With all this talk about the Duke Nukem leak, let’s have another vidya holy grail thread. What would YOU like to see leaked someday?
Pic related, please god someone raid Rare HQ and dump all their game prototypes
With all this talk about the Duke Nukem leak, let’s have another vidya holy grail thread...
What they had developed for the Dirty Harry, Indiana Jones, and Highlander games from 10 to 15 years a go.
I imagine it's literally nothing more than a handful of test maps, but I would love to get my hands on the E3 build of Metal Gear Rising by KJP.
God damn look at these sexy balloons I just want to collect them
i want conker 64 so bad bros
fuck that adult humor subversive mascot deconstruction bullshit
I know it's extremely unlikely, and the gigaleak had so much in it already, but there's still an ocean of juicy beta nintendo stuff just lingering in some server. I heard the autists that ran the leak were mismanaged.
Kirby GCN is the first thing I thought of off the top of my head
Whatever work was done on Silent Hills
Basically just Conker 64 and the SMW beta at this point. We got all the graphics so clearly Nintendo must have an old ROM backed up somewhere, goddammit!
sother mixty-four
sam and max: freelance police
I have no idea how far the game got or if anything is even leakable but Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 3
Conker will probably turn up someday.
Kirby 64 pre-delay back when Waddle Dee was playable is probably the thing I want to see most now. If there's a Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire with beta sprites intact that'd be cool. The gamecube Kirby, Air Ride 64, Mother 3 64 even though I don't care too much about it.
Would Nintendo have it? I thought they hated Conker
>The one mega autist who was able to datamine 20+ TB's worth of data off Ninty's servers prioritized shit like a Pokemon LGPE build a couple months before launch over content like Ura Zelda, DS Metroid Dread, and Gamecube Kirby because "I love pokemon!!!!"
I will never not be mad.
Mother 3 N64 version. Would love to know how much was done or not done depending on how late a build could be found.
What's the deal with Sam and Max?
>What's the deal with Sam and Max?
LucasArts was working on a sequel to Hit the Road, but it was cancelled in 2004 because the point and click adventure genre was pretty much dead (that, and the constant Star Wars milking at the time). The staff who worked on the game left LucasArts and opened Telltale games.
The Street Fighter 4 test with realistic proportions that was scrapped
An early version of Mega Man Legends 3
A build of NiGHTS Into Dreams before Self/Selph was removed
Sonic Synergy
The Sega CD version of Toshin Toshi Upsilon, before it was retooled into Rance 4: Legacy of the Sect
Kakuto Gemu Ryuo before it became Smash Bros. 64
some of these might've been already released, or better in their final versions, but still want to see them for the record
Sonic Xtreme - New Worlds Build
Sonic Xtreme - Project Condor Build
Pre-Fox (November/E3 or earlier) Build of Dinosaur Planet
12 Tails Conker
MGS2 - Pre 9/11 ending
Mario Sunshine Spaceworld
Mario Galaxy Gamecube Build
Starfox Arcade
Team Fortress 2 Brotherhood of Arms
Sonic Tokyo Toy Show prototype
Spore (FUCK YOU)
Pre-Jewsney Epic Mickey
Mother 64
Commodore Amiga Sonic 1
Would fallout 3 van buren count?
I know theres a demo of it out there already but still
>A build of NiGHTS Into Dreams before Self/Selph was removed
Apparently the Hidden Palace has another build in their hands according to the Datamine team, but they're still waiting on drx for answers.
Everyone will get what they want eventually. 15 years we had to wait for the GoldenEye 007 remake and we got it. 21 FUCKING YEARS we had to wait for DNF 2001 and we got it. Good things come to those who wait.
But it released on the Wii
In order of how much I care:
Metal Slug Location Test
Sonic 1 Tokyo Toy Show
Super Mario 64 Shoshinkai
Pokémon Red Green 1995 builds
Diddy Kong Racing Prototype
Super Mario Sunshine Space World build
Why did prototypes stop getting interesting mid-way through the 6th gen?
What are we missing from Sonic X-Treme? Don't we fully know how it plays now?
they already went into that direction VERY early in development. the e3 trailer you are thinking about was created ad hoc for that occasion, there's no real playable build behind it.
Project Condor Build (picrel)
And with New Worlds yes we know how it plays however none of the builds we have are close to playing properly (missing spindash, ring and enemy interaction and scripting for paths) and of course its a case of the people who have leaked stuff only ever shared compiled builds while keeping the source to themselves
>Why did prototypes stop getting interesting mid-way through the 6th gen?
Modern AAA devs take advantage of crunch time and project scheduling to make sure development involves as little concept art and beta concept as possible. They go straight to final design with no hesitation, release a lackluster teaser at E3, and then just keep working on the same thing. No more is the time of experimental game development, where each build was basically a different game. Now, once development starts, it’s straight to the finish.
I don’t care if it’s fully playable or softlocks you after 5 minutes of playtime, there’s always shit hidden in the files and out of bounds that the developers either forget about or intentionally leave out. They may be unplayable, but who says we even need to play them? File digging for cool shit is just as interesting.
I thought you were also going to mention how games are basically released unfinished and just patched later.
It was literally that one street map that was just slightly color corrected from the MGS4 map where he fights all the gekkos. Everyone who was interviewed after said as much, just go look up some of the 2010 E3 interviews for konami on various publication websites.
I'd rather have access to whatever was done of the fox engine tests after mgs5, before pachislot hell.
Oh yeah that’s true too, whoops. Both can be true I guess, sometimes they laser focus on finishing but then forget to actually playtest the damn thing
Kirby GCN
Kirby's Dream Course 64
Capcom Fighting All-Stars
DJ Hero 3D
Mega Man Universe
even thought we have enough pokemon stuff i still would like to see a very early build of r/s/e or gen5.
non pokemon i would kill for the kirbys epic yarn build pre kirby or any rare game that was axed. I have hope for the rare stuff, seeing how 3rd party leaks more.
>Pre 9/11 ending
was never implemented into the actual game iirc. kojimbo wrote it but scrapped it soon after.
There's got to be several Kirby spinoffs with pre-Kirby builds out there. In fact, one of them was officially released; Special Tee Shot, the game/full length tech demo adapted into Dream Course, was released via Satellaview.
Terraria Otherworld
LittleBigPlanet Hub
>LittleBigPlanet Hub
honestly, with how materials/stickers/costumes can be modded into prize bubbles and added into the players poppit and then get easily shared to non modded consoles via levels any LBP builds with unsed content would be great
you can't reason with autism, only dig through the destruction it wreaks
1. The E3 2001 build of Grand Theft Auto III.
2. The 1990 Tokyo Toy Show build of Sonic the Hedgehog.
3. The source code for Epic Pinball, given that it was written in pure x86 assembly language.
Doubt there was an actual game behind the short E3 gameplay showcases but a man can believe
Dinosaur Planet pre-fox literally leaked my dude we were all playing it last year
Pokemon concept art for all gens. Really interested in seeing gen 3 and 5 mostly. Also want to see the danganronpa prototype someday
user, read it again, he said Pre Fox. The build we got had Fox in it
>Dinosaur Planet pre-fox literally leaked my dude we were all playing it last year
>Fox has already replaced Sabre's gameplay and cutscene model
>Dialogue has already changed to shoehorn in starfox
>Things that worked at E3 are now broken
>Corrupted Sequence files leaving for missing chunks of the story
The Holy Grail DP build would be somewhere between E3 and I believe November is what was said by a Rare employee for what would be the most complete build before any form of starfox conversion took place
Holy Grail Trinity:
>Unicorn Fountain build
>Mother 64
>L is Real original texture
Metroid Prime 4 if there was any work already done before Retro took over and restarted development, I want to know what the fuck could have possibly happened for Nintendo to make that decision.
A HAL gigaleak would destroy the internet
>Beta Smash games
>Kirby GCN
>Mother 3 on N64
this, I'm so curious how many ideas/concepts/story plots have been shuffled around. God i wish ninty wasn't so secretive- would love a tell all about this game's development
>still no earthbound remake that swaps the graphics out for clay models sliding around a handcrafted map
I want someone to go to Sony HQ and steal the PC port of Bloodborne that they probably fucking have and refuse to even announce.
I'd kill to see what they had in store for that game, we barely have any info about it other than the E3 trailer
>Capcom Fighting All-Stars
completely forgot about that, it hurts
>he thinks it exists
Sadly the most playable build of sonic x-treme is the v53 level editor
Notice the title of the window, all of those vhs recorded previews of the game are recorded within the level editor.
The build didn't get released by jollyroger because he didn't have the source code only binaries that run on windows 9.x.
>The build didn't get released by jollyroger because he didn't have the source code only binaries that run on windows 9.x.
So he does have the binaries then?
>gta3 pre 9/11 builds
>half life 1 and 2
>zelda64 A+B and A+C builds
I would love to see some more early alpha builds of world of warcraft leak as some of the earlier builds don't even look anything like the final game.
I have a lot of rare screenshots I can share if anyone is interested.
Yes but he has decided to not release them because they apparently can't be ported to modern systems.
But really he should've just released them for preservation purposes.
share them screens
This is world of warcraft believe it or not
And this is an incredibly early build thats still heavily based in the warcraft 3 engine
This screenshot is from the wow diary book
>What would YOU like to see leaked someday?
Literally everything valve has ever worked on.
F-stop, stars of blood, Prospero, the dozen fucking iterations of HL3.
I want maps, textures, models concept art, design documents. Inject that shit into my veins Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Original design of northshire valley with very old crusty textures that would've became dated fast
I wouldn't get your hopes up for that one. chris said something on twitter a long time ago that that e3 build they showed off was basically all they had and it was a very guided experience because it was crashy as fuck
Leak that build my dude
>jollyroger is a faggot hoarder
The PSX version of Lufia: Ruins Chasers, preferably with the script intact so I can finally get some closure on who the fuck Arek was and what his plan was
Mother 64, would be neat to compare to the eventual GBA release
Whatever there is/was of the third Zelda Oracle game on GBC
Timesplitters 4
The Super Mario World build we see in magazine scans
The N64 Fire Emblem game
based Dukeanon
I'd love to see WoW's vanilla source code leaked so that private servers can cobble together a mostly-accurate recreation of patch 1.1 WoW (launch, 2004)
really want to play it just out of morbid curiosity of how terrible it was. I've read plenty about it, like how there weren't enough quests to hit 60 and you had to grind mobs from 50-51 and onward, or hunter having a 31-point talent melee ability that did 160 damage over 30 seconds at level 60, etc.
It sounds absolutely awful, but just the kind of awful that is fun to mess around with
Reminder Tyler McNigger probably still has the 2019 HL:A build
but yeah good luck with that hope Valve's cut content/beta community is full of hoarders who would much rather show off stuff they have with screenshots or videos than actually leak anything