With the cancellation of DOA7 does this mean SC7 is also dead forever?
With the cancellation of DOA7 does this mean SC7 is also dead forever?
Other urls found in this thread:
>cancellation of DOA7
>Koei cancelled their game so Bandai must as well
Soul Calibur actually has support in the fighting scene, and SCVI sold 2 million copies at the end of its run. Dead or Alive 6 was a failure due struggling with trying to appeal the scene and tertiary fans that only faps at the girls, in the end it never had it’s total sales figures revealed, lost support after just year in the market.
In short, Soul Calibur has more life in it than DOA has right now; although DOA fans that just cares about the girls still have their simulation game, the fighting series may die and that will take its place.
based american
Brain rotten coomers often compare Soul Calibur with Dead or Alive due the girls being available in whatever SFM porn they masturbate to, but they forget SC as a franchise is more stable and success than DOA ever was, SC actually has a solid image as a fighting game, it just so happens to have hot girls, DOA on the other hand doesn’t hold the same prestige, people only look at it as the "porn fighting game", the small glimmer of hope DOA being seen seriously was way back in the DOA3 days but after DOA5 it really stuck as a sexy game only.
No because Soul Calibur, despite not being as famous anymore as Tekken or Street Fighter, was never as underwhelming and just an unshameful coomer game as DOA was. It always had a lot more things going on for it than T&A. Nobody knows or cares about DOA's "literal who"s male characters.
That's why the franchise has been debased into yet another gacha.
It also helped that during the heyday of Wokism back in the 10's, SC didn't cuck to the Western demands like DOA did and even made the sexiest versions of its female characters thus far. You would have expected DOA to be the first to stand its ground, but they bought into the FGC meme.
>does this mean SC7 is also dead forever?
Did you buy the season passes? Okubo left or was demoted or w/e but that doesn't mean the series is dead. Harada said he wants competition.
>Dead or Alive 6 was a failure due struggling with trying to appeal the scene
Weird way of typing "sjws" but okay, i'll take it because pretentious twitch streamers/youtubers/wannabe pro gaymers aren't far off due to their pusillanimity.
SC6 was unapologetic and surprise surprise it sold rather well, compared to DoA6 anyway. If there's anything devs have to learn about making games is to not give a fuck about "the scene" or whatever clickbait desperate urinalists write or
>SC actually has a solid image as a fighting game
>DOA on the other hand doesn’t hold the same prestige, people only look at it as the "porn fighting game"
like this cretin here think, triggered harder than a pink haired fugly gender studies major bitching about fantasy objectification holocaust. Weak shit.
fake twitter acc
>SC6 was unapologetic and surprise surprise it sold rather well, compared to DoA6 anyway
DOAfag so delusional he seriously thinks SC6 sold well because it was "unapologetic" about its sexiness, Soul Calibur V which was slightly less so actually sold more than VI and V was absolutely hated; Soul Calibur is unquestionably a brand bigger than sexy girls, meanwhile when DOA at the top of it’s popularity and when sex appeal was not an issue never had a single game sell more than 1.5 million copies.
Is it too hard for you to accept Dead or Alive was never a stable franchise?
>he doesn't know
Who's gonna tell OP?
Bitch, I know you are mad that Dead or Alive got killed by SJWs, but even suggesting Soul Calibur is doing well because it didn’t cave in is some pretentious babble, Soul Calibur being actually respected as a fighting game beyond just having Ivy’s tits is a hard fact, something that Dead or Alive unfortunately does not have.
CaS ruined Soulcalibur desu. I hate going online and running into awful waifus, edgy donut steels and stale meme characters.
Goddamn I like Nightmare.
>Dead or Alive was never a stable franchise
It was so unstable during 5, yes. Let's pretend that you're not eating shit, and coming from 5 they decided to "stabilize" it by removing. . sex appeal?because a few circlejerkers online used the franchise as a target for their leftwing politics?
SC6's female characters orgasm when they get KO'ed and you're telling me that DoA6 is the less "respected" game? who the fuck cares about "respected"? the fucking arrogance of some cunts here. You're nobody. Nobody cares about what you respect or not. The leftwing cretins wrote articles about DoA for over 10 years because they wanted to get laid and when that failed they cut off their testicles and tried becoming women themselves, looking at Jim Sterling here who was a great "games journalist" on a great crusade against fucking pixel breasts.
You're expecting people to take you seriously here? Are you for fucking real?
>but even suggesting Soul Calibur is doing well because it didn’t cave in is some pretentious babble
Dude, if you think the SoulCalibur IP was successful because it's got a big dude with an axe or some BDSM gimp who thrusts his pelvis at the sky you're fucking bananas. Get lost.
Pick very fucking related you bunch of clowns. Jesus Christ where did your balls go?
Yep, delusional ass blasted DOAfag confirmed, to think the fighting series that defined 3D weapon combat, became one of most revered Dreamcast titles ever made, pioneered guest character hype, owes its fame mostly sex appeal is astonishing.
Nightmare reminds me of a more freaky-looking Arthas/Lich King for some reason. Doesn't help that Siegfried, who mantles him, looks just like Arthas as a paladin.
Why is everyone in this thread so mad?
DOAfags seething because their titty fighter is dead
Dude just accept reality, Soul Calibur girls are hot and they give you plenty of fap fodder, but Soul Calibur reached stardom for a myriad of factors related to actual fighting mechanics, the girls are just a plus, a very welcome plus mind you but that’s it.
I'm sad everyone from small influencers to big media shat on DOA6 for it's OPTIONAL COSMETIC DLCs while every other game was selling you vital mechanical stuff (characters and DLC) but then DOA6 added paid DLC characters as well
Because this is Yea Forums and nobody can be reasonable here
Retarded 09r zoomer that completely ignores Itagaki DoA era
Better watch out, doafags are hijacking threads for their generals now, happened to nioh and ninja gaiden and now just ninja girls. SC threads are probably next. You are gonna get forced out of your own threads.
Launching a full price title and immediately announcing 3 $90 season passes full of costumes is pretty ridiculous for a franchise with as little goodwill left as DOA.
because people are stupid. first of all doa is not dead and second of all why on earth would we celebrate it. tekken being the only viable 3D fighter right now is bad. and having less 3D series is also bad
but then they shriek about f2p stuff for a month because their favourite eceleb said so. fgc people are absolute morons
>no I MUST buy the season pass of optional cosmetic DLC you don't understand
I hate consumers
I hate consumers
I hate consumers
Why would they even make a DOA7 if they can milk the gacha? I doubt it was ever even in development
Did a Nioh fag hurt your feelings fromfaggot? You still have your 20 elden ring safe space threads to go back to
>missing the point
DOA is barely even a fighting franchise anymore, the devs know their "fans" would rather just jack off to the girls in skimpy costumes and announcing an extensive costume DLC roadmap at launch really shows that.
No one buys DOA for the gameplay, turning it into a gacha was the logical next step.
I mean it is a pretty fun fighting game. Sexy girls are obviously the main appeal but just that wouldn't be enough if the gameplay sucks
DoA7 will never happen cause they took the gacha pill. Secondaries who don't play fighting games (99% of DoA fans) love it.
SC7, who knows but these fucks haven't even teased Tekken 8 so it'll be a long long way away.
google it
he just locked his account
The gacha proves you wrong because it has no gameplay and is still absolutely raking in cash.
reminds me of that time in 2019 when tecmo tried to market doa 6 being a more censored and "professional" fighting game trying to get that sweet evo spot only for under night to take the last one.
it was definitely a kick in the balls
>joined april 2022
Has DoA ever been at Evo though? I know SC has, but DoA has never had the same prestige.
I feel very sorry for DOA.I always found it most enjoyable when it was being silly and having a laugh rather than taking itself seriously.I hope that DOA makes a come back in the future when things are calm im sure it could do reasonably well.
I do not want to see the people that hate it for the crime of sexy characters gloat over it.Espically people like Jim sterling who used to call it the "creepy plastic doll game"...made more funny now that he himself wears a cheap plastic woman's wig.
the subhuman Shimbori who ran the game series into the ground left Tecmo and the retards that are left in that clown circus don't know what to do without their alpha cock anymore.
This company is such a fucking disgrace and should have died with cookieface man leaving.
Dude is fake
you're not really making a point here, DOA itself was originally a fighting game franchise and marketed as such. If the fighting portion sucked ass it never would have gained popularity, obviously if they make a gacha that solely focused on the girls and unlocking various sexy outfits with continuous updates people would jump on that too, like any other gacha ever made. or do you think fate stay night only gained popularity because of sex appeal?
>Alpha cock
Dude, Koei-Tecmo doesn't hire alphas to run Team Ninja anymore. Shimbori did what the suits above him told him to do, nothing more. They won't accept a team lead who takes the initiative like Itagaki did. When DOA6 failed after he was unable to complete the impossible task of convincing the West that DOA was woke while reassuring the Japanese that it was still business as usual, he took the blame and fell on his sword so his bosses could save face.
It was one of the first games to experiment with jiggle physics, for fuck's sake. They were going after the coomer audience from the very start.
Never but it was an interesting year for tecmo because they tried to rebrand doa and their biggest mistake was leaving out the old fanbase.
SC will always be a solid fighter and have no problem in getting into evo and even as tekkenfag, SC does a superior job at bringing in newcomers and casuals while keeping the dedicated players happy
Yeah but the games wouldn't have taken off if jiggle physics were all they had going for them. That other user makes a good comparison to F/SN in how the coom added to the appeal. The only difference is F/SN managed to branch out into a full fledged series due to the strength of its narrative whereas DoA couldn't stand alone on its coom.
Basically this. Soul Calibur had the better designs/lore/gameplay, and while I've enjoyed DOAs up to 5, it's been sad to see its decline under Hayashi (a bit like Ninja Gaiden)
>fate stay night only gained popularity because of sex appeal?
Yes bro
all fighting games are like that
>DOA at the top of it’s popularity and when sex appeal was not an issue never had a single game sell more than 1.5 million copies.
That's the Itagaki era, illiterate dimwit.
nah. most started with graphics so bad that you couldn't even actually see stuff
Fate Stay Night was multimedia franchise with several anime and video games after sex scenes were eliminated from ports of the original VN, and years before Grand Order even happened. GO gacha going after sex appeal is a plus on top of a very established franchise.
>You're nobody. Nobody cares about what you respect or not.
He is likely a part of the demographics that DoA was hoping to capture, and your two sentences wouldn't look out of place in some pronoun fag's angry tweet.
fucking schizo thread
FSN was always shit. I have no idea how it got popular considering how pretentious and terrible the writing is.
Why aren't more characters in games good looking like that?
Fuck this puritan timeline
Aside from being a more respected franchise, SC was smarter about managing the woke crowd. When the SJWs were screeching about sexualizing women, they countered with Misturugi in a fundoshi. The people who normally would try to cancel them for sex appeal were then drowned out by curious gamers thinking of the character customization options. This should be a good lesson to other devs. Don't censor away sexy girls. Just market them with a side of beefcake instead.
>start your thread with a picture of DOA sluts
>complain when DOA sluts continue to be posted
What a shitty fucking threat.
Jap fighting game devs WILL always put oversexualized girls in their game, and they will push it as hard as their ethic department allows them to.
You think coming up to a normalfag with footage of R. Mika, Taki or Tina would lead to them to autisticly hyper-analyze which of these characters is slightly more oversexualized than the other?
C'mon bro.
DOA6 failed because Koei Tecmo are a bunch of retards that tried to be "le esports friendly" on the outside while still having the spicy outfits as alt costumes.
Nobody knew what the fuck they were trying to do in the time before the release of DOA6. Pair that with shitty netcode and dumb fucking "balance patches" and you have a dead game.
>SC6 steam sale
>thread on Yea Forums
ok cool
Still pricey for game + season passes 1&2 (is that even all content?)