Really bad drift after using it for only 6 months.
Even the DS4 wasn't that bad.
Dualsense is bad
clean it, slob.
Don't buy this peace of shit
If a piece of tech has issues after 6 days, anyone but a complete retard would know it's probably an early production problem some units might've suffered from and that it's most likely already been fixed. RMA it.
had the same issues with my $8 noname gamepads
glad to see industry keeps up the standard!
Guess what ? Thid drifting piece of shit is the so called """revised""" model.
don't have that issue and I've been using it since launch every day
Already did twice and it didn't change shit.
Even updated it and somehow made things worse.
Sony, not even once.
not like the ps4 controller is much better
i got a new one like 1-2 years ago after the old one had drift issues and it started drifting so i banged the stick with a hammer gently and it kind of fixed it
had exact same experience but with xbone
modern controllers are all trash, better just get chinese copycats because its all the same except you pay like 1/6 of official brand price
>All control knob controllers (switch, PS5, etc.) having the same issue
Who produces the hardware for this shit?
Then either you're amazingly unlucky, lying or purposefully doing something to fuck with it. If they broke that quickly on a large scale, there's already be class action lawsuits against sony.
There's a fuckton of people having drift issues with the dualsense.
That's what you get for playing weebshit
>this raging sony pony
your game company of choice is capable of making bad hardware choices, sorry to break the news in public
All games should have deadzone setting for pads.
It uses the same sticks as DS4 and Xbox. This is a user problem. Stop being an ape.
Then this would have happened with all my previous controller yet it didn't. Explain that.
Has nothing to do with deadzones. Your deadzones could be perfect and drift will still fuck shit up because it's literally a mechanical issue.
try spraying some contact cleaner on it
That fixed my Switch pro controller quickly
There already is a suit
Well, didn't know that. I concede my point. Dualsense is complete shit.
Try blowing your fucking brains out, you faggot nigger
stop lying retard
Deadzones help with light drift. PS5 version of Genshin has like none and it's really noticeable, even the stick springing back into default will cause your character to turn.
I too remember when cursing like a boomer was considered cool.
You stupid fucking neophyte.
It has lots to do with deadzone. In 98% of the games my analog stick works fine but it sometimes drifted in Code Vein.
Fuck off saucy.
Had mine for a year with no problem. Take better care of your shit
>Nigger whiping out the $2 words
Go fuck yourself Saucy, stop ruining threads with your presence
The Dualsense is the worst controller ever. Ive never had drifting issues with controllers even ones prone to it like the Joycons and the Xbox One controllers, but ive had two Dualsense controllers start drifting on me now.
a company called ALPS
No wonder they're shit since they wear off fucking fast. Better buya controller that doesn't use these retarded sticks.
Actually it's the exact same as the DS4 and the late gen DS3 and the Xbox controllers since 360 i think. They all use the exact same potentiometer from ALPS Alpine but with different proprietary bases. This analog stick costs cents to make and i shit you not is only rated for a couple of months of moderate gaming use worth of revolutions before it's deemed acceptable that it starts to fail just as you see in OP. Not only that but the QA is so lax that it often does not even meet that goal.
It's not user error. No, you can't clean it. No, you can't avoid it. You also can't replace it to 100% functionality as you have to deal with out of spec chink copies on the major sites, the same issues with quality on the official supplier sites and then it's a lottery without calibration software. The internet is filled with "solutions" to this problem and they are all lies and misinformation being parroted by retards. It's 100% an issue on the manufator side.
If gaming journalism was not a den of faggotry this would be a huge scandal. As far as i know only one article was written about this, quickly forgotten when the next piece of social justice controversy popped it's head.
>buys trash from a garbage company
>surprised when the product is trash
Do you want sympathy now, is that it?
fuck off input lag schizo
>ps5 controller
there's your problem, this thing was a pile of shit from the start
Should've bought an xbox series x controller :) works on my machine
works on my machine
All gaypads are absolute cancer. The tiny stick still don't have a frictionless sensors in 2022. Imagine STILL not being able to make a magnetic sensor, truly a lost ancient technology. Fucking consoleniggers will defend this.
It's a shame that the controller is fantastic but it's built to fucking break several months later. The sticks are shit and the microusb port is made of tin
What's funny? It's fucking sad that absolutely incompetent plebs still buy this shit.
Its a DS4 with (another) gimmick. I prefer the PS layout over the xbox for PC but intensely wish they'd sell a cheaper version without the stupid touchbar or the stupid waggle or the stupid triggers or the stupid flashlight on the back.
I actually like the rumble, shape, and trigger shit. I_ think as a controller it's really good. problem is the quality of the materials used to fucking make essential parts of it, and the cost itself.
Fucking $70 for this thing.
I bought a few Microsoft xbone controllers for my pc and they do almost the same shit right out of the box. Fuck em. My switch pro remote works better than that faulty tech.
Nobody likes you ya shit eating groid
What's sad is that the cheap ass rock candy Xbox remotes I had never had a single problem and I went through 3 of them. (rage quits they're broken now). Wish I still had a few of them.
I've gone through 6 DS4s and I'm already on my second deulsense. fucking kill me.
The usb port on the duelsense is starting to die, too.
This things kick ass on pc. Im pretty sure they make Playstation models too
That sucks. You should try a 3rd party
ps4 was just as bad.
nothing beats 360 controller. mine has been covered for decade in shit it still works perfectly.
thats not why drift happens nigger, its cheap parts.
find me a controller with the shit the duelsense can do that isn't 32bdo shit.
I have a 360 pad that I use just in case the PS4 one doesn't work.
I don't think I can
my xbox one s controller still works and i bought it in like 2020, been using it for everything.
Yeah dude the 360 pads are probably the best controllers ever made unlike the broken ass console it came with
yeah this, it works out the box too plug play(detected as xbox controller lmao because xinput built in)
it do. nioh, sekiro, ds3 have very small deadzones so its immediately noticeable there.
360"s too, no way. I have decade old controllers and drift hasn't been on thing on them. 3 ps4 controllers and each one had drift that appeared within first few years.
I like using the DS4 for PC games. The youtube video on fixing the stick drift does work, and I was able to give a five year old controller another two years. The R1 finally gave out, but the stick was still good.
>bought a 360 controller back in 2011
>still works flawlessly
>bought a switch
>started drifting after 5 months, sold the console immediately
>bought a ps4
>controller's right stick started missing inputs after ~2 years of use
why can't they make good controllers anymore
>used to have a PS4 controller for FFXIV
>holding right trigger started making the stick drift
weird thing, that
The design flaw where they accidentally put the left stick in the wrong place ruins 360 controller though. Even if it lasts a long time its unusable since every copy shipped with this mistake.
Holy fuck the amount of snoys protecting their corporation lmao