Always bet on Duke!
Always bet on Duke!
Other urls found in this thread:
original thread with download links see picrel for setting up the game
if you get a black screen, close it and reopen. restart PC if you keep getting black screen.
if you get a white screen, let it be. it can take a good 5 minutes to load the very first time, it'll look like it's frozen but it's not.
if you want fullscreen, start the game, press F12 for command console, type "setres 2560x1440" or whatever, then add the game's exe to borderless gaming. it may freeze up the first time, just force close and restart, it'll work afterward.
Stop spamming this faggoty shit. You're worse than the eld*n ri*ng shills.
Amazing bait, but consider suicide. Reported!
>first they got Elden MOGGED
>now this
lmao GEARBOX can't stop getting fucked in the ass lately
also previous thread was if you wanna scroll through for info
also also here's some cheats:
summon (item name here)
map (map name here)
>one new thread when previous one hits bump limit
>worse than elden ring's 10-20 threads at a time
shut the fuck up, bitch.
I wonder who could be behind this post...
not exactly sure why duke was tiny and inside a cd reader. was this map even shown on the e3 intro?
based baiting user to keep the thread bumped, genius
have a (you), this one's on me lad