[spoiler] Onirism [/spoiler]

The great Emerald's power allows me to feel.

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Bot thread

feet soon

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sex with Emily

You could be lewding big, thick frog thighs, but noooo, you gotta go for the 10 year old french gremlin.

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>was in Onirism thread all day yesterday
>was in Chao garden threads most of the day yesterday
Bros... would adding Chao garden make Onirism the ultimate video game?

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por que no los dos?

Try again in english.

I think adding a parry feature would improve the game play.

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You already got the dodge counter.

pourquoi pas les deux?

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>try to mod the game
>needs an account
I guess adding too much might bloat the game.

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The game is fairly bloaty with 28 GB.

to be fair, that's because it's a unity game with spaghetti code

The sheer shitposting from fags like this in the last thread was hilarious, I wonder if this one will be up to standard.

All those signs coincidentally point to a Nobeta thread. lol

Phoneposter moment. Opinion discarded.

Played the mech section in the ice area yesterday, which was cool. The boss after the mech section was kinda boring though, which got me thinking: while the average moment-to-moment gameplay has been great, none of the bosses have been good so far.

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Ullr might be a pleasant surprise for you when you reach him.

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chao garden like sim would make any game massively improved.

Ullr is a legit good boss fight, the kind that doesn't make me go "oh yeah, this isn't a japanese game".


>21 new outfits in a single update

looks like a good game let me pirate that for just a bit
don't worry if i like it i'll buy it

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>implying mega archive user isn't dead

Any website where I can pirate old builds of the game? I want to play the Christmas update from a few years ago that had snow in Chroma Falls.

There's only the first release version, and it's only 4gb. You can try steam's downgrade feature.

Reinstalled the game recently and I'm quite surprised how fast the first load time improved, before I could open the game, go take a shit and then be back to the game still loading.
It still runs like crap on my machine unfortunately.

>every player gets their own outfit

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To put into words what I dislike about the bosses so far, I think it would go like this:
>they are slow
>it can be difficult to find out how to hurt them
When you combine these two things you get an unpleasant experience. For example, Agni's weakpoint comes out for five seconds at the end of a cycle that lasts more than a minute. If you entirely don't even see it, you will have spent 4 minutes or so fighting the boss without yet finding out how to hurt it.
With Penelope, I spent a while just chucking bombs at it, trying to bucket them into the mouth, before noticing that shooting it made it flash red. Even then it takes about a minute of shooting (depending on gun) before it falls over, which can leave the player wondering if they are even doing anything against it or not. the first time she fell, I wasted all of my bombs inside of the moth and neck before realizing I had to go to the back of the throat
I feel like making these bosses vulnerable more often but giving them higher HP might fix this, because that shortens the time when the player might be confused about what to do.
With atlas, it took me a bit to realize I had to break the glass because a couple times the beam brought me inside of the leg, but outside of the glass tube, so I was very confused about what to do for about 3 minutes. Other than that, I just found atlas boring because I had to chase his big, long legs around the huge arena.
Those are just my thoughts. If you think I am a retard, that's valid.

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Will they make a Duke Nukem outfit for Carol now in celebration of the DNF leak?

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Her flat chest in his tank top would be way too much for anyone to handle.

The Metal Slug outfit was made to test the waters.

I sure hope so.
>"It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all outta gum."
>Looks at Blueberry.

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>Goblinfag can't even spoiler

I can spoiler just fine! See I'm just dumb and don't start threads often. :^(

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Where did Emily's children came from? Does she have a husband?

Spider Dad runs the brewery in Daisy's town.

very nice water

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Is this outfit unlockable in Story? I guess the same question for picrel as well.

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Tales outfits aren't available in story mode yet. They will be eventually.

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It is not.

Are we nice people?

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Add more cunny to that pic so we can make good thread.

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If Onirism and Nobeta ever get finished I'd want them to do a crossover with each other.

>3D photobashing

the nicest, yes

For you.

>that artist

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Artist recommendations? You know what I'm talking about.

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>make loli game
>put loli in name
>Why did y'all make this w-weird g-guys??
Is this confirmation he browses here?

what does it taste like?

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He's kinda of a cunt from what I heard on a Loli thread on Yea Forums apparently he deletes his older work and charges extra for it and also dmca is sites that collect hentai pics so they take them down.

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Is that a fucking nuka cola quantum?