>Nobody ever talks about or plays their old games.

Which is it? Do you want more Golden Axe/Shining Force/Jet Set Radio or are you a bunch of posers?

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i do want more of them but theres nothing much to talk about that hasn't already been discussed

I want more Puyo

Space Channel 5 and Skies of Arcadia.

>Do you want more Jet Set Radio
After recent news, I don't.

>actually wanting games from current year sega

To me it's
I don't want them to make more Golden Axe/Shining Force/Jet Set Radio. If possible, I want them to stop making games forever.

For what purpose do you want more Shining Force? That's a 90s franchise, at least in the west. Just let things go and look forward to other newer things.

Agreed. I don't need to see Shining Force go to high school like Valkyria Chronicles.

Of course people want more of Sega's ip's they just want ANYONE but Sega to touch them. Sega making something is like a monkey paw were you get your series but they get fucked. On the subject which series/game would you want and which studio would you want to handle it? I would love a Comix Zone made by the guys of Next Level Games or maybe a new Shining Force by Firaxis or hell IntiSystems, just anything more than a shitty mobile made by a dying company fuck you Vespa.

That already happened.
In fact, there were Shining games that were redskins of VC3.

There's a bunch of classics you fuckers never even talk about.

The Shining Force mobile remake looked good. I'd blame Sega for not giving it monetary backing in that particular case.

The Shining Force games were only very very loosely associated with each other. It's really not something that needs more games, imo. Can't you get the same fix from Fire Emblem or something similar?

>Why would you want more [good, unique game that died just as the series gained traction]?
Same reason people want new Fire Emblem games.

Shining Force was always better than FE and FE has only gotten worse over time.

Series that are thematic more than narratively linked are typically better for long term serialization.

Also Shining Force was basically Dragon Quest X Fire Emblem, it was pretty weird in design.

>Shining Force was always better than FE
Eh. 3-5 were pretty strong.
>FE only got worse with time.
9 > 8 > 7 > 6

>if you don't just play the game you've played literally 20+ times already you clearly don't want more
Are you dumb? Also almost all companies are literally entirely incapable of making a new entry for an old franchise without just completely fucking it up at every single turn anyway

As others have said I too would love to see more of their older IPs. But the problem is I'm pretty sure the people who made those IPs great are no longer with the company or are too spread out to return. So likely any game made will frankly not even capture the same feel.

Its a shame, cause so many games would be amazing to see these days, but they're not seen as 'profitable' enough to make newo nes.

I play their old games almost daily.
I'd kill for a Golden Axe/Alien Storm game to be given the SoR 4 treatment.

A Shinobi 2DHD collection a la Sonic Mania would be amazing. They could even include content from games like GG Shinobi.

Yeah user, you've definitely cleared out Sega's back catalog.

Came here to post this

That would be sick. I'd want to see Alex Kidd's Shinobi World in there too. I'm still assault that the dumbasses who licensed Alex out from Sega picked his worst game to remaster.

i want more tony taka kino.

I'll kick your ass you son of a bitch.

Not quite. Its hard to really pin down, but while the gameplay is similar there is a lil bit of nuance differences. The story and setting of the Force series I feel is also a little more fantastical than Emblem on average, with a lot more fantasy races in it. I enjoy both personally, but I'd kill to see a new game in the line of Force.

Which is somewhat odd, considering the races were all created through science and technology of the Ancients in Shining Force 1, but I don't think it was ever referenced again, even though they all play out in the same world.

I like Shining Force.
I like Shinobi.
I like Golden Axe.
But most of all..... FUCKING PLEASE MAKE OUTRUN 3
Or at least re-release OutRun 2 as a remaster or something.

Attached: outrun2_space_shuttle.webm (854x480, 2.99M)

That smells like a Resurrection of Dark Dragon addition/retcon. I don't like it.

Supposedly that game has the better translation.

How many people here played that 360/PS3 Golden Axe game? That Beast Rider one. Kinda wanna try it but no PS3/Xbox ;_;
Also I wanna add that 'Golden Axe' is such a cool title for a video game. Shame that series never took off beyond the 90s.

Attached: golden_axe.jpg (1920x1080, 337.46K)

stay filtered, nostalgiatroon.

Feather and EXA were based.
Tony Taka curses every game he touches.

I don't recall seeing that bit at all. I know some of the tech is ancients, but thats bout it. But its also been literal decades since I played.

No, that's a thing from the start. You had ADAM in SF1, Ancients were first introduced in SitD, their tech was showcased via items like the Forbidden Box which opens fucking black holes.

Shining was always Ye Olde Future.

Wasn't it really only the first one and SitD that had it, though. 2 suddenly had gods.

i like pretty much any shining game from shining soul on (except for the ones that aren't in english). it's a shame feather didn't get a western release or even a translation patch, it looks like such a neat take on trpgs and it has nice spritework.

the problem is their "classic franchises" are pretty much all arcade games and you can't release this type of games for the retarded modern audience they'd cry about the games being too short, too hard or too expensive

It definitely had better translation in the parts that were carried over from the original, but it also had various additions written in without supervision from the loremaster/world-builder Takahashi.

I'd love a new Golden Axe or Altered Beast.

Yeah, imagine releasing a NiGHTS type of game in 2022. People would call it a rip-off and a money-grubbing tactic since that game is 'superficially' very light in content.

I love Golden Axe but I never got the appeal of Altered Beast. Never liked that game, back then when I first played nor now when I replay it. But Golden Axe? Yes please.

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beast rider was... special. i wouldnt suggest going out of your way to play it because it was too difficult. but they did nail that style though. all the names in that series was awesome as well. AX BATTLER. TYRIS FLARE. GILIUS THUNDERHEAD. DEATH ADDER. like my god that just oozed that good sword and sorcery vibe. maybe some nerds will get together and make another series that good.

How would you do a Golden Axe thing in 2022
Maybe like a Platinum-style action game? Can people handle '80s muscleman homoeroticism and bikini fighters?

Altered Beast was a complete shit quarter muncher, it was just a "free" launch game for Genesis so it was really common.

>Can people handle '80s muscleman homoeroticism and bikini fighters?
People and gamers in general can handle it. But twitter will throw a fit.
>Platinum-style action game
Ehh? I feel like a different style would be more suited. What exactly, I don't know. But not Platinum-style.

Yeah, but that said, I'm open to people reimagining Altered Beast for a new generation. The concept itself has potential, ya know, turning into various animals and beasts to fight bosses.

Attached: altered_beast.jpg (469x700, 118.42K)

Who else is doing over the top cheese fun action games that aren't bogged down with RPG shit

they just have to price them reasonably. nobody in their right mind would pay full price for a new fantasy zone or wonder boy, but as a budget $20 title, they'd get some takers.
also, a number of sega's classic IPs are racing games and that genre is more wide open than it's been in a while, with gran turismo's sporadic release schedule and aggressive monetization alienating fans and forza becoming a low-effort copy-paste job like fifa. sega actually did revive daytona with a new game a few years ago, but it flew under the radar due to being arcade exclusive (though you can emulate it on teknoparrot if you have a strong enough pc).

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It had gods but it never really got rid of the "old tech" angle. You can see this persist through Camelot's later games. It's even a major plot point in SF3 and Golden Sun.

i just wanted an after burner climax pc release but since that isn't likely to happen i took matters into my own hands

Attached: yes i died almost immediately after taking this screenshot.jpg (1920x1080, 1011.72K)

Feather has a patch that translates menus. It's rough, but it's enough to get you through the game. I had a good time with it, easily the best post-Camelot Shining. Very similar to SRW UF.

That game still looks so good.
I remember Climax being on Sega Forever on mobile but I can't find it now. Maybe it's been removed?

Except Takahashi only co-wrote Shining in the Darkness/Force 1, none of it contradicts anything and, to be fucking honest, the Takahashis are awful writers.


Alternatively, give me Dynamite Headdy 2.

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You got Dynamite Headdy for the Master System.

>Got Tempo 2 AND 3

Is the Shining Force series really that good? The games looked like average SRPGs to me. I think I'm just going to try one of them.

They're FUN. Remember FUN?
People tend to recommend SF2 the most for newcomers, though I can neither agree nor disagree since it's been ages since I last played SF2.

>Sega are interested in turned Jet Set Radio and Crazy Tazi into Fortnite style BR GaaS
You know, maybe I don't want Sega reviving anything.
If this was an alternate universe where Sega is competent, I'd like to see a 3D Ristar, Comix Zone could be a fun project for Dotemu, expanding heavily on the original game.