Why do we praise this hack again?

Why do we praise this hack again?

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I never praised him. His good games were the work of Konami having him on a shorter leash. He made shit games and caused Konami to exit gaming after having given him more freedom.

this shit happens with everything and everyone

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>user doesn't know the difference between an homage, being inspired by and straight up plagiarism

News at 11 retard OP.

He's always had freedom in all of the games he's made though. MGSV is when Konami locked Kojima in a room for 12 hours a day working on MGSV.

>this shit happens with everything and everyone
Seems like it just happens with the Japanese. And that's no shock to anyone who is familiar with their media. The entire nation is virtually completely devoid of any creativity.

You know what they say about great artists

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No. But I do know what hacks say to delude themselves into believing they aren't hacks.

Innovation is fueled by the ideas and discoveries of others. Expanding on prior work is how we progress creatively and technologically. If Notch was inspired by Infiniminer and produced a new creative work, that is how things are supposed to work.

>sEemS liKe It jUsT hApPenS wiTh ThE JaPaNeSe

inbred faggots like you should be put to the wall as soon as you start your mindless dribble about arts

Because he has made many of the greatest video games in the history of vidya.

"I'm just going to do the same thing that other guy already did" is not innovation. It's not inspiration. It's plagiarism.

By your logic I guess Sonic plagiarized Mario then.

Being inspired by art of others is the main driving force behind art. Nothing exists in a vacuum. Your memories and impressions fuel your fantasies and ambitions and true talent is above the fear of being similar to something. You could say it's an aspect of perpetuation of memes.

No. Because Sonic is patently not a direct copy of Mario. Not only does it look completely different but it plays completely different. It even has different themes. Kojima literally just repackages what he consumes with no alterations whatsoever. Snatcher, for example, is literally nothing more than two Phillip K Dick stories rolled into one. Kojima's sole "innovation" was to add a pedobait character who is irrelevant to the story but you do get to see underage titties.

>No. Because Sonic is patently not a direct copy of Mario.
Great. So Someone like Hideo Kojima did the exact same thing you described. Just like Sonic, the MGS games borrowed inspiration, never plagiarism. Know the difference.

>Mario jumps and collects coins
>Sonic jumps and collects rings
Well would you look at that. Sonic just shamelessly repackaged Mario's gameplay.

>never plagiarism
Wrong. Your problem is you don't read books so you're unfamiliar with the things Kojima directly lifts from.

Cope weeb

I dont. But thanks for assuming I did. It keeps me up at night

It doesn't matter I've looked up stuff my favorite artists grew inspiration from and I can tell the difference from straight up plagiarism to drawing inspiration. But you don't know the difference.

Hideo Kojima's popularity peaked in the 2000's and the 2010's. If people knew he plagiarized other peoples work it would have surfaced. But not even a credible source to show real plagiarism has never appeared on the Internet. Even if it did I don't see any real traction from a credible source either. You're grasping at straws and it's sad that your trivial assumptions about Hideo Kojima will never come to fruition.

You can cope and say his writing is shit but you will never claim to say he actually plagiarized anyone. Not now, nor ever.

Because he makes good games. My favorite game is Dustforce and if it turned the characters were traced from 80s movies that wouldn't alter my opinion of it at all.

>If people knew he plagiarized other peoples work it would have surfaced
It has. Many times. Kojima doesn't even pretend he doesn't steal. He's always talking about the things he rips off. Because he's Japanese he doesn't think it's bad to steal. Plagiarism doesn't have the stigma in Japan it does in the west. They're just like the Chinese. It's why industrial espionage is significantly more widespread in Japan than it is in the west. They just don't have any shame over it.

Post a credible source that actually gained traction. Because you know that anyone who plagiarized they would be demonized. He's not invincible. He's vulnerable like anyone else who plagiarizes other peoples work.

You offer zero evidence.

>credible source
Oh, fuck off. Nobody has done a peer reviewed study on why Kojima is a hack for obvious reasons.

>for obvious reasons.
what reasons?

>peer reviewed study
Oh please. Journalists don't need to do a "peer reviewed study" all it takes is a mob of purple haired Twitter trannies to complain about someone like Hideo Kojima. All it takes is some Retardera trannies to complain too. Try again retard.

Nobody "credible" cares about him. I know you fanboys think Kojima is like the greatest modern philosopher that "literally predicted the future" but the academics go to the people Kojima ripped off, not Kojima. They praise people like Phillip K Dick and Neal Stephenson and so on. The people Kojima was plagiarizing. Kojima is a big fish in a very, very, very small pond. The gaming industry is not exactly awash with artistic and visionary geniuses. That's why Kojima is flourishing here but his attempts to get into other industries have gone nowhere. They all see him for what he is; a hack.

Post the evidence that he plagiarized. You offer no evidence to back up your claim.

he's literally best buds with Nicolas Refn and GDT, cope fag

The evidence is being well read and there's no point trying to present that to a Kojima fanboy.

>The people Kojima was
>The evidence is being well read
shows how well read you are lmfao

>he's literally best buds with Nicolas Refn
Who cares? Idiots think Nicolas Winding Refn is brilliant when really it's people like the directors of photography he hires that are brilliant. Amongst actual directors Nicolas Winding Refn is not held in high regard. It's not surprise Kojima and him are friends because they're both pseudo-intellectual outcasts that love the smell of their own farts. Nobody is interesting in their little circle jerks so all they have is each other.

People like you are the worst. You say No, then hold up an example that is just like what you’re talking against but you’re to dumb/blind to see it. It would be a waste of time engaging with you beyond pointing this out.

He wears his influences on his sleeve

Back when Kojima was making shit like Metal Gear and Snatcher only a handful of people had seen the movies he was ripping off so nobody knew he was copying everything wholesale.

>nooo Refn doesn't count, here is some shit i've made up to discredit his work with no sources whatsoever
kojima haters are actual children

We accept your concession.

So no evidence? Ok.

Berserk is also inspired by stuff like Conan and Elric.

>kino inspires drawn kino
just as it should be

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>Nobody is interesting in their
>literal retard calling other people "pseudo-intellectual"

Are you really not aware the brief love affair with Nicolas Winding Refn is well and truly over? Nobody cares about him or his films anymore. He's largely considered an insufferable arrogant prick that makes bad films now. This is why he's hanging around Kojima so much. He's the only one still praising him. Don't you think he'd rather hang out with his peers and not some loser that makes video games if he could?

OP Policenauts is literally just Lethal Weapon set in space, this shit isn't new.

his games were remembered because they're good. konami churned out a bunch of stuff and his games stuck. because he knew what he was doing you retard.

give me one (1) source for your claims

He's working in TV now. TV is where film makers go when their career is dying, not succeeding. People are over his style now and considering he's all style and no substance no one cares about him anymore.

Name five games that take no inspiration from anything that existed before them.

Because his games USED to be fun.

No one is criticizing inspiration. They're criticizing plagiarism. There's a difference.

>implying Berserk didn't create it's own tropes, like protagonists using impractical swords and the good guy dressing like the bad guy/vice versa

>career is dying
please post proof instead of sharing your personal observation
>They're criticizing plagiarism
don't pretend that you are not a single obsessed faggot spazzing about kojima lol

>good guy dressing like the bad guy/vice versa
that's devilman influence, berserk is heavily inspired by devilman


Wow I played the game and watched Blade Runner and never noticed, I am so angry at this, how dare Ridley Scott copy a distinguished auteur such as Kojima.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

By the way you know that new game Vampire Survivors people love so much? Did you know it copies a game series called ''Castlevania''? Never heard about that series but a youtuber pointed it out and it made me so mad. I hope the people who made that get brought to justice.

>TV is where film makers go when their career is dying
Have you been living under a rock for the past decade? Film directors work on TV all the time now and get budgets that are on par with movies.

Except Tarantino doesn't run around pretending to be a modern philosopher lecturing people and he doesn't have people sucking his dick under the pretense he is that. He's very honest about the fact that a) he steals from the films he likes and b) it's just about having fun and you shouldn't take it seriously.

There's a difference between competition and lifting shit from old/unrelated sources to sell as your own, Sonic did plagiarize Mario on a conceptual level, but on an art level it changed enough to not be considered plagiarism because otherwise it wouldn't be able to compete, unlike e.g. The Great Giana Sisters which are full on plagiarism.

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>Except Tarantino doesn't run around pretending to be a modern philosopher lecturing people
Who exactly does do that?


Provide evidence.

I like snatcher because it's a dumb mashup of blade runner/ terminator and invasion of the body snatchers. Sure it rips visual and even some story elements from those works but it's still very much its own thing.