less damage than the tanks and we die to enrage

An enrage wipe is still a wipe user.

I really don't get it, we had people in my clear run who died pretty much every pull
I even used Lost Sacrifice to raise one of them on Queen because they wouldn't have gotten loot otherwise

>Cactbot literally does not work for DSR yet
>You probably don't know what Cactbot does
sounds like you're the one who doesn't know, retard

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>$650 for BA
Jesus Christ do they at least carry you through eureka?

Damm, the TEA prices fell a lot. I should buy a couple.