Play League of Legends
Play League of Legends
are you faggot?
I don't play faggot games like league of legends so no
Is that a QoS tatoo?
Post vex
i hate cosplayers so much it's unreal
which league girl should i jerk off to
Character designs are so fucking good but I'm not touching MOBA garbage. I'm going to wait for the fighting game.
Die, pedo freaks.
She's over the age of 20 in the game, retard.
>but she's not fat
My body fat % is 6%, so what?
I need some arguments
Mobile legends is better. Yes, better than the desktop version of LoL. No I will not elaborate.
When the player base stops being a bunch of autistic retarded children I'll play again.
>My body fat % is 6%, so what?
no it isn't, 6% is bodybuilding stage lean
unless you have striated glutes you're not 6%
E-girls everywhere fear the cat
Rengarbros what we at
My fetish is to get fucked by zac when his slimy cock is inside my ass he just increased his dick size and stretch my ass
What do you like about this game?
I don't get it.
No because League hasn't been good in a long time
I love her freckles
ffcking joker looking bitch ahahahah
Play Legends of Runeterra
no thanks
how'd that rpg turn out though?
Does wild rift count?
Already do.
Riot nerfed my mains so why go back?
i know you took this pic from leddit
reposting something backwards isnt good user
imagine being this retarded
incentivize me as to why i should keep playing this horse shit in the year 2022/why i shouldn't uninstall this hunk of junk already
I wish they would revert the buff so everyone stops picking and banning him. Give me back my niche and unpopular pick REEEEEEEEEE
I fucking hate ASSFAGGOTS.
Based Vex enjoyer.
Even among the lowest Iron IV I've never seen anyone play like this.
I always feel like MOBAs would be most at home with a more traditional 3rd person perspective.
I know that they originate from RTS but since you're only controlling a single character in mobas, the controls should've adapted.
It's unfixable now and the playerbase would never switch over but I think games like smite improved on the controls a lot. Too bad it fell off so hard.
>that sion nerf
im good
>Based Vex enjoyer.
You take it in the ASS
In Vex' ass*
my vife
You still need to have a general look at what's happening around you, and not just in front of you like a 3rd person perspective would be. The RTS view is still the best for this.
there is a girl at work that keeps inviting me to her house because she needs help putting a lux cosplay together, but I hate league
i want to have sex with Zoe.
I used to play Heroes of Newerth, is that what's considered a "good" LoL play? Why would that other retard walk into the enemy tower, with a full creep wave on him, slower movespeed, and with Vex at enough mana to cast spells. That's the kind of shit I would do in HoN if I was trying to derank, and even then I'd be risking a ban.
>is that what's considered a "good" LoL play?
No it's a silver 4 play but I was happy about it.
not enough + they have to nerf ornn too
no bro, you're GAY
that hecarim is borderline retarded and you shouldn't have wasted flash as you were already in turret range, given that your opponent was disconnected and dead and you're playing immobile mage vs a katarina out of all things last thing you wanna do is dump flash, also if you kept walking you'd have reached tower with no issues
learn summ management
pretty sure she's my vife tho
Why? I can jerk off to League characters without playing it. Then there's also some decent stuff from the world of Runeterra outside of League like Arcane or The Ruined King. I'm also somewhat looking forward Riot's MMO. I'm not gonna play LoL.
>you shouldn't have wasted flash as you were already in turret range
If he didn't use flash he would've survived but not killed the Hecarim. Heca went out of the turret range right after the first shot, and Vex W+Q wasn't enough to kill him.
>vs a katarina out of all things
Katarina is one of the best matchups for Vex early and once she snowballs she becomes really hard to deal with.
user, its ok officer she's a yordle. she's legal. i swear
Don't care, I still want to fuck this gloomy yordle. Shadow can help me double team her too.
i want to fuck vex in her fat depressed goth ass and cum deep inside
You know what’s she’s built for, don’t you Yea Forums?
I don't know, what is she built for user? It must be big, if you're keeping it so secret
for BFC (Big French Cocks)
Big Demacian Cock