2 hours and 30 minutes until new monsters are introduced
Get hyped
Monster Hunter
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Do you think we're getting 2 final bosses again like Narwa and Ibushi?
>Risefags actually excited for this garbage
They should have just keep updating World
GU is on sale on the e-shop! It's 12 bucks!
Hope lagi is back
Worldsperm newfags have no voice and should shut their whore mouth up.
I straight up thought that was a photo of a nebula from the thumbnail. Is that thing gonna be in rise? Because it looks sick
GU is shit to play on the switch.
Pir8 and emul8 instead.
Works too, I just want people to experience GU.
World is literally the only good Monster Hunter game. Your series was hopelessly irrelevant until otherwise and the fact they're going back to shit no one cared about is a crime
Before the reveal, who is
Holy cope!
Piss off newfag, your opinion is not welcome!
>not world 2
zero (0) hype
>Is that thing gonna be in rise?
It's deviant(apex) version of owl enemy. Logically yeah, he should be in, because he fits theme well
Normal version if lands hit on you reverses your controls, deviant version turns invisible
Surely they won't leave Tetranodon as the only amphibian
Oh right, which rise monsters outside of monkey are more likely to get variants/subspecies?
Tetranodon and bird?
Enjoy your dead franchise I guess? No one plays your shitty little game, everyone's still playing World
Gorefag here, my canister of copium is ready
They won’t reveal him here, they’re saving it for later
>updating dead game
just announce World 2 already
Itchy Nose here with some leaks.
Lavasioth will be the last monster for Sunbreak.
Thank you.
I feel like they would already have shown them so i think it's gonna be goss, almudron, rakna and maybe somnacanth.
And magnamalo of course, but that one migth be saved as a surprise like ruiner nergigante was.
lmao, do you think I need other players? nice maximum cope.
It will be you seething about grapics not me
They enjoyed before you came retard
I like your attitude
>dracula (Malzeno)
>Frankenstein (Garangolm)
>werewolf in london (lunagaron)
>The black cat
>the raven
>Bride of frankenstein
>Creature from black lagoon (probably ceantuar),
>The Mummy
>son of dracula
>bride of frankenstein
>phantom of the opera
>The deadly mantis
>The Birds
>The thing
>Hellboy II the golden army.
I doubt it
>ruiner nergigante
>there was never an AT on par with the original
>it was just velkhana, which is super easy (if super fun with IG)
All of them except for Great Izuchi and Ibushi/Narwa
GU is my favorite in the franchise. But it does suck to play if you’re just using the regular stick joycons. But, if you get pic related, it makes all the difference in the world.
I like GU
Boomers deserve the rope for continuing to hold back actually good games from continuing to be made
Forgot to add pic
I've played the original game, MHFU, Tri, World, and Rise. They were all fun games, stop being retarded about it.
mald more, zoomershitter
T-minus 1 hour until Apex Tigrex reveal
>bride of frankenstein
Garangolm goatfucker confirmed
Yeah nah World was the only reason anyone cared about this franchise and now the retards want to tank it back to irrelevance by not making World 2
>Yeah nah World was the only reason anyone cared about this franchise
couldn't be more wrong, shitter.
You are free to overcope though.
Not sure if I want molten tigrex or grimclaw one more
On the one hand molten is harder, on the other tremor spam is just more interesting to deal with because unlike blast it's rare
Hopefully there is a demo
Any weapon buffs/changes you would like to see?
>demo for an expansion
You retards only lash out because you know I'm right. You can tell by the player counts too
Another ls counter
GL shelling nerf
That would be neat, some of the updates might be available for the base game though.
They made a demo for Iceborne so why not?
gaming was better when there were less people playing video games, monster hunter was better when there were less people playing, normalfags invariably ruin everything, go eat at mcdonalds
LS gets a counter for when you have the weapon sheathed.
GL shelling now has has a small chance of killing the player
GS rebalancing similar to what IB did, nerf TCS somewhat and buff the other two stages.
>Literally zero arguments
God I can't wait to see Rise continue to flop. Actual money sink
The other two stages are already more powerful than they were in IB, how much more do you want them to do?
>God I can't wait to see Rise continue to flop
>insists it's a flop
>in a game that doesn't require more than 1 person
you are a certified mongoloid
>What is financial flops
yes I too want my supposed favorite game to kill my company
lmao you idiots are fucking retards
sorry user sometimes people (like you) are just too dumb to understand the arguments, it's ok
Enough so that TCS isn't always the huge bulk of the damage.
Damage means shit when monsters have so much HP so it's balanced around that.
I'd call you a worldbab, but even iceborne had a demo? Have you just never played monster hunter?
will Uragaan's unbeaten appearance streak finally end at Sunbreak?
Iceborne had a game-changing gimmick though. Doesn't look like Sunbreak introduces anything new that's going to fuck the flow of all hunts in the game.
>yes I too want my supposed favorite game to kill my company
>lmao you idiots are fucking retards
The main market is Japan you double mongoloid, western sales mean jack shit to them.
showing off a new map and some monsters is plenty
all the previous games did it
I wouldn't be so sure. I'm certain they have so crazy shit in store for us.
im guessing it will have a new set of switch skills for each weapon
Too bad Rise flopped in chinkland too huh
you have shown me compelling proof
God I hope so.
>baiting this hard
Here, have a (you). I mean you could also play a game instead of making a complete retard out of yourself on Yea Forums.
I absolutely hate both it and barroth, so hopefully.
Yup, just like World flopped in Japan aswell...
>Still coping and shitting yourselves over the truth
>Get hyped
Call me when they make World 2. Until then I sleep.
I like Barroth.
This, I think people forget just how little every G rank version other than Iceborne actually added.
Usually we just get 1 new map, some subspecies, 4-5 returning monsters, a new flagship and a new final boss and that's it
I find it weird Barroth is even in Rise, I like it but they showed it for like 3 seconds in two random clips before the game came out and that was it. From what I remember every other monster except the final bosses and Bazelgeuse were at least highlighted a bit.
why? the only redeeming quality was it's wall status in Tri. The gear and the fight is all mediocre.
>no proof
>n-no you!
I accept your concession, I will be enjoying my new kino while you seethe impotently online.
Not him, but I think rise fixed his fight a bit. Especially compared to his gen/world self
He even gave me my first cart because I relaxed too much
Sounds lame enough to be legit
ah yes 8+ million sales on a side project for handheld, what a travesty!!!!!!!!
I mean your franchise is already dead in the water thanks to ditching it's only claim to fame so really I'm laughing my ass off over every dumbass in this thread
Cuz I started with Tri.
I will never forgive Ichinose for the rape of Hunting Horn in Rise
I thought guiding lands was fucking awful but if they add it to rise it'll be great and absolutely classickino