Ff14 raiders are getting banned live on streams hours after this article went up

>ff14 raiders are getting banned live on streams hours after this article went up

should addons be allowed in MMOs?

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>should addons be allowed in MMOs?
If the game's default UI is dogshit like FFXIV then yeah addons should be allowed. Either that or they should make the UI not dogshit. Pretty simple ultimatum.


>ff14 raiders are getting banned live on streams hours after this article went up
it's only been that one jap streamer. Stop spreading lies

It's not a new rule, why would they let the big stinkin streamers flaunt it?

post yfw you aren't a raidtroon

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nah some burgercuck got pulled him raid and banned earlier too.

bagel got caught hours ago, 10 day ban live on stream

Yes, it's not a big deal for 99% of the playerbase

They ban anybody who gets mass reported.
They don't really care but if you get snitched on they gotta ban you because that's the rules.

>bagel got caught hours ago
...am I supposed to know who that is?

>stream yourself using ACT

Prove it?

I'm asking that because it would be amazing if actually happening.

>graphics shaders
>player-focused cosmetic mods (cringe until proven otherwise)
>name of current song playing by orchestration title
sure, it's not changing how you play the game or how others see you
>additional warnings and notifications beyond the base game when the game allows players to notify their party with sound effects that they are using certain abilities
>cosmetic mods for the specific purpose of making enemies easier to see/target (upscaling enemy players in PvP, even if they are lalafell)
>anything that keeps you updated on real time market prices in-game
get fucked

>me, a vanilla player that doesn't use add-ons

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How long before Xenos and Arthars gets permabanned?

>>should addons be allowed in MMOs?
See what it did to WoW
>number race loggers
>dev themselves become lazy&reliant on add-on makers to make their game properly playable
>auction house is all botting who got updated after 10 years because it became so bad for the average player

If it was a PC-only MMO, then it would be dumb to not allow addons. But the fact is that by allowing them in FFXIV, a game where a shit ton play on PS4 and PS5, you're alienating the population that literally cannot use them. If they say that add-ons are fine, what about a person that plays on PS5 that joins a raid group? The discussion ends there. This was an MMO designed for consoles, and as such, unless all players have equal access to tools regardless of their platform of choice, then those tools should officially not be allowed.

Fucking don't ask/don't tell, it's always been that way, these streamers are being retarded.

This cunt wintrades in CC could have been that


Its fucking over bagelbros...

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>use ACT to measure my own performance
>use shaders to screenshot
>not a Twitchnigger
>doesn't affect me
If you're stupid enough to break the ToS that the devs are actually serious about on stream then don't be mad when you get banned.

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why have you been pushing this retarded meme all day?


Years ago, YoshiP told you not to use 3rd party addons nicely

Everyone ignored the warning and now go pikachu face when the ToS is being enforced now

mass report any streamer you see using mods

only if you're a retard that actually watches people stream this game

i hope this game gets a private server eventually

it's literally just "don't ask, don't tell" like gay people used to operate in the military. Keep that 3rd party shit to yourself and they literally can't do anything to you

>If the game's default UI is dogshit
You can literally move the entire UI around however you want and bind nearly every option in the game to a hotkey. The UI only sucks because you failed to use the customization options.
Give me an example of good UI that meets your standards, fag.

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Only streamers people should be watching play this game is vtubers like my NijiJP oshi.

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I bet they wouldn't have done anything if they didn't try pulling this on a World's First race. It's just shameless that they couldn't play with a condom on when all the eyes are on them.

If you need third party shit to have fun then it's not even good game to begin with

Be sure to report Xenosys! Do your part to rid our game of that worthless cuck!

Why is it so hard for PC subhumans to just not cheat?

Cheaters always try to justify their cheating after getting caught lmao. You knew add ons weren’t allowed now pay the price

yeah, I mod my game
whatcha gonna do about it, nerd?

Some people forget that add-ons can never be officially allowed because they designed this game for multiple platforms, and by allowing them you'd be giving PC players a very big fucking advantage.

Only people killing themselves have to be vtuber fans like please just neck yourself

Console players aren't human and thus shouldn't be regarded

>make wow clone
>wow players use add ons
>butthurt japs ban players because a console version exists

Yeah well complain to the dev team then because they made the game for them.

>Friend has a meltie over the announcement complete with rage pinging and threatening to send screenshots of us talking about ACT and XIVAlex when we laughed at him
>Spends an hour claiming that we arent mad cause we are shit unlike him and us idiots would understand if we were on his level
>Later when no one is around he gets into a discussion about how he uses Cactibot in raid to see the mechanics early in raod
>Call him out and he blocked me

Pretty funny desu. I am technically the better player since i only use ACT, Alex and some plugin that makes the loading screens concept art. With all his crutches his parse is only 6 pts higher than mine

*reports you*

>Some retard clears the ultimate while using 3rd party addons, streams it for the world to see
>Devs bang their chest aobut banning 3rd party addons
>Devs ban a few straggling retards who are STILL streaming with addons enabled
>Players go back to not showing what addons they're using
>Everything goes back to normal, because retarded codemonkeys cant actually detect addons

This happens every time. Why would now be different?

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Savage/EX are well telegraphed and I'd argue Ultimate to an exempt since I've only made it to limit cut, if you need cactbot you're terrible at the game

Be sure to report him! And Xenosys!

yeah alright buddy, go ahead
That's Xenosys Vex by the way, make sure you get it right so I can mock you for failing

Meanwhile I'm just here torturing myself in Bozja. Finally hit rank 25, so I guess I can grab the 60/60/60 stuff through raids.
God, I hope EW's relic isn't in a separate zone. At least I'll be there at launch so I'm not afraid of certain content being dead as I try to play it.

>The UI only sucks because you failed to use the customization options.
the customization options are complete shit. for example, the only debuff indicator is a postage stamp sized square with extremely limited options for resizing. it's fucking horrible lmao.

Xenos and Arthars need mass reporting cuck 1 cuck 2.

I’ve been clearing Savage and Ultimates using nothing but default UI and without any addon or parser ever since I started playing zeev. If you really need any of those to clear content you are undeniably bad at video games.

>Give me an example of good UI that meets your standards
In WoW you can make your UI look like literally whatever you want. In FFXIV you're stuck with their god awful proprietary UI customization.

>extremely limited options for resizing
you can make them pretty fucking big
what, do you want them taking up 1/4 of the screen?

I beat Dark Souls 3 on a DDR pad. If you can't clear content with a DDR pad you're undeniably bad at video games.

Wanting to make your UI look unique and special is different from it being functionally adequate. With most games, you're stuck with whatever UI the devs decided would be best, why is FFXIV different?

Still waiting for that example

>The UI is bad because it doesn't take up the entire screen.

>you can make them pretty fucking big
No you can't, especially if you have higher resolutions. They're tiny as fuck and still just a static square. Why can't I change their shape, quantity, colors, or other visual properties?

user doesnt understand what the word proprietary means

I have literally, and I mean literally literally, never heard ANYONE complain about the UI until today
seems to me like an assmad cheater wanting to make excuses for why he needs his precious addons

>should addons be allowed in MMOs?
No. Cheaters get the rope.
Now ban the PvPers as well please.

They are everything wrong with the game. Streamers need to be purged.

>2ch/5ch gets butthurt about westerners using addons and winning races
>They're still going keep losing races even with addons out of the picture because jap teams fucking suck at DPSing in general

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>I have literally, and I mean literally literally, never heard ANYONE complain about the UI until today
Yeah, every time there's a valid criticism of the game it's the first time an FFXIV player has heard of it. They've been living in a bubble for an extremely long time.

>He uses wow as an example
>weeks after wow announced they will implement FFXIV's UI customization

I'm not sure how changing the vuln stack icon into 12 rotating flashing dragon dildos would help anyone.

Literally when I changed from WoW to FFXIV years ago, one of the things that struck me the most was how much I could modify the UI by default compared to what WoW let you do. I remember remarking to myself that "wow, you don't need addons to move hotbars around and change the size of icons and shit?"

People just got spoiled and forget what an actual restrictive, shit UI is (aka. WoW)

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>after wow announced they will implement FFXIV's UI customization
You mean they'll implement addon function that the game has had since before FFXIV existed (that FFXIV copied).

Of course you’d rather play video games looking like a fruity gigolo.

You will never be a woman.

WoW has an open api which makes it objectively less restrictive

Nah, I'm pretty sure it just has never been something people talk about until some faggot (you) decided to push it because he's scared of getting banned

This user gets it. Simple as.

Why the fuck would i want to be one? I enjoy getting muscle mass for free and not having periods.

>literally whatever you want
You mean whatever you want that modders bother to make. Modders that are working within a old janky API that require fucking console commands to changes most options are not what one calls good UI.

>Valid criticism
>"Why doesn't the game have an icon editor?"
Valid criticism would be that some of the icons are bad at communicating info.
Which they are.

People are so concerned with their parse that they install anything that helps them continue looking at their hotbar.

That's because you're autistic and struggle with the concept of others having different preferences than you. FFXIV players hate accessibility, which is odd, considering how streamlined the game is in service of accessibility.

Yes but Add-ons are not allowed in FFXIV. You're talking about players changing the UI, we're talking about the default UIs built into the game. Keep the fuck up user.

>should addons be allowed in MMOs?

Once you allow addons you lose the ability to stop people from cheating, since there's no way to distinguish between harmless 3rd party addons and literal cheats. They're all just files interfering with how the game is supposed to work and without having a real live person checking on every player (which is practially impossible) there's no way for the game to tell the difference. You can clearly see this in FFXIV where cheating and botting is everywhere and only very rarely does anyone get banned for it. The only solution is to either ban all addons entirely, or choose certain addons that actually improve the game in some way and create official versions of them.

This current situation is entirely to blame on SE setting rules and then blurring the lines by repeatedly refusing to enforce them. Even now, the current panic is about literally nothing. Two people got banned for cheating and idiot zoomers are losing their goddamn minds thinking their shitty parses are going to get them banned. SE has absolutely no intention of enforcing the no-addons rule and will only occasionally slap down a cheating streamer to keep up appearenaces.

I sincerely wish they'd finally decide to actually enforce their own rules and just blanket ban all addon users, if only to get rid of the ambiguity and get rid of all cheaters and botters in one swipe, but it's never going to happen because SE has neither the brains nor the balls to do it.

>You mean whatever you want that modders bother to make.
No, I mean like literally whatever you want. If a UI addon doesn't exist, you can make it yourself.

Yeah seriously where did the UI meme came from, I never had trouble with moving stuff around snd changing sizes to fit my taste

all play of MMOs should be outsourced to scripts and the human players should all be tortured to death.

Unironically already did, and sent SE an email as well. Not like it will do anything but I am doing my part.

They'll implement a scuffed version of it because Blizzard hasn't been competent for over half a decade and players will still use modded UI because we live in the age where some neckbeard in his basement can run circles around a multibillion dollar corporation.

WoW is built with an addon hook, it's a part of the base game to manage and activate addons
You don't get to ignore a base feature because XIV doesn't have the equivalent

>has no retort
There's accessibility and then there's looking for things to complain about. "The number of icons displayed for a status" is a ridiculous complaint.

They dont suck at DPS as much as they are more chill and dont give a shit. Ive had people have screaming fits cause the Dancer was 1GCD off buff window. Hell our parsewhore DRG GM kicked our Red Mage on a first offense fuckup because the RDM fucked up and the shit game didnt take his double weave and Embolden didnt go out. We still killed the boss and everyone got Orange/Pink parses but the DRG kicked the RDM cause he ruined his rank 1. People on EN can be the most autistic fuckers about it.

My weeb friend who plays on JP has no such stories

it's modders asshurt that SE is actually enforcing their own rules trying to find justification for why they're right.

If you have to learn how to mod a game to give it a "good UI" then it does not, in fact, have a good UI.

>Modding is some magical thing that only a select few are able to do



You mean like the guy who maintains Alexander and fixes the dogshit server communication while Squeenix refuses to do anything and then threatens western players for fixing their ping to match the japs?


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>"The number of icons displayed for a status" is a ridiculous complaint.
My complaint was that the customization options for UI elements are extremely limited. That was just one example. I'm sorry you tunnel visioned it and thought it was my argument.

This is a thinly veiled raid/dox thread. Mods, crush these posters!

>game server emulation
are there private servers? someone give me a tl:dr pls.

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what does that have to do with Blizzard

The Dragoon was completely in the right. your Red Mage player was a shitter and if he fucks up that catastrophically your much better off without him. Let him fester in LFG where the retard belongs.

By your tone you should join him for not understanding as well

The default WoW UI is objectively worse than FFXIV's highly customizable one. Mods don't count because we're talking about the base UI for these games.

I thought we were complaining about incompetent billion dollar companies

It's just cheaters coping hard since they are shitting themselves over the next ban wave.

>b-b-but I am only using gshade and whatever!
>oh this? this ACT here? no no no this is just improvements to Yoshi's shit UI, same thing!

>If you have to learn how to mod a game to give it a "good UI"
You don't, even with already existing addons you are given a significantly larger amount of customization than FFXIV's UI. Being able to dev your own addons is just another bonus on top of that.

Already miss Alphinaud's voice. 6.2 can't come quick enough.

Just people desperate to come up with reasons why they should be allowed to use cheats. I've heard the most retarded takes these last few days.
>I can't customize the UI without plugins!
>I can't see when my cooldowns are up without plugins!
>I can't see AoE attacks without plugins!
>I can't weave OGCDs without plugins!
>The game is too ugly and colorless without plugins!

>Copy an add on
>Call it content
Do wow niggers really?
Doesn't change the fact FFXIV's UI was always customizable by default, with resizing and minimalist options for everything, with the things you cannot change being specific gameplay things (all buffs are an upwards arrow, all debuff a downwards arrow, all tank emblems blue, healers green, etc)
Hell you can even change the text color of absolutely everything if you're colorblind, or autistic.

And I'm using your example as an example of a fucking ridiculous complaint. You are looking for anything to justify your argument. No one has ever looked at XIV and said "ugh, if only I could represent 2 vulnerable stacks as two separate icons."

so they are banning people now for using features the devs want to implement themselves later? fucking kek

I can't wait till they add VAC to the steam version, just to keep shitting on modders

No one calls UI options "content", retard.

Don't forget mods that basically play the game for you in raids and which get updated before the patch drops because your entire playerbase is too retarded otherwise to do the content

Fuck off xenos

>cracks open Glamor Dresser
>whip up a new outfit
>chill at the Quicksands while waiting for my DPS roulletes to pop

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>customization options are bad
Yeah I already knew FFXIV players hated customization. Do you have any arguments for why adding more options is bad, or are you going to keep asserting that your preference is the only one that matters?

Ping is a minor fucking nitpick. I lived for 2 years with a 100mbps wifi connection and never have I ever had a single fucking issue with 80+ ping even in MCH. It's a tiny issue that only parseniggers and disingenuous WoWtards who don't even play the game care about.


Raiding is the most miserable waste of time in an MMO possible.
Literally waiting for your turn on the ride to just to play the same routine of simon says.

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Blizzard devs sure do, enough to be in their announcement

That would be mods

>Darbar Fending pants won't drop

>Blizzard devs sure do
no they don't.
> enough to be in their announcement
Why would they not include major UI changes in an announcement?

It's not a minor nitpick you fucking mong. It's a notable issue for many players that some random gaijin fixed because the stupid nips can't code to save their lives
You having low standards is the issue

Let me know when Yoshi starts banning all the pvp cheaters until then the statement he made is just hot air.

Butthurt nips spread rumors that EVIL GAIJIN were using the FORBIDDEN TECHNIQUE of private servers to practice Thordan. They were so butthurt that Whitey won the race that they made this shit up out of thin air. Yoshida commented because of that.

now that we have a playerbase to ban we can now ban